The American empire, the dollar, and Greenland

Look, I know opinions are high but I would not mind if the USA annexed Greenland instead of say the Chinese. I am just saying…

Anyway, Cheers

Jack Rosenberg

Why Greenland and why now?

The top geopolitical strategists know that a global war is coming by the end of the decade and will involve all three blocs, similar to what we read about in George Orwell’s, 1984. This long-theorized war seems to becoming more of an inevitable reality by the day.

In terms of global military strategy, it is vital for Canada and the United States that Greenland separates itself from any Danish or EU military influence at this point, and if the big bad United States provides the catalyst for it, so be it.

Why? Mainland Europe and the European Union will be unable to defend Greenland in a wartime scenario, and if the United States doesn’t gain some sort of foothold soon, Russia and China will.

On some level, I also suspect that Greenland’s government is also worried about this inevitably. The time for pacifism in the West is over. We need to gird our loins and get ready.

With regards to the intentions of the Trump regime (and I doubt any of these ideas are coming from him), I suspect the ultimate goal here is for the Trump faction of geopolitical strategists to establish military bases in Greenland.

It’s that simple. And you naive Canadians who think otherwise are just deluding yourselves. Greenland is right next to you and could even be considered one of your provinces. Global war is coming and it is imperative that Greenland align itself with the “Oceania” bloc of nations.

The American empire and the dollar

As the United States gears up for this global conflict, I suspect the eventual outcome will also be an ongoing reversal of the worldwide USD based monetary system in preparation for this inevitability.

China is struggling with overcapacity and deflationary forces as USA, Inc. reconfigures it’s supply chain and manufacturing base away from nations I would consider hostile. China and Russia will continue to be shut out of the Oceania American empire.

I also take note of Argentina’s latest overtures to align itself with the United States at the expense of the Mercosur bloc and its pre-existing free trade alliance with the European Union. Javier Milei is no dummy and is already thinking pragmatically.

As domestic oil and gas production is emphasized over foreign sources and domestic reshoring and hemispherical nearshoring become more popular, the global flood of US dollars will become more confined to the bloc I would consider Oceania. The dollars will flow primarily around in the Western hemisphere and the nations of British influence.

Call it whatever you want. But in my view, this is a startling, yet necessary, turn in the geopolitical mindset of the United states. I hope it comes to fruition, since this force majeure is coming soon.

I suspect this is Trump sphere’s ultimate goal and are actually pragmatic decisions in light of the upcoming global conflict. Had the Democrats retained control of the executive branch, the United States and Canada, as well as much of the Western hemisphere, would be totally unprepared for what is coming. At least with these proposed actions, North America stands a fighting chance.

Indeed, economically and militarily speaking, all the nations around the world are losing their sovereignty and this upcoming war will be the catalyst to get rid of its last vestiges.

Vladimir Putin seems intent on fighting along the western front until national exhaustion. But there is a method to Putin’s madness. Western conservative geopolitical think tanks all know that Putin is desperately trying to resurrect the Soviet Union, at least according to the Warsaw Pact. At least with the newest proposals proffered by the US government, we will be a little bit more prepared to survive and live another day.

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27 thoughts on “The American empire, the dollar, and Greenland

  1. There is a silver lining with today’s tech stock bloodbath. Bonds are responding favorably as a go-to asset. This hasn’t been the normal routine for some time now.

      1. Description of the club of Rome, 10 Kingdom map and it does include Greenland with the North American union

        The Club of Rome is an international organization formed in 1968, consisting of scientists, economists, business leaders, and former heads of state and government. It focuses on addressing global issues such as environmental degradation, population growth, and economic development. One of its notable contributions is the publication of the report “The Limits to Growth” in 1972, which warned about the potential for collapse of global systems due to resource limitations.

        The 10 Kingdom Map is a concept proposed by the Club of Rome in their 1973 publication “Mankind at the Turning Point.” This map divides the world into ten major geopolitical and economic regions, each intended to manage its resources and governance more sustainably and collaboratively. This division was seen as a way to reorganize global governance for better management of global challenges.

        Regarding the inclusion of Greenland in the North American Union according to the 10 Kingdom Map:

        In the Club of Rome’s conceptual model, Greenland is indeed included within the region that encompasses North America. This region, often labeled as “Kingdom 1” or “North American Union,” typically includes the United States, Canada, and Greenland, along with some Caribbean and Pacific islands. This grouping was part of a broader vision to create economic and political blocs that could work more cohesively on global issues.

        The idea behind these regional groupings was to foster cooperation and integration for sustainable development, although it’s worth noting that this map and its concepts have been interpreted in various ways over the years, including by those who see it as part of a more extensive geopolitical strategy or conspiracy. The actual implementation of such a union has not occurred, but the concept continues to be discussed in various forums concerning global governance and economic integration.

      2. Club of Rome’s 10 Kingdom map from 1973, though I’ve seen other ones that look somewhat different.

        I doubt this layout would be definite as Turkey is included in the European sphere. I don’t see that happening. I suspect it would fall under the Asian sphere. There are other aspects of the map that I question and doubt would provide for a final drawing.

        However, according to the Book of Revelation, the world will be divided up into 10 kingdoms and this map would suffice if the world is actually divided up into such a configuration.

        Given the radical changes in South Africa, I doubt very much it would be aligned with Australia, for instance. I also doubt Japan would have it separate owned region. I do note that the current Russian map is basically that of the Soviet Union with its Warsaw Pact nations.

        I do see Hungary and Slovakia reverting to Soviet control, but I’m not so certain about other countries, such as Poland.

  2. I received an email from a reader asking me about my thoughts with ivermectin and fenbendazole dosing. I provided him with an answer. I suspect there are a lot of people out there with chronic conditions caused by a bioweapon. I am one of them, but hope I’ve been effectively cured….


    I recently came across your info on Fenben and Iver while reading an article of yours. Could you be more specific about the dose of each you take for chronic conditions?


    My response….

    Hi M,

    After dealing with my debilitating condition for over two years and taking a lot of different fruitless routes, I decided to take fenben powder, since I realized I was struggling with long COVID. I found a cheap source online. I wasn’t expecting to make any progress, but the turnaround was tremendous. After adding ivermectin to the routine I noticed other chronic pains were alleviated and the brain fog disappeared.

    As of now, I take daily;

    24-36 mg. Ivermectin (2-3 x12mg pills)

    500 mg-600 mg fenbendazole powder

    I am so very grateful at the sudden turn in my health. Have faith that they work. Take the fenben with fats and try to mix it in with the fats. Mayo and oils. Fatty meats and hamburger meat.


  3. Equity futures are not doing well this morning. Perhaps all of the AI hyperbole is being exposed. Does China really have a small startup that can compete with the trillion dollar AI behemoth of the West?

    If so, this would certainly be an embarrassment to Trump and his followers and a propaganda coup for CCP.

    It sounds like a more modern iteration of the space race between the Soviet Union and the United States.

    1. I watched something on chip foundrys ADML specifically, recently. Apparently China us hopelessly behind in the US and West in chip manufacturing ability. The supply chain is so complex and integrated demanding a huge specialty industrial base of companies and expertise to make this machines left alone maintain them. It seems a really stumbling block. The East Germans went broke trying to compete with the west in chip manufacturing during the cold war for similar reasons.

  4. Canada is loaded with libtards – we have way more here per capita than the US by a long shot. Many people living a middle class lifestyle on what amounts indirectly to UBI. People here ridicule the things that Trump is saying and think it is all a joke – I can tell they are threatened and no doubt the majority of Canadians will get taken to the woodshed regardless of American policy. This country was put on the menu in 2015 by the banking families, Turkey and Brazil are in a similar situation but it is less obvious to most and geographically not important to North America. If you look at the latest debacle in Columbia and the swiftness of action you can see that the US is not fooling around. I don’t care if it is all scripted or not – the direction and action/reaction is clear.

    I have been watching closely and listening, I too am impressed with the clarity of Trumps delivery, no teleprompter or notes. He speaks with the confidence of someone who is fully supported and it is my understanding that he had the full support of the families in 2016 and surely does again. Whatever the last 4 years was about I don’t know, but it seems certain we are heading into the endgame. I hope everyone is where they need to be to ride this out.

    1. Indeed. There is a lot more to this than some MAGA kayfabe. The Trump faction is trying to kick out all these foreigners the Biden regime let in. Notice that they are single young men all of fighting age. They hate the US and are criminals.

      There’s a hidden faction in Federal government that seems intent on completely undoing what the communists did to the military, the borders, and the country’s economic standing. The energy initiatives is totally unprecedented in scope and the US is bailing on anything global.

      Believe me, none of this is by chance. Trump’s political opponents are totally unprepared. I am shocked at what’s going on and the speed at which it’s taking place. It’s a steamroller.

      1. I came upon an excerpt from Israel Today (Feb 20,2020), from an article titled “Israeli Rabbi says he is already holding meetings with the Messiah”. It is a quote from an interview of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky by Rabbi Yaakov Zisholtz. I can’t get the original link from archive, but I retyped the excerpt:

        “…the process of redemption is about to start happening very quickly and at a fast pace. It is important that people remain calm and steady to act properly in the right time.
        “There is a potential Messiah in every generation and there are righteous men who know precisely who it is. This is, of course, in every generation.
        “Getting the word out now that the Messiah is closer than ever is a matter if life and death. Haven’t you heard of Gog and Magog? That is what is going to happen very soon. Right now the situation is explosive more than you can possibly imagine. Everyone needs to know whether they are on the inside or if they are going to be left out.”

        Kanievsky died in 2022, but in the same interview declared Netanyahu would be the last Israeli prime minister – echoing the prediction made by Kaduri and Schneerson that Netanyahu would be the State of Israels last prime minister before the Messianic age.

        1. It’s The end times, kid, the end times.

          Most of my readers don’t understand the seriousness of the hour. The Great Reset is the Great tribulation. I post it on my front page with a countdown clock. Do you think this is just joking for me? From here on out everything will be completely unprecedented in world history.

          I have been discussing these topics for many years now and the plans continue to move forward and are coming together at such a rapid pace now that I can’t keep up with it. The Book of Revelation discusses these topics in fine detail.

          Pale horse of death has been unleashed with the injections and black horse is already out of the stables. The red horse is about to make its appearance over the next 3 years and then the first man on the White horse will appear.

          Some force is allowing Trump to do what he’s doing and his opposition is standing down. The force majeure I talk about will be that great War describe the Ezekiel 38 and 39. It’s coming this decade.

          I also know where the ancient Israelites are located in these last days and know exactly who and what America represents. These things have to happen.

          I don’t know how obtuse people can be to deny it.

            1. I think you need to do a lot of research. It’s impossible to come to any serious and truthful determinations when one is stuck in a church organization. Absolutely impossible.

              1. I thought it was a very simple question that should have a simple answer.

                BTW, I’m not stuck in a church organization. I’m not affiliated with any church.

              2. Aren’t you in the Orthodox Church? Or is that another Bob?

                I’m sorry. I just get frustrated as I’ve been talking about these matters since before covid. I just see our ways of life blowing up right in front of us.

                I don’t know how most people are going to do it. I’m having a very difficult time trying to keep up with all this stuff. The deceptions run so deep and there’s hardly anybody left. Gosh, the world has changed so fast.

  5. The USA is already in Greenland, but so are other Countries. Military bases, oil and mining companies. The public is just now being let in the know. It’s old news that has turned into a hot trending topic. Russia claims several islands in the Artic Ocean. I’ll bet that if there is a gulf of tonkin type confrontation, it would be in that region first and not in the China Sea. Whatever happens I don’t even think it will be a real event but just made up, yet with all the other fake events as we have seen the end results will be similar.

  6. I was just reading this write up about the fall of Jerusalem in 70ad.

    Certainly hard not to draw parallels of that time and now. Would be interested in hearing more about this subject with your thoughts and perspective.

  7. According to Wikipedia;

    In Greenland;

    Pituffik Space Base

    Around 150 people are stationed at Pituffik. The U.S. Space Force’s northernmost base, and the northernmost installation of the U.S. Armed Forces. The base is home to a substantial portion of the global network of missile warning sensors of Space Delta 4, and space surveillance and space control sensors of Space Delta 2, providing space awareness and advanced missile detection capabilities to North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the United States Space Force, and joint partners.

  8. We could also discuss the vast natural resources that Greenland has which are virtually untapped! Taking control of Greenland and its territorial waters would take them off the table for competitors like Russia and China! The America First strategy is really cranking up!

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