A reader asks about my experience with Fenbendazole and Ivermectin

Got to Mexico last week

What a difference weather wise!

What do you trace your ailments to? You aren’t vaccinated.

Do you recommend ivermectin even if i am not sick?


I have not been vaccinated for anything since 1979, when my doctor pushed the tetanus shot on me for stepping on a nail. I have avoided all vaccines ever since.

I know firsthand there was a real COVID-19 bioweapon

I got a bad case of COVID early in February 2020. It lasted six weeks and I had never had such a protracted case of flu in my entire life. I even had difficulty breathing at night. Afterwards, I then couldn’t taste or smell for about six months. I felt like shit, too, until late Summer 2020. Shortly thereafter, I developed psoriasis sores and my joints began to swell in early 2021.

The debilitating arthritis part began to hit very hard in late 2022, but since mid-2021, I began to have difficulties climbing stairs and getting out of bed. I was also extremely fatigued, but tried to chalk it up to growing older. For about an eight month stretch, I had difficulty walking as my foot swelled up and my toes became disfigured. That disfiguration to my middle toe is permanent.

Desperate and out of options

I was formally diagnosed by an allopathic rheumatologist in May 2024, but decided to take matters into my own hands instead of using the immunosuppressant prescription options. I purchased Fenbendazole powder online in May 2024 after already changing diet and supplementations.

Strong probiotics and elimination of sugar, fruit, and most carbs were only helping slightly, but nothing moved the needle much until I concluded it was a reaction to long COVID.

I already take about 40 supplements a day and work out rigorously, so things like 15-20,000 IUs of D3 a day were not doing anything. You name it, I tried it. I even bought six lbs. of colostrum for my whey shakes. I tried at least a couple dozen new things. Nothing worked until the fenbendazole came along.

Yes, I had long COVID and began to take drastic measures

Once I embraced the fact that I was struggling with residual bioweapons, I started daily fenben and IVM. As of now, I am now symptom-free and the sores are gone.

I stopped listening to the self-righteous know-it-all’s and ordered this stuff online without any doctors involved. These two work for me. Moreover, all fungal infections are gone. Some persisted for over a decade and were resistant to every OTC fungal creme on the market. Moreover, all my previous back pains and such have vanished, too. I even have a lot more stamina. Indeed, the changes have been amazing. I guess I had been struggling with a number of chronic conditions, but never knew it.

Whether someone tells you viruses exist or not is irrelevant. This misguided red herring just works to demoralize those with chronic conditions caused by unrevealed bioweapons.

I tried to get rid of my conditions by listening to the self-righteous and compromised “health experts” on the alt-media, but bioweapons are now too powerful to get rid of with diet, exercise, and supplementations. Moreover, most people’s immune systems have been permanently compromised.

Many of these alt-media health experts are just product shills with their own overpriced product line to pawn off on the desperate.

For those who can relate to my circumstances, I recommend it

I will continue taking fenben and IVM indefinitely. Unless you have a chronic condition that won’t go away, I am not going to recommend you taking these two. I leave that up to you.

I get IVM 12 mg pills off India Mart for 10 cents each., and fenben powder is cheap, too. I am not going back to my prior condition. It was awful.

I also stopped listening to the alt-media health experts. They are not who they claim to be.

I hope this helps.

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24 thoughts on “A reader asks about my experience with Fenbendazole and Ivermectin

  1. I was recently reflecting on Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream speech”, especially the part about not hating black people because of the color of their skin.

    He said it’s OK to hate them for the content of their character though, so let’s do that.

  2. Just about everybody I know either has recently been diagnosed with cancer and/ or has a friend with cancer. Seems like in the last 3 years cancer is going around like the common cold. The Covid shots have achieved their purpose.

    1. Right! I suspect that’s only one purpose. Not only are peoples immune system being destroyed, there are likely much more nefarious issues that will come to light soon enough.

    2. This is one of the reasons why bond yields continue to grind higher, despite consensus to the contrary. UST bonds are a sucker’s bet.

    3. This is also why I started taking fenben and later on, ivermectin. Body inflammation is a warning sign for other problems and frequently translates into cancer. No chances here. Both my parents died from cancer. Three of my sisters have had cancer. No cancer for me.

      Thank you, India Mart! Thank you, fenzol.com…

  3. SPARS25 (look it up), is really St. Paul Accute Radiation Syndrome – – – NOT: St Paul Accute Respiratory Syndrome, as they would have you believe, nothing to do with boogie-man, non-existent viruses, but capable of masking the same symptoms as such, and it is on the front burner from this point forward – big time…silent weapon for quiet war(s). What a trick!!

    1. Here is a blurb from what John posted about. They always telegraph what their up to! You know of course who “they” are.

      The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators
      Schoch-Spana, M., Brunson, E., Shearer, M., et al. (2017). The SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators.
      This exercise can help risk communicators and emergency health planners alike understand and plan for communication challenges that may arise during an influenza pandemic necessitating the development and dissemination of medical countermeasures. It includes sections on response and recovery and appendices with scenario timelines and dilemmas that can be used in conjunction with the exercise.

    1. We on this website know all about chemtrails. I personally have been researching and reading about them since back in 2004 with Clifford Carnicom and all that stuff.

      This was a sobering video from January 2005. Twenty years ago. Aerosol Crimes.


      Ever wonder about all these nerve disorders? Thank the aluminum, barium, thorium for that.

      I recall Mr Carnicom as a regular guest on Rense back in the early and mid aughts as he discussed the production of this video. It’s still difficult for me to accept this, over 20 years later. To know the whole climate change garbage is a complete man made fraud. To know that perhaps a billion plus people have died younger since 2000, because of chemtrails. It’s hard for me not to sometimes weep.

      This is why diet, exercise, supplements can no longer do it all like once upon a time.

      I appreciate the links (as long as they aren’t malicious)😀😀😀. This websites primarily an economics and eschatological blog, but I am obviously diverted from time to time.

      This is why I have my blog; I don’t have anyone in my life with which to share these concepts. I share them with my reader. I am married to a Millie Montag after all.

      Thanks for sharing.

  4. They had drones spraying stuff in our area and I have never been so sick. I can barely walk 10 steps. What made you decide to take Fenbendenzole? I read that ivermectin is cardiotoxic. So much info to wade through.

    A family member still cannot evict that family – they’ve been living free in a house I was rookered into buying. The family member posted the property and. the witch let her 6 dogs out. She lies constantly. He took her to mediation and the mediator said since she’s on SSI she gets another month and there’s some other reason why he can’t evict her. I’m losing money. Do we need a lawyer? I am so angry that I got hooked into that deal. People are sleazy now. She refuses to pay rent and refuses to leave! Help.

  5. Great and informative article. This clearly proves that you have to pray to the Lord for personal medical guidance instead of listening to your compromised medical provider or the compromised alt media shills.

  6. For those who pop 4-6 ibuprofen tablets a day in a desperate attempt to assuage body pains, I suggest buying 100 mg. Diclofenac tablets from India Mart for a about 10 cents each.

    One Diclofenac tablet a day will be much more effective than 14-15 ibuprofen pills and will be less taxing on the body and liver.

    For those who suffer from chronic inflammatory conditions, we need to knock down the inflammation first before addressing the underlying causes. The rheumatologist I saw prescribed Diclofenac as a knockdown treatment for my two fingers that were immovable as well as my swollen foot.

    Thank God I don’t have any permanent damage to my fingers, joints, spine, and legs. Only my right middle toe is damaged.

    1. Many hospitals are making up across the country! Respiratory, bird flu, etc. The question is, will the masses go along again? Sure they will! Psychological warfare!

        1. They will do it again. Everyone’s already trained, and probably looking forward to the next lockdown, Stockholm syndrome style.

          This time everyone will lock themselves down with military precision and self-police anyone that does something wrong.

          NZ govt just released part one of their covid report. It’s all about making sure next time everything runs more smoothly. There’s no investigation of any crimes or conspiracies.

          1. Yes, unfortunately you are correct.

            The report you mention will be copied world-wide and each nation’s name will be cut and pasted in the header.

            We are already operating in a one world government. Every country participated. America actually had the most freedom I could think of, especially in the red states, and the Biden regime were tyrants.

            1. Over the motorways (known as freeways in American parlance), those signs that normally warn of fog or report on average travel times had messages such as “be kind”, “Look after each other”, “Protect your bubble”, “Nearly at 90% vaccination – we can do this team”, etc. I had to drive with the sun shade down in an attempt not to see them.

              If I unavoidably saw one, I got an image of the-horse-that-didn’t-like-horse-paste, and that is worse than covid.

              The strange thing was that businesses (that weren’t actually told to do anything) told all their employees to get the vax. “There was no compulsory vaccination – everybody had a choice” according to the horse’s replacement. Technically he’s right, I suppose.

              I knew people furious about the vax after getting side effects from the second shot. They seemed like total redpilled antivaxers at that point. Later, after the final lockdown, I met them again and they actually got a booster as well. Humans huh? Can’t figure them out.

              1. Talk about people being inconsistent about the vax.
                I know a mexican landscaper who refused vaccines of any sort. Never took any flu shots up to now. However, during the height of the Covid plandemic he caved in and took the Covid shots. He succumbed to the media hype and his wife pressured him as they had a small child at the time and he must get vaccinated to protect the child. My respect for him declined since that time.

    2. I’ve heard ipuprofen devastates and destroys gut flora, which leads to immunity reduction.

      (I didn’t research it, I just took note and won’t use ibuprofen.)

      1. Yes. It’s nasty stuff and sold at Walmart in containers in amounts as high as 1,000 per bottle. That goes to show that Walmart has customers who takes these like candy.

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