The 10-year UST just put in another new cycle high on the yield. Good luck to all, have fun; yields around the world continue to rise and destroy the common man. Get ready and gird your loins for the next pre-packaged catastrophe….
Sovereign debt bond yields around the world continue to grind higher, and all of the central banks are taking their cue from the top of the pyramid, which is run out of the Federal Reserve.
If you have been reading my blog for the past several years, you already know that everything the Federal Reserve has implemented and engineered runs counter to maintaining sound monetary policy and that there are no mistakes.
The Federal Reserve has a team of upper echelon economists formulating monetary and banking policies and that there are no errors. If a guy like me with a Master’s in Economics can figure this stuff out, a well-educated team of PhD Fed economists can determine the same thing.
The bottom line, while the owners of the Federal Reserve are working feverishly to consolidate all of the global wealth and power, they are using their central banks to establish the process to set the world up for a global catastrophic war.
I’ve been telling my reader’s all along; the next manufactured catastrophe won’t be from a new and novel bio weapon. It won’t be from open borders. It won’t be because of a presidential assassination. It won’t be from civil unrest. That is so last year.
The next catastrophe will be caused by a slow grinding process, which will be the ramifications of the unrelenting escalation in sovereign debt bond yields around the world. That will be the cause of the next pre-packaged manufactured catastrophe…
Imagine the untold misery and heartache that will come in the wake of a regime of rising sovereign bond yields… I can’t think of a more demoralizing outcome. It will be brutal for so many people. It will make covid look like a picnic.
Of course, Federal Reserve policy is not exclusively to blame. The sicknesses caused by the covid bio-weapon injections, as well as the out-of-control fiscal deficit spending are also causing bond yields to continue grinding higher.
Just like how the Great Depression preceded World War II, escalating bond yields and the growing inability of the nation states to finance their deficit spending will be the catalyst for the last Great War outlined in Ezekiel 38 and 39.
You need to be ready mentally, financially, and physically, for this war by the second half of 2027. There is no change to the timeline.
How is the federal government going to raise all of the money needed to deal with the at least $150 billion in losses from the LA fires?
This is what happens when LA elects a stupid schvartze who looks more at home on food stamps smoking a crack pipe than running the city and county. LA could quite possibly burn down to the sea it would be like Sherman’s march.
My sister-in-law’s house is probably going to burn to the ground and that is worth 2 million dollars. I’m sure she voted for the schvartze.
There is no water pressure in the fire hydrants. I cannot believe how intentionally incompetent the Communists running Los Angeles have become. Some point, I have to conclude that it is intentional and it is designed to eventually bankrupt the entire country. This certainly isn’t by chance and these fires have been intentionally set.
All of what is going on is primarily the reason why I invested further away from the DC area then I have traditionally done. My six single family houses, soon to be seven, near the i-81 corridor up near Strasburg are more safe, and the county and jurisdictions are being run by conservative people who overwhelmingly vote Republican. If it’s white, it’s all right!
Speaking of bankruptcy, how are the insurance companies going to get through this?
They’ll just drop everyone’s coverage.
Rates across North America go up. I was told recently that the companies are trying to pool their losses somehow and raising rates on everyone keeps them solvent. Not sure of the exact mechanism but that is why my car insurance in Canada will go up next year supposedly
I suspect, and I’ve been reading some stuff since the Florida condo mess, that the government may intervene and do some sort of backstopping for real estate insurance. But I think anything like that is years out. It’s already being done with FEMA, who administers national flood insurance. The taxpayers ultimately subsidize the ongoing losses.
These fires in LA were deliberately set and deliberately preplanned. I am reading reports of arsonists setting these fires and strange drones flying around the area. The fact that some major insurance companies suddenly dropped coverage around that area several months ago indicates that somebody up top knew this was going to happen. I also read how some wealthy homeowners were selling their properties in that area months ago to suckers.
Never mind the incompetent LA schavartze mayor. This incompetence was deliberate and they knew it. These liberals do not care about voters as they get selected not elected. If the real votes for them do not add up then they stuff a ballot box somewhere in the district to get “elected “
It does make one wonder. Maui, and of course the governor of Hawaii is one of those. He also likes smart cities. Now L.A. the Sodom and Gomorrah capital of the country! (D.C. a close second). Lets see what other disasters, terrorist attacks, etc befall the country. Not to mention the economic tsunami heading our way.
Now these lunatics in CA finally want to arrest these criminal aliens for setting the fires. They have seen the light . Californians have brought this on their own heads.
Seven minutes long. So much for DEI working. We see the same insanity north of the border. Let it burn I say. Let them feel real pain for being so woke and retarded.
Thanks for providing the link. This is all part of the real estate investment thesis regarding the locations I recommend for investors. I have been pulling up and selling properties around the DC area to invest farther out in more desirable rural red areas. There won’t be communist provocateurs lighting fires. Stay out of flood zones, too.
My wife passed this on to me regarding what started the fires. I know what the guy is talking about and think it is the most plausible – also feeds into your comment about location selection.
I got over the tattoos and ears and just listened to the information, it makes sense to this engineer.
He has a very nice cranium though. I’m guessing the only thing about him with low tolerance is the polish on that dome.
I’m glad he didn’t paint all over it.
Also if such a thing can be done, smart meters can be forced to explode as well.
There are videos showing that the fires in some places spread from house to house quite slowly, but the fire dept was unable to stop it.
Basically sparks would just gradually find their way under the roofing material and light the ceilings on fire.
I saw the reports as well of smart meters exploding and burning houses. Just the fact that they can flip a switch and turn off your heat or a/c is alarming.
This arcing phenomenon happens in the high voltage transmission lines. It can be caused, or it can happen in very high winds (I lean toward the high winds as cause – regardless of what uncle fester says).
Either way, the ideal disaster conditions and incompetent response were allowed to manifest – the result was inevitable but timing is suspicious.
Problem, reaction, solution!
They’ve been able to turn your hot water cylinder on and off for decades using special pulses (signals at a different frequency to the base 50/60Hz power frequency), so even more special signals isn’t a crazy idea.
Some firemen said that they knew it was only a matter of time before the strong winds that often affect this region blew in the “wrong” direction, and pushed the fire into the city instead of outwards like normally happens.
So many aspects to this disaster for the government to bungle their investigation on. They won’t give a straight answer to any of it.
HOT HOT HOT! The entire bond yield curve has just shifted up tremendously! An earthquake shock to bond yields.
Nonfarm Payrolls (Dec)
Act: 256K Cons: 164K Prev: 212K
Unemployment Rate (Dec)
Act: 4.1% Cons: 4.2% Prev: 4.2%
Private Nonfarm Payrolls (Dec)
Act: 223K Cons: 135K Prev: 182K
Average Hourly Earnings (MoM) (Dec)
Act: 0.3% Cons: 0.3% Prev: 0.4%
Average Hourly Earnings (YoY) (YoY) (Dec)
Act: 3.9% Cons: 4.0% Prev: 4.0%
Average Weekly Hours (Dec)
Act: 34.3 Cons: 34.3 Prev: 34.3
Government Payrolls (Dec)
Act: 33.0K Cons: Prev: 30.0K
Manufacturing Payrolls (Dec)
Act: -13K Cons: 5K Prev: 25K
Participation Rate (Dec)
Act: 62.5% Cons: Prev: 62.5%
U6 Unemployment Rate (Dec)
Act: 7.5% Cons: Prev: 7.7%
The longer end of the treasury yield curve just got crushed as Bond holders are getting taken out to the woodshed. Oh, the humanity! The next manufactured crisis continues to grind fixed income investors and pensions to a nub.
My sister-in-law has to evacuate her house in woodland hills, ca area, because of the intentionally-set DEW fires. The houses in her neighborhood are about $2mm. Nice houses on .25 acre lots. I think her family’s house may burn down.
My brother-in-law’s house was destroyed in a flood last year in VT.
Note to self: don’t live in Democrat run jurisdictions. Their governments don’t help.
I was asked about where and how I would invest in the fixed income markers.
This is what I am doing. I am sticking to the short end of the yield curve. As this article states, sovereign bond yields WILL continue to grind higher. Thus, holders of longer dated issues will see grinding capital losses.
Top quality corporate debt and Treasuries. The short end.
Because of the yield curve compression, investing in long dated issues are not worth the risk. At least to me.
What’s short end? No more than 3-5 year duration. That’s if you wish to stay invested.
The Fed and Yellen are trash talking Trump and his policies. The Biden regime and its Inflation Reduction Act wasn’t a problem, however.
Looks like the Nvidia CEO has just taken the wind out of all of the small cap spec stocks. The big Year end rally was just put to bed.
Mr Stone, what’s BTC going to do this year in your opinion?
So far the vibe I get is a dip to 90k soon and sideways action until end of Feb then strong upside with ALTs doing 50-70% across the board.
What’s your feeling on this?
I have always said to only own BTC of all the cryptos and hold it for the upward ride. What it does this year? It already took out my 84k target, so any pullback would be a buying opportunity. Long term it may replace gold as nations use it as a reserve.
Trump was elected, so he could bring forth the most Orwellian government and technology stuff and have people like Alex Jones promote it.
I see Trump with the help of Musk institute digital currency and a digital ID system. Some remote viewers are also seeing that too. Those freedom loving libertarians who voted for Trump will be fooled big time if they have the brains to see it.
The dialectic process at work
I don’t disagree one bit with the above article. What’s odd and makes it hard to see at eyelevel, is that my medium size 200k population city I live in, we have two brand new multi million dollar bridges that were just completed, three new long roads connecting different zones, two huge apartment complexes that are about to be finished, new restaurants opening, no huge layoff announcements yet. Property values and property taxes are at the highest levels ever. What about your local towns, is it booming and doing great? Have you found out the annual budget that was approved for your City?
Yeah Where I live in NZ they are building houses by the tens of thousands and filling them with indians.
IT support is gonna be lit bro.
A previous prime minister, the right honorable David Lange said it was govt policy that buy 2100 NZ would be 95% asian.
I guess the other 5% is what? Sons of Obama?
The Kalergi Plan is just a conspiracy theory so it must be something else.
Things are rocking for the asset owners. I’m feeling much better, the world continues as it was, the roads are being built, the plows are plowing the snow, the utilities are working fine.
That’s right. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
That’s right. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
UK gov just passes a motion to ‘confiscate’ frozen Russian assets. Definitely cause for direct war between UK and Russia being setup.
So they want to take Siberia?
Be patient, everyone. This war is coming. Putin is making certain Russia commits national suicide and out of frustration will strike the West.
The FED is stuck.
•The FED doesn’t reinstitute Treasury purchases…. If the Fed doesn’t begin adding Treasuries to its balance sheet, yields will continue rising.
•The FED reinstitutes treasury purchases…. If the Fed starts to accumulate Treasuries onto its balance sheet again, inflation will begin rising even more than already.
Clearly, the FED needs to keep the federal government in business and desperately needs to reinstitute asset repurchases, but whatever it does, bond yields will continue grinding higher. The FED knows this and that’s why they are afraid to reinstitute QE formally.
Either way, the FED is now stuck.
So either way, they inflate away the debt, as it were! Your force majeure is coming more into focus as we march down the road!
Your post makes me think of top level “Art of War” type stuff. Reminds me of this:
“The great art of a General is to arrange for the enemy never to
know the place where he will have to fight & to carefully with-
hold from him knowledge of which posts he must guard. If he
manages that & can also hide the slightest of his movements,
then he is not only a clever General, he is an extraordinary man,
a prodigy. Without being seen, he sees. He hears without being
Go to places where the enemy would never suspect that you
intended to go…. Do not think of gathering the fruits of your
victory until his entire defeat has put you in a position where
you can yourself reconnoitre surely, tranquilly & with leisure.”
I see that 2027-2028 there is priced in crude oil 200-300% bigger war could be the reason for that yes.
Wow! Prices paid moving higher and illustrates that the CPI data underreports. Hello 5% 10-year UST.
Lock in those cheap 7% mortgage rates before they reach 10% during Trump’s term.
ISM Non-Manufacturing Business Activity (Dec)
Act: 58.2 Cons: Prev: 53.7
ISM Non-Manufacturing Employment (Dec)
Act: 51.4 Cons: 51.4 Prev: 51.5
ISM Non-Manufacturing New Orders (Dec)
Act: 54.2 Cons: 54.2 Prev: 53.7
ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI (Dec)
Act: 54.1 Cons: 53.5 Prev: 52.1
10:0ISM Non-Manufacturing Prices (Dec)
Act: 64.4 Cons: 57.5 Prev: 58.2
JOLTS Job Openings (Nov)
Act: 8.098M Cons: 7.730M Prev: 7.839M
And speaking of the FED, Ben Bernanke once said, “Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry.”
I’m sure he said the last sentence with a smile!