Time is running short To download the podcast, right mouse click here (duration 38:19) -Did the injections contain something that severs a person’s desire to
Author: Stone
Game theory at its finest Note to reader: Donald Trump serves a vital function for the Democrats and their supporters. He allows previously unpalatable objectives
Mr. Stone… Previously you concluded as follows: “The timeline of these last days are laid out like a road map on the breakfast table, and
What are your arguments for this opinion? Others come close, but don’t make that declaration, especially with a countdown clock that puts its end about
Note to reader: the US governing authorities are keeping its population in the dark as the timeline to the force majeure moves forward. This will
This isn’t 1980; that ship has sailed A pending Communist junta takeover in the United States that is spooking investors, a stupid Fed that pretends
Note to reader: the electorial landscape has changed drastically since Biden dropped out of the presidential election race and Donald Trump is quickly losing his
So it’s down to Trump and Harris. Because we all knew Biden was set to exit the stage. Would it be fair to suggest that
M2 is rising again, and even at 5%, cash is looking like trash As confidence in the currencies and the governments they represent continues to
Note to reader: the mainstream business outlets, as illustrated in the following Bloomberg article, are quietly telegraphing to investors the sobering reality of where the