Understanding eschatology; is America in Bible prophecy?

The world will get much worse before it gets better, but it will get much better when Jesus Christ returns after the tribulations.


The 13 stars and stripes of America

The construction and engineering of the New World Order leading up to the Great Reset has been an ongoing process for generations. The power of the United States imputed to it was not given out of goodness of its people, but rather based on a deathbed promise given by Jacob to his son, Joseph.

Unfortunately, the power of these Israelite people no longer comprise the vast majority. The synagogue of Satan banking cartel have been working feverishly to change all this and eliminate the God-given power of  America. From what I can see, the synagogue of Satan has been successful. Even worse, the descendants of Manasseh have gone a whoring, like the Northern Israelites before being taken into captivity.

However, for that sizable remnant in the States, Father Yahweh will have to come back and save a certain type of person and discard the rest. This remnant in America, which is castigated and excoriated in the media is the last hope for humanity. Although there is a remnant scattered about most nations today, The remnant in the United States is by far the largest of any other country in the world. It’s this remnant that Yahweh will use to overcome and unravel the plans of the New World Order.

Regardless, these Great Reset engineers needed the military power, diplomatic prowess, and economic might of the descendants of the founders of the United States to facilitate their multi-generational and long range goals. As the New World Order objectives were finally being placed into full view, these architects needed to bring down the nation that made it all possible.

So far, it seems to be going very well for our adversary. Unfortunately, even our enemy has lost sight of their study of eschatology and are getting sloppy and impatient for some reason.

What’s the problem with all of this?

America = Manasseh, the “13th tribe of Israel”. Prophecy must pass through the people who founded this nation, as well as those from the other Israelite countries. Don’t look at what these nations have become, but remember what they represented from their past. Thus, Jacob’s trouble looms with its complete fulfillment. It seems Britain, which is Ephraim, is also suffering similar circumstances. The only difference is that the British people don’t own many firearms anymore. They have some pea shooters and knives.

According to prophecy, Manasseh is an angry people and will go absolutely insane when finally pushed to the limit. The entire world will look at America with amazement and disbelief at the amount of blood being shed. As George Washington envisioned with three visions given to him; America was to face two more wars, with the final one being so terrible that Father Almighty himself would have to intervene. After a huge percentage of the population is destroyed and killed, Yahweh will save America, the New Jerusalem. Unfortunately for us, that war is coming this decade.

When the United States government has their hands full with about 10 million people like I am, the streets will be filled with blood and death. At this point, an evil thought will come into the minds of japheth and they will go up onto the land of unwalled villages and will come to destroy, despite not wanting to and being told not to. God will force it and everything the New World Order built will fall apart.

The first man on the white horse will finally appear and try and broker a peace deal. He will hastily force the world to take the mark, but the damage to the New World Order will be done and it will soon completely unravel afterward in great cascades of death and destruction. During this time, the two witnesses will also prophesy against the first man on the White horse, warning those not to heed, but few will listen.

If 25% of the world’s population perishes during the opening of the seals, that means at least two billion people will pass from this reality before Jesus’s return.

All this is coming this decade.

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11 thoughts on “Understanding eschatology; is America in Bible prophecy?

  1. Housing starts and permits bounce back much higher than expected. We’re looking at the absolute last data point before the FED decision. Given the fiscal deficit spending and asset price inflation, monetary conditions are already loose. There’s no need for the FED to drop 50 basis points. 25 basis points will do.

    1. USDX tanking on the 50 basis point cut. The Japanese yen taken off further and so are the rest of the asset markets. This was not a unanimous Fed decision and as an economist, I didn’t think a 50 basis point cut was warranted.

      Gold definitely likes it.

      This is definitely a dovish statement, no doubt about it. The asset markets like it, but let’s wait and see what Powell has to say at 2:30.

      1. The Harris campaign must have got on the horn with Jerome Powell to get that 50 basis point cut to prop up the asset market before election day. The Fed is very Non-Political.

        1. The Fed probably realizes the USG has been cooking economic data for well over a year. The Communists in charge really are proving to be a problem. The FED probably realizes its employment data are weaker than what’s being publicly portrayed.

          If fiscal deficit spending reverted back to 2019 levels, the economy would actually be in a depression and would show a real GDP growth drop by 5% or so.

          Although a 50 basis point cut allows certain assets to continue escalating, I question what the FED is seeing to warrant that size of a cut when only a few months ago it was only contemplating a change in policy.

          1. I would say the Fed has their marching orders as Powell and other Fed governors are Muppets. They don’t and will not do what is rational from a market point of view. They are following a script whose author is Lucifer!

          1. I think the stock market and precious metals markets are panicking with the 50 basis point cut. I agree with you that something fishy is happening here with stocks and precious metals dropping off after the announcement. 10 yr yields are rising. Maybe the economic activity is a lot worse than the MSM is telling us.

  2. Liberty has to be earned by being diligent and fought for. Nobody gives it except God. In this world those working for the adversary will always try to walk over us to steal our rights and freedoms.
    One must be ready to hold their ground to protect freedom. Widespread gun ownership is a perfect way to preserve liberty and keep the peace. It is interesting how jurisdictions with the most widespread gun ownership have the least government restrictions and the lowest crime rates.

  3. The man of perdition(AntiChrist) will promise peace and safety after WWIII but will be anything but that as he will follow the father of all lies. Chaos and destruction will reign during his tenure which by the grace of God of Israel will be short-lived.

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