What do the institutional investors of Pfizer know?

What’s going on with the shares of Pfizer?

The people have never been sicker, yet Pfizer’s shares are tanking

Take a look at the 5-year stock price chart of Pfizer PFE. Its share price has definitely fallen below any type of support. I cannot believe that price is below $28, especially when virtually all the other major pharmaceutical firms are trading near their all time highs. This price level harkens back to a decade ago, and before.

This pharmaceutical ETF weights its holdings by market capitalization of the underlying firms. Despite holding PFE stock in its portfolio, IHE is trading near its ATH

Why would a company that generated at least $10 billion in profit two years ago be collapsing? I submit to you that there are a growing number of large investors who are getting out, because they know something’s coming. Be careful buying PFE for its dividend yield, too. I submit it’s a mirage. PFE’s dividend payout is as certain as T’s dividend was three years ago.

That’s institutional selling and many of these institutions know the word on the street. Pfizer is a wounded animal and needs cash.It’s even selling off its New Jersey real estate.

But why?

The word on the street is that Pfizer’s Covid-19 mRNA injections are not only a fraud, but will end up shortening the lives of many people with debilitating diseases and chronic conditions.

Here’s an article from Benzinga discussing the first of many lawsuits to come. (Please note that the Federal vaccine exemptions do not cover fraudulent claims, active misrepresentation, and willful concealment of facts).

The state of Kansas has reportedly filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc. (NYSE:PFE), accusing the company of violating consumer protection laws related to its COVID-19 vaccine.

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach argues that Pfizer marketed the vaccine as “safe” despite allegedly knowing it was linked to serious adverse events.

Citing the 69-page lawsuit submitted to the District Court of Thomas County, Fox Business highlights that Pfizer misled the public by claiming its COVID-19 vaccine was safe and effective.

The suit contends that the company was aware of significant safety risks, such as myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths, yet chose to conceal this information.

Despite knowing the vaccine’s efficacy waned over time and that it did not protect against COVID-19 variants, Pfizer allegedly hid this critical effectiveness information from the public.

Kobach’s suit asserts that Pfizer’s actions and statements about its COVID-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act.

According to the lawsuit, the company’s misrepresentations helped it achieve record revenues of approximately $75 billion in two years.

The suit highlights that over 3.3 million Pfizer vaccine doses were administered in Kansas as of February 7, 2024, accounting for more than 60% of all doses in the state.

Furthermore, the lawsuit accuses Pfizer of using various methods to conceal vaccine safety and effectiveness data. These include confidentiality agreements, extended timelines, and the destruction of the control group from its vaccine trials, making it difficult to compare the vaccine’s safety and efficacy against unvaccinated individuals.

Additionally, Kobach alleges that Pfizer maintained a separate adverse events database that contained more comprehensive data than the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

This database purportedly included spontaneous reports to Pfizer, health authority reports, medical literature cases, and data from Pfizer-sponsored programs.

Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Claims Under Lens, Faces Lawsuit From Kansas For Alleged Misleading Claims

1:13 PM EDT, June 17, 2024 (Benzinga Newswire)

Of course, naive and unwashed investors will chalk it up to accidents and errors in judgment, but we know there are no errors with this one and the people have been purposely poisoned in perpetuity.

I specifically warned investors to stay away from PFE almost a year ago when the stock was trading around 30. I warned investors that the dividend yield was a mirage and that PFE would begin to lose more money. Essentially, Pfizer is paying out its dividend with cash on hand and not from profit. The longer that Pfizer has to engage in court battles, the more money it will lose as the spotlight will be focused on its management.

Indeed, as the people continue to get sicker and drop dead, the word is getting out and governments around the world will demand answers.

The pale horse has left the stables and Pfizer’s stock price is reflecting this.

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11 thoughts on “What do the institutional investors of Pfizer know?

  1. Natural News is putting out more scare crap. This time, it’s all about the construction of re-education camps within the borders of the United states.

    I know this for a fact, the United States is already one huge reeducation camp.

    It’s a re-education camp that has told us;

    •Socialism and its resulting fiscal deficit spending are desirable for the advancement of society
    •Voters have been engineered to look to the government for answers to everything. This is especially true with regards to the colored people with lower intellectual capacities.
    •People have turned inwards and are self-indulgent and egosyntonic.
    •blacks founded the United States.
    •European caucasians and its legacy mindset are the huge stumbling block to moving forward.
    •It’s a re-education camp in the sense that we’ve been told that the Federal Reserve is there for our well-being.
    •We’ve been reeducated to believe that cultural Marxism is the way to go.
    •we’ve been told to believe that all the races are same and that they have the same level of intellectual capacities.
    •We’ve been re-educated to conflate Schofield Christianity with Buddhism. Pauline followers are functional Buddhists and pose absolutely no problem to the established order. Those who emphasize Paul are the Laodiceans and are actually kind of retarded. The Old Testament is a very difficult book to understand if one doesn’t have the introspection of the holy Ghost, and it’s much easier for these cognitively dulled Christians to believe that it’s been done away with.
    •We’ve been reeducated to believe that sex is now gender.

    Scaredy pants Mike Adams should be told that there’s no need to set up re-education camps. He’s only regurgitating what’s been established by the CIA and DARPA as a demoralization tactic.

    Social media and the mainstream and alt-news platforms have already served this vital function for the rulers of the established order. Everyday is reeducation for the multicultural retarded livestock of the United States.

    1. Mike Adams and Natural News proudly receive the kosher seal of approval. But then again, so do today’s followers who emphasize Pauline Christianity. All receive the kosher seal of approval. That’s because the Jews are God’s chosen.🕎🕎🕎🔯🔯🔯

      1. I contemplated your last few blog posts, including the topics of ongoing psy-ops using Delphi techniques and the Pfizer lawsuit, and now Mike Adams. I had some thoughts, and wondered about your thoughts here.

        Pfizer has been sued multiple times in the past for wrongdoing. They pay out, but continue functioning year after year. Nothing will ever happen to them around the COVID vax, because there is no justice in this country and because they are a SOS operative, having subcontracted with the military (not the FDA) to create a bioweapon. There will be no accountability. This lawsuit, IMO, is merely part of the Delphi technique you write of, a distraction to stall people from taking any other action, and con them into thinking something will actually change.

        Mike Adams and Alex Jones are controlled opposition, or conservative cons. I have to ask: why are they, as major talking heads, highlighting the horrors of the vaccines NOW, when they were rolled out 3 years ago, and we had enough evidence then to know they were potentially deadly and debilitating for the 80% of the population that took them. I suffered through much of a show by Alex Jones after reading your post about the Pfizer lawsuit he also mentions. You know that the powers- that- be must have given him the go-ahead to drill down on how horrible these injections have been. He interviews health care workers, and if you can stand Jones’ vocal fry, it might be worth listening to them.

        I also stumbled upon a hard – hitting video of someone who is a synthetic biologist (Sabrina Wallace) who is critical of CIA operatives Jones and Adams, because they do not speak of the elephant in the room: Klaus Schwab’s wet dream (to have us all merge the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that will “fundamentally transform” humankind). I believe these vaccines were one vector to do that, as are chemtrail nanotech, 5G, graphene, and other toxins. I posted that esoteric video below, not as an endorsement, but for your consideration, because nobody else is really talking about it. I believe that the upcoming digital prison involving AI will be linked somehow to this nanotech inside us. It’s probably all part of the bigger mark of the beast to be. So perhaps this presenter is right, that we are getting diverted from that AI reality by focusing on the obvious: the vaccines kill and disable.

        Alex Jones on InfoWars on Pfizer lawsuit and speaking with Harry Fisher, EMT and other healthcare providers re: covid vax atrocities

        Sabrina Wallace on synthetic biology in telecommunications (biohacking), Body Area Networks, lawsuits to pacify and control, controlled opp

        The Quash with Legalman on the upcoming digital prison, the collapse continuing, and fake money system

        1. There’s obviously things going wrong with PFE and that’s reflected in the share price. Pfizer doesn’t have to pay anything out, and that’s not the gist of this article. But what shareholders should be concerned about is the potential legal ramifications and resulting public relations nightmare that will continue to build. Pfizer is definitely having issues with profitability and it has clawed back much of the revenue and profit because of the injections and the lack of anticipated demand.

          I think most people here are missing the point. It’s not the amount of money that Pfizer will or won’t have to lay out because of lawsuits, the problem runs much deeper and the circumstances are slowly emerging that PFE actively and purposely misrepresented and concealed information and data. The longer these situations drag on in the legal system, the worse Pfizer is going to look. Perhaps the whole stack of Pfizer vaccines will then be put into question unless people will be taking them in the future.

          I’m already observing this with the fact that Merck has leapfrogged Pfizer with a more viable pneumococcal flu vaccine candidate. This is Pfizer’s strong suit and Pfizer is now flat-footed having to prove its efficacy on all its products in the wake of covid. I’m not here to discuss whether or not Pfizer is going to pay out, because the effects are already being felt within Pfizer itself. It’s a wounded animal, because that’s what the share price is indicating. All I have to do is look at the chart.

          People can say whatever they want about my theories, but all I have to do is look at the share price for determination and it does not look good. If we have a bad stock market correction will PFE go down to 16 to $18 a share? There is a tremendous opportunity cost by holding Pfizer right now and we are in the biggest bull market in history. Pfizer’s peers are trading at all time highs and they all moved up in tandem with the stock market indexes while Pfizer has been in the dumps. Say what you will, but holding Pfizer comes at a steep price. There is a tremendous opportunity cost by emphasizing holdings of PFE.

          I’m not making this into a false dichotomy and debating whether PFE is a good investment or not. The chart is telling me it’s a piece of garbage right now and this is in the biggest bull market in history. If we’re concerned about a stock market crash, I would not be wanting to hold Pfizer. There are so many other better drug companies out there that are better managed with better products and better marketing.

    2. I understand Mark, Luke, John, Matthew, and Acts in the New Testament as clear as day. Jesus Christ sermons are meant for the average person to understand because Jesus wanted to get to their level. I also understand all of the Old Testament as clear as day.

      However , when I get to Apostle Paul’s sermons in Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, etc I have to read it several times and contemplate it to really get what he is saying. Revelations is clear as day too. Apostle Paul is the most difficult part to understand of the Bible.

  2. What an awful bunch of data points this morning. This is very bullish for the asset owners and stocks…. Housing starts a huge swing and miss! The entire housing market data dump was horrible (great for existing homeowners and SFR investors). Current account was a big disappointment, too, and all dollar bearish. Philly Fed prices paid was higher than expected.

    Housing Starts (MoM) (May)
    Act: -5.5% Cons: 0.7% Prev: 4.1%

    Housing Starts (May)
    Act: 1.277M Cons: 1.370M Prev: 1.352M

    Building Permits (May)
    Act: 1.386M Cons: 1.450M Prev: 1.440M

    Building Permits (MoM) (May)
    Act: -3.8% Cons: 0.7% Prev: -3.0%

    Continuing Jobless Claims
    Act: 1,828K Cons: 1,810K Prev: 1,813K

    Current Account (Q1)
    Act: -237.6B Cons: -207.0B Prev: -221.8B

    Initial Jobless Claims
    Act: 238K Cons: 235K Prev: 243K

    Jobless Claims 4-Week Avg.
    Act: 232.75K Cons: Prev: 227.25K

    Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (Jun)
    Act: 1.3 Cons: 4.8 Prev: 4.5

    Philly Fed Business Conditions (Jun)
    Act: 13.8 Cons: Prev: 32.4

    Philly Fed CAPEX Index (Jun)
    Act: 12.10 Cons: Prev: 20.10

    Philly Fed Employment (Jun)
    Act: -2.5 Cons: Prev: -7.9

    Philly Fed New Orders (Jun)
    Act: -2.2 Cons: Prev: -7.9

    Philly Fed Prices Paid (Jun)
    Act: 22.50 Cons: Prev: 18.70

  3. Your insight is priceless. After reading this article, I would also stay away from other vaccine makers like Modrna . They will suffer the same fate as Pfizer.

  4. Treasuries a Whisker Away From Erasing 2024 Losses on Rates Bets

    (Bloomberg) — US Treasuries are on the brink of breaking even during a roller coaster first half of the year.

    A Bloomberg gauge of returns in the world’s biggest bond market is now down just 0.1% for 2024, after having lost as much as 3.4% for the year in April. At the heart of the rebound are investor bets that cooling US prices will convince the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates sooner and by more than officials have signaled, effectively putting a lid on how high Treasury yields can climb.

    “We’ve seen the peak in yields,” said Stephen Miller, four-decade market veteran and investment strategist at GSFM in Sydney. “Bonds are now back as having a deserved place in a multi-asset portfolio.”

    Treasuries have been whipsawed this year, with policy-sensitive two-year yields surging above 5% in April as fears over higher-for-longer US rates spurred investors to dump bonds. They have since dropped back to around 4.70% as inflation-to-retail-sales data suggested the world’s biggest economy may finally be cooling enough to warrant lower borrowing costs.

    Traders are positioning for the Fed to push through about two-quarter point cuts this year, with the first move fully priced in for November, based on swaps. That’s despite the fact a number of Fed officials on Tuesday said they needed more evidence that prices were easing before cutting rates.

    Fed Governor Adriana Kugler said it will likely be appropriate for the central bank to reduce rates “sometime later this year” if economic conditions unfold as anticipated. St. Louis Fed President Alberto Musalem said in his first major policy speech that it could take “quarters” for the data to support a cut.

    Lower Volatility

    Rachana Mehta sees the Treasury 10-year yield in a broad range of about 4.2% to 4.5% with movements toward the top of that a good window to buy.

    “The volatility we saw in the past, hopefully it has died down given the recent US data,” said Mehta, co-head of regional fixed income at Maybank Asset Management, speaking in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “You can continue to be long duration at about 4.4% to 4.5% in 10-year Treasuries.”

    Volatility in the $27 trillion Treasury market has fallen from its recent highs as the views of the Fed and investors over the number of rate cuts expected this year have begun to coalesce. The ICE BofA MOVE Index — a gauge of bond volatility that tracks anticipated swings in US yields based on options — is hovering at about 98, down from an April high of 121.

    “The key thing here is that that spread between market expectations and what the Fed is pricing has narrowed,” said Desmond Fu, a portfolio manager at Western Asset Management in Singapore. “That reduces volatility.”

    Not everyone sees upside for Treasuries. Strategists at Barclays Plc earlier this month recommended switching back to shorting the 10-year note as they wager on a rebound in US economic activity following back-to-back weaker-than-expected data prints.

    Core PCE

    Swaps traders meanwhile see a more than 60% chance the Fed may cut rates as early as September.

    The market is now keenly focused on the June 28 release of the central bank’s preferred inflation gauge, predicted to show a “very subdued” pace of price pressures in May, according to Padhraic Garvey, head of global debt and rates strategy at ING Financial Markets.

    The personal consumption expenditure core price index will fall to an annualized pace of 2.6% in May, according to the median estimate of economists surveyed by Bloomberg. That would be the lowest since 2021.

    “That will harden the build of a rate-cut discount for September,” New York-based Garvey wrote in a note with his colleagues. “We continue to eye 4% as a viable target” for the 10-year Treasury yield, he said.

  5. Multicolored Marxism comes at a steep price. Happy Juneteenth! The “petrodollar” is already collapsing. A house I just closed on for $337k now has $400k comps. Debt to the Penny shows another HUGE jump in federal government debt to $34.750 trillion. We need more BLM-inspired rioting. Let’s give the schvartzes another foolish sounding holiday. I need my property prices to increase….

    2024 federal budget deficit projection rises to nearly $2 trillion

    In a new projection from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the federal budget deficit – the gap between government revenue vs. spending – will be $1.9 trillion for the 2024 fiscal year.

    The deficit forecast is $400 billion higher than the CBO’s last estimate in February, an increase of 27%. The CBO cites a handful of reasons, including recent legislation to provide $95 billion of aid to Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific region, which Congress passed in April after months of delay, increasing Medicaid spending and $70 billion attributed to the 2023 bank failures because of a slower-than-expected recovery of payments by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

    But one of the chief reasons for the projection increase was President Joe Biden’s student loan policies, including cancelling loans, adjusting loan balances and implementing a new repayment plan that offers more subsidies to borrowers. The policies have added $145 billion to the deficit, the CBO said.

    Biden has so far cancelled $167 billion in loans for 4.75 million borrowers, with a plan on the way to increase that reach to nearly 30 million borrowers in total. The debt relief has mostly focused on people who were already enrolled in repayment plans that pledged eventual debt forgiveness, like income-driven repayment plans that offer relief after 20-25 years of payment, or the public service loan forgiveness program which offers relief after 10 years. Both programs were poorly coordinated and often left people unable to access their debt relief at the end of their payment plans. About $119 billion of the total debt relief has so far targeted those two programs. The administration has made the case that the debt relief could boost short-term consumer spending and have positive effects on borrowers’ homeownership and entrepreneurship capabilities, but critics have raised concerns about the cost to the federal government.

    The few months, including higher interest rates – which make it more expensive for the government to pay its debt.

    And there’s a looming 2024 election issue at play, too: The continuing impact of the 2017 Trump tax cut legislation, which has added trillions to the deficit. If former president Trump wins office, he says he will extend the legislation, which the CBO predicted could end up costing about $5 trillion over 10 years.

    “After the prior administration added $8 trillion to the debt, new CBO numbers show that the Trump tax windfalls for billionaires and corporations continue to come at the expense of the American people by driving up deficits,” Andrew Bates, White House spokesperson, said in a statement.

    “Republican officials are already plotting to grow the deficit even more in 2025 with tax handouts to the corporations who are keeping prices high even as inflation falls,” Bates said.

    Total U.S. national debt is on track to top $56 trillion by 2034, the CBO said.

    For deficit hawks, the latest increase is yet another warning that the nation’s debt requires congressional reform.

    “With debt growing out of control, we need leadership now more than ever. This should be domestic issue number one in the presidential campaign. It’s time for Presidents Biden and Trump to put forward plans to fix our debt. And it’s long past time for Congress to act,” Maya MacGuineas, president of the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, said in a statement.

  6. Juneteenth bullshit means the markets are closed. Here’s Bloomberg’s European wrap….

    Good morning. British inflation fell back to the Bank of England’s 2% target for the first time in almost three years. Federal Reserve officials urge patience on interest rate cuts, while French sovereign yields may still be too low to entice investors. And Nvidia is now the world’s biggest company. Here’s what people are talking about.

    Inflation cools
    UK inflation fell back to the BOE’s 2% target for the first time in almost three years — a milestone that likely comes too late to improve the political fortunes of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak before the looming election. In the meantime, households in the country are at risk of an “inflationary sting” if the natural gas market tightens, as traders rush to replace stockpiles before winter, according to energy consultant LCP Delta.

    Fed chorus
    Over in the US, a chorus of Fed officials including Governor Adriana Kugler and St. Louis Fed President Alberto Musalem emphasized the need for more evidence of cooling inflation before lowering interest rates. In contrast, traders are piling into bets for a surge in US Treasuries, re-entering a bullish trade they’d fled in the runup to last week’s CPI data and Fed decision. And in Japan, Norinchukin Bank plans to sell roughly 10 trillion yen ($63 billion) in US and European sovereign bonds to stem losses from wrong-way bets on interest rates.

    French bonds
    When it comes to the French bond market, bargain hunters are nowhere to be seen. Funds including Candriam and BlueBay Asset Management are steering clear of the securities, saying they remain vulnerable to further losses should Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party win upcoming elections. Attention on Wednesday will turn to whether the European Commission is going to reprimand France for not keeping a lid on spending — a move that risks ratcheting up tension with Brussels and denting market sentiment.

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