There will be tough love on the way to get the drug addict off the drug of monetary stimulus.
If there is a serious slowdown by 2026 then the demonrats will take control of both houses that election year. This was just like Reaganomics in 1981 and 1982. The Republicans took a drubbing in the 1982 midterm elections.
The capacity to bring down the entire global economy
The global and domestic economic circumstances of today are a lot different than back in the early to mid-80s. The world’s nation states are much more over-indebted and interdependent, and the United States government can no longer afford to experiment with any modification to the current global trade tableau without causing severe dislocations.
To wit, implementing tariffs on a wide scale at this point will only cause domestic inflation while destroying the export driven economies around the world. If the United States is hated now, just imagine when the economy burns to the ground.
Promulgating a comprehensive set of tariffs would only ignite inflation domestically as American consumers would not have any other option other than to continue buying foreign made goods.
Thus, how can bond yields drop in any meaningful way if inflation remains elevated? Even if the economy rolls over, as is becoming apparent, if price growth remains elevated, Trump’s economic policies have the capacity to bring about the worst outcome; prolonged recession and elevated bond yields.
Trump’s economic policies come 30 years too late
The United States’ manufacturing base has been methodically offshored since the early 1970s and to right the ship, so to speak, and reshore America’s manufacturing capacity would take at least 10-15 years, if at all. The costs and regulations of producing in the United States are much higher than anywhere else, even when compared to the rest of the developed world.
The Trump regime has the capacity to bring down the entire global economy. To be honest, his economic policies are such that they are out of sync with the global economic landscape and the status of the dollar as the global transaction and reserve currency.
Donald Trump’s economic policies will bring the entire global economy to a slow grind downward until the global force majeure.
Though Donald Trump is implementing policies that ostensibly seem popular with the people, the people are retarded and don’t understand Economics anymore. The Trump supporters are wishing on the monkey’s paw.
The people and economists are willfully ignorant with regards to positive economic analysis and the ramifications of thereof. They are too partisanized and too conflicted. The deceptions are now too broad and overwhelming. I don’t know of any economist in particular who isn’t tainted with partisan politics, incredulity, and conflicts of interest. The normalcy bias is a very powerful stumbling block.
When I observe Trump’s economic policies with regards to the global economic landscape, the only conclusion I come up with is that the world will face a global conflict over the next few years as a result.
Trump’s policies would have been excellent back in the 1970s and 1980s. Even up until the 1990s. His policies are now deleterious to the world and to geopolitical circumstances.
Trump is a carnival barker and was responsible for bringing down a number of companies into insolvency, while he bled them dry with his sybaritic and self indulgent lifestyle. The synagogue bankers deem him talented enough to bring down the United States.
Ukraine agrees to U.S.-led ceasefire plan if Russia accepts
Published Tue, Mar 11 2025 2:17 PM EDT Updated 9 Min Ago
Key Points
•Ukraine has agreed to an immediate 30-day ceasefire negotiated by the United States if Russia accepts the plan.
•“Ukraine is ready to start talking and stop shooting,” said Secretary of State Marco Rubio.
•As part of the plan, the United States immediately lifted its pause on sharing intelligence with Ukraine, and will resume security assistance to that country.
•U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy agreed to conclude “as soon as possible a comprehensive agreement for developing Ukraine’s critical mineral resources,” officials said.
See they can’t keep the hoax going much longer. Time to ring the register. Just like Covid I can’t believe soo many people bought into it. All the horror stories about millions of soldiers being killed..ya right, how about NOBODY died. There were grade school kids sending their lunch money to the fake death gofundmes. Suckers?? yep..Very sad!
For those in the know:
The next area for the BRI expansion after the Ukraine region is around Germany, then to the Holland’s Atlantic coast.
I am clueless as to why Trump is picking on Canada for tariffs. He seems to be enabling the Liberals re-election which would be contra to USA interests. Why not pick on China?
I can only think that Trump wants to bring Canada’s economy down so they will bend to his knee. Canada exports that much more to the USA than they buy from the USA. Cutting off their exports will sink Canada’s economy more than the USA. Also the Liberals will more likely sink Canada than the Conservatives would and therefore have them more dependent on the USA. I can only think that this is part of Trump’s plan to make Canada the 51st state. I think Quebec will be the fly in the ointment to Canada becoming the 51st state as they don’t like the Anglophones.
There is legitimacy to Trump’s contentions.
Canada runs at least a $50 billion trade surplus against the US. Canadian federal government as well as their provinces have all sorts of subsidies and protections that protect their exports.
Canada spends less than 1.5% of their GDP on defense.
Trump has a right to be indignant in this regard. The European Union runs at least $100 billion in trade surpluses as well. Most economies run trade surpluses against the United States.
The United States spends a lot more on defense, defending other countries against the big bad Russia and China, while those that benefit, piss all over the United states.
Many Canadians mock Americans as being behind the times and backwards. The Europeans s*** all over Americans and make fun of them. They mock them all over social media.
Americans view Canadians and Europeans as libtard communists. The Commonwealth and Europe have built up a social spending Dynamo and have completely left their self defense to the United states. These nations actually believe they don’t even need to defend themselves anymore. Countries like Australia and New Zealand, Canada, and the European Union, don’t bother with self defense. These nations think that war is a thing of the past, because if they didn’t, they’d be spending a lot more money on defending themselves against what’s coming.
So, the Trump regime and many Americans are telling the Canadians and Europeans to go f*** themselves.
Canada and Europe as well as the other exporting partners don’t want to give up their advantage. They want to keep making their money so they can piss it away on social largesse and communist open borders.
It’s that simple. I’m not saying I agree with it, but that’s the reality.
Trump needs to be more articulate. He’s too kayfabe.
The question I leave to the reader to determine is this; why is this going on now? Why wasn’t it taking place 30 years ago? Why wasn’t it taking place even 10 years ago?
Thank you for your insight.
Perhaps it is becoming clear that the USA is nearing the end of it Empire status. We have spent (debt)ourselves into oblivion! There is no no way to avoid a default and Trump’s people know it. Trump is a default pro after all! Last ditch efforts hiding behind America first I suppose. That’s my guess.
Canada use to have a significantly larger military and industrial capacity. Nuclear program, aviation and a very large Naval force. They started to give that up in earnest in the 70’s. What lead to that exactly. I don’t think Canada could afford it after the middle 70s and the US was all to happy to have Canada as more of a client state than real ally. After the Canadian armament business started to decline it became easy for them be shuffled to the back for other pet projects to line the pockets of the political classes up here.
Didn’t the US push the vax on us all?
I know the US pushed multiculturalism on my country in the 1990s too.
If the US suffered so much from their own policies, then why did they do/allow it? That’s an interesting question, with possibly unacceptable answers. There’s a speech rule for this type of thing.
So much evil comes out of the US, and now it’s time to blame the victims too. It seems the US is victim #1, but it’s also the perpetrator of so much of this evil.
As for NZ being defenceless, you are correct. We also have zero gold. We berate the US for having nukes, while relying on them for protection. Liberals will be the death of us all.
I’m amazed at the military culture in the US. So many vets and so many people in military families. So many kids join up. That sort of thing is completely alien to us. It’s just not a thing here. People join the army for fun basically.
If you go for a gun license in NZ they ask you what you want it for. Everyone knows not to say “self defence” if you actually want the license. That’s a given. You have to say gun club, hunting, or collecting. Pick from that list. You might get away with using an unloaded rifle (missing it’s bolt) as a stick to hit an intruder, but you will have to get your oily rags out and say you were “cleaning it when they broke in” – otherwise you have some explaining to do.
Trump is old and possibly formed his ideas 30 years ago and has been thinking about them all this time. It’s like asking an old boss for a pay rise. They have no idea what current wage levels are, and think in terms of hourly rates from 20 or 30 years ago. Trump might be a bit like that, but surely his advisors know we live in different times, so it might be deliberate?
there are no good sides
The biggest paradigm shift ever is unfolding right in front of us. While this increases, blame will be assigned, and the perp will be the land of the dollar bill.
Better than expected.
JOLTS Job Openings (Jan)
Act: 7.740M Cons: 7.650M Prev: 7.508M
From Seeking Alpha this morning:
On the horizon: The Nasdaq (NDAQ) has applied for regulatory permission to offer 24-hour trading of equities, following the likes of Cboe Global Markets (CBOE) and the New York Stock Exchange (ICE). Brokers like Robinhood (HOOD) and Interactive Brokers (IBKR) already offer trading beyond traditional hours on alternative trading systems like Blue Ocean, but the next evolution is set to bring the feature mainstream. Note that there is still some time before kickoff, with the Nasdaq targeting the second half of 2026.
“While the promise of round-the-clock trading can further democratize markets, it also demands careful and deliberate planning,” Nasdaq President Tal Cohen wrote on LinkedIn. “Liquidity, transparency and integrity remain the lifeblood of vibrant markets, and any structural change must uphold these principles.”
Forces at play: Nasdaq (NDAQ) attributed its decision to the rise of retail participation, as well as the growth of U.S. stocks across international markets. It’s a big deal as “total foreign holdings of U.S. equities reached $17T as of June 2024, a 97% increase since 2019.” Settlement dates have also sped up in recent years, with the industry moving to T+1 in 2024. The next progression is likely to center around instant or same-day settlement, but those coming discussions will also have to ensure sufficient protection for market participants.
Stone, are you familiar with Charles Nenner? He is a cycle guy who is saying roughly what you are saying about economic trouble dead ahead.
No, I am not.
Here is a link to an interview.
Greg Hunter loves to post that gloom and doom. He hosts the same people all the time, a bunch of washed up nutters. If your comment has too much truth, doesn’t follow the mainstream narratives or not enough ‘pray to baby jesus’ vibes, he’ll delete it.
“Nenner predicted we hit bottom when the 10-Year Treasury was around 1%. He said interest rates would be going up. He was right”
lol..gee ya don’t say….up from 1%, what a fortune teller!
It seems to be gloom and doom for those who can’t figure this out. No collapses, just one huge transformation.
He was right about Zelinsky being a clown.
Why didn’t you post my comments about Hong Tonga being a chinese carrier destroyervmissile test. In slow motion, the video shows a missile falling from the sky, plunging beneath the surface and exploding into a Tsunami force of energy and water that would destroy the whole carrier group and submarine escorts.
Yes, like racist hitler led Germany to defeat, racist trump/musk will lead USA to defeat and occupation. In Revelation, the captains and ships sit off shore and mourn as the great city(NYC with the pagan goddess Diana statue)burns and smolders.
It’s there. I posted it. I think people even commented on it.
I get at least 30 spam comments a day. Most of them have to do with crypto trading platforms and pornography. Anything with links I have to approve first. 75% of those come from Russia and China.
Wow. On someones radar.
There were plenty of anti-German and anti-Japanese racists on the allies side and they didn’t lose.
It’s got nothing to do with racism.
Well he got Trudeau to finally resign it was forgone conclusion but he was reticent to give up power. He was even worse than his step father. Just destroyed Canadains over the past 10 years. “Good luck Justin”
What an ‘ayewhole’ was that little POS. I have never despised such a disgusting lump of protoplasm as that one. I must remember though that he is merely the puppet of the somewhat hidden hand. In the case of Canada that is the Desmarais family and the Westons and the Irvings etc. Who controls them? Well, bankers of course and so on up the chain leading to which spider? Would anyone have a name or names for those who truly run the BIS etc and are the true hidden hand?
I see the WEF full member Mark Carney has been anointed emperor of Canada. It is truly instructive to see the wilful cognitive dissonance of those who now forgive the Canadian federal liberals all their sins of corruption, financial and moral, now that a new puppet has been installed. They are truly stunned. Too many boosters?
If the WEF Carney liberals pull a rabbit out of a hat and win somehow, there may be a stronger push for WEXIT here in “Canadastan”. It’s hard to say if there is enough organized opposition in the western provinces. Someone I know guesses that civil war may be on the horizon. Not sure about that. We will see. I would ask the same question of the US readers, or indeed any reader: Will the US enter civil war any time in the near future? How divided is it down there?
“Who controls them” – Pepe Orsini, the Grey Pope
Klaus Schwab has admitted that the WEF, YOUNG LEADERS FORUM, has trained many of todays world leaders including Putin. Trumpf was(maybe still is)displayed on the WEF membership roles. Plus, Henry Makow has an article noting that trumpf was in Epstein’s black book and flight logs 15 times.
Shakespeare wrote that ” the whole world is a stage”. Truly, the elite are in control of Putin and trumpf and are using them to lead USA into WW3. Hitler invaded Poland due to claims that the Poles were killing Germans. Now, Putin invades Ukraine claiming that Ukraine was killing Russians. The same playbook leading to WW3 along with sanctions and tariffs. Hitler had his ideological leader Karl Houshoffer. Putin has Alexander Dugin calling on white nationalism and cultures. That is why Bannon, Jones, and MAGA have such an affinity for Putin. Hitler led Germany to defeat at Moscow(failing to let Army Group Center pursue the Russians to Moscow for 2 months so 1 million siberian russians could reinforce Moscow) and to defeat at Stalingrad(allowing the 6th Army to be surrounded and destroyed by denying requests to withdraw from Stalingrad).
Then, hitler faked his death, leaving 6 dead hitler doubles above ground and in the bunker, flew out of Berlin and hopped onto a submarine for Argentina. I wonder where trumpf will flee to after carrying out his WEF orders while the MAGAites suffer russian and chinese occupation.
However, after forming their multi polar world, Russia will be defeated on the Golan Heights(Ezekiel 38/39) by YAHOWAH and David and angels and China is defeated at Armageddon by YAHOWAH and David and angels.
….and the millenium begins in 2033 after the defeat of Russia, China, and anti christ. Will the khazarian converts still control Israel or will it be the descendants of Solomon, who said he was as black as the tents of Kedar?
Justin Trudeau’s real father is Fidel Castro.
That is Spot On analysis! We all better face reality or its going to kick our collective behinds! The Book if Revelation marches on! Trump is Hoover from an economic point of view.
Great analysis. Assuming Trump is taking orders from the SoS then it probably is his intention to bring down the world economy. He is installed to perform the function of bankrupting the world economy and bringing on the force majeure.
The force majeure will happen regardless of who is in control but Trump is here to play a role for the SoS.
I remember the Simpson cartoon where Trump was elected President and after he was finished the USA was broke and bankrupt. Don’t forget that every business that Trump owned got ran into the ground and his investors got left with worthless securities. Remember the Taj Majal in Atlantic City.
The gloom and doom may finally be here.
And, Trump was bailed out by one of “those” people!
The trick is they need to destroy the US without a shot being fired. The only way to do that is to carve it up first.
Once that happens, all Kings horse and all the kings men….you know how it goes.
Ezekiel 38 : 14 – 16 “Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog: ‘This is what the Sovereign YHVH says: In that day, when my people Israel are living in safety, will you not take notice of it? 15 You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army. 16 You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. In days to come, Gog, I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I am proved holy through you before their eyes.
What is bizarre is how many separate world events were first parodied by the SImpsons series, a.nd then became reality
Yeah and didn’t Matt Groenig get his smelly toes sucked by Victoria Guiffre on the Lolita Express?
He might be in the club, so he gets the stories ahead of time.
Instead of assumptions, why not go for the facts…
Trump is an actor, and nothing else. His script is provided to him, (daily), by the BIS in Basel, Switzerland.
It is not Trump’s “intention to bring down the world economy”, it is the BIS, which encompasses all central banks, and their governors, on behalf of the black nobility.
This economc/financial con job is the oldest game of all.
There is only 1 solution: ALL central banks must be abolished post-haste.
Right! The con job goes way back to the creation of money, or the use of gold deposit receipts as bank notes. Of course, you can go back further to see evidence of the money changers. Matthew 21 :12.
Agreed. Central Banks are vampires that suck out the economic blood.
Right! Vampires are really parasites. They live of of a host and have no concern for it. Some people are that way!