Game theory at its finest
Note to reader: Donald Trump serves a vital function for the Democrats and their supporters. He allows previously unpalatable objectives to be promulgated and detestable candidates to be elected.
Imagine if DeSantis was the Republican nominee. He would easily win, and the same goes with most other Republican potentials. But Trump is a kayfabe wrestler who takes his money and carries out orders to be the “Emmanuel Goldstein” of the 2020 and 2024 elections.
Whether Trump is wittingly performing this function is largely irrelevant. What’s important is how the Democrat party has been able to capitalize and leverage upon its ostensible opposition. Trump is either an evil genius working exclusively for the other side or he is a useful stooge who is in way over his head. Trump is also primarily enamored with the fame and notoriety his position brings, so his responses and behavior work well for his opposition, regardless of how filthy and disgusting that opposition may be.
I have attached a Benzinga article below, and while Mr Scaramucci doesn’t see the connection, the results are the same. Trump allows the Democrats to bulldoze their talmudic and communist agenda on a population that would otherwise reject it out of hand.
Anthony Scaramucci Says Donald Trump’s Divisive Tactics Will Lead To ‘The First African-American Woman President’
Benzinga News
Anthony Scaramucci, the former communications director for Donald Trump, again voiced his criticism of the ex-president and predicted his defeat in November.
What Happened: In a recent livestream on Don Lemon’s YouTube show, Scaramucci expressed his disapproval of Trump. Since leaving the Trump’s administration, Scaramucci has been openly critical of him.
Scaramucci’s critique was aired during Trump’s recent news conference. He offered a frank evaluation of Trump’s performance and personal attacks on Kamala Harris.
Scaramucci labeled Trump as “racist” and said he is on track to lose the presidential election.
“What I said before the show started, he’s not a white, racist cracker because he’s too orange for that. So, he’s sort of a Ritz, like a Ritz cracker. So he’s a Ritz racist cracker that’s about to lose to the first African-American woman president in U.S. history, and it’s driving him wild,” Scaramucci said.
Also Read: Scaramucci Accuses Donald Trump Of Racist Comments Against Kamala Harris
Scaramucci said, “He’ll go down in history as a two-time presidential loser. He’ll go down in history worse than Herbert Hoover, right? He lost the House and the Senate and the presidency in 2020. He’s about to get clocked again.”
He also criticized Trump’s divisive tactics, stating that his “mean streak impulses” and “racist dog whistles” were becoming increasingly evident.
Scaramucci said, “He’s imploding right now. And all of the mean streak impulses, all of the racist dog whistles, all of the cues are coming out of his personality. And Don, it’s at a time when the American electorate has changed dramatically.”
Scaramucci concluded his critique by pointing out the changing American electorate, highlighting the emergence of Generation Z voters and the potential backlash from women voters against Trump’s derogatory comments towards Vice President Harris.
“Just quickly on these stats — 20 million people, 20 million Baby Boomers have died since the 2016 election, 40 million Generation Zs have come into the voting rolls at the same time. And so the mixture of who he’s talking to has changed,” he said during the interview.
Why It Matters: Scaramucci’s comments underscore the ongoing political divide in the United States. His prediction of Trump’s defeat reflects a broader sentiment of dissatisfaction with Trump’s leadership style and divisive tactics.
The rise of Generation Z voters and the potential backlash from women voters, as noted by Scaramucci, could significantly impact the outcome of the upcoming elections.
The changing demographics of the American electorate and the increasing political engagement of younger generations and women could indeed pose a challenge to Trump’s bid for re-election.
2024 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
Link to original article:
Current Employment Statistics – CES (National)
Each year, the Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey employment estimates are benchmarked to comprehensive counts of employment for the month of March. These counts are derived from state unemployment insurance (UI) tax records that nearly all employers are required to file. For National CES employment series, the annual benchmark revisions over the last 10 years have averaged plus or minus one-tenth of one percent of total nonfarm employment. The preliminary estimate of the benchmark revision indicates an adjustment to March 2024 total nonfarm employment of -818,000 (-0.5 percent).
Sick and dying people can’t work so they drop out. In addition, those who are well have to take time off from work to help sick relatives.
What a surprise! The fed is going to lower rates, probably this September. Looks like more confirmation of who they want selected.
A lot of talk about this “Project 2025 Agenda”, and they actually used the word “agenda” in one article. From what little I know, it supposed to originate from the conservative wing and states some major overhaul of the system. Trump claims to know nothing about it and supposedly this was drafted by members of his cabinet. And Trump’s cabinet was made up of exactly the people we speak about – those who favor everything we oppose!
So is this 2025 project going to help the DNC because they will shoot it full of holes and come up with one that is better? Well, not really better as we are concerned, but to the average person who insists that voting means something, they will follow the trail of breadcrumbs to Kamp Kommie-la. Because opposing Trump is a party strategy.
And just like that, the Harris regime is proposing new taxes which include taxing unrealized capital gains so you will be penalized for owning appreciating assets. As Jackie Gleason used to say, and away we go!
Funny. I guess that’s what Harris, the Jezebel, was talking about last night in her speech. I don’t even listen to the speeches of the politicians. I just read the articles. Jezebel Harris mentioned it just mere hours after I posted it in the comments.
Biden proffered this unrealized cap gains tax, but since he was a Caucasian, it died on the vine. Now that we will have Jezebel ruling over us, it will probably pass through with flying colors. We can consider Biden like Ahab, the northern Israelite King with Harris his wife, Jezebel.
Ahab’s real sin was marrying another kind woman, Jezebel, and both were thrown into the lake. The moral of the story, we are not to go whoring and fornicating with foreign women. Kind with kind. Other kinds destroy your lands and wealth.
Where’s Elijah? We need him now more than ever to confront this Jezebel.
By the way, do a Google search on Elijah and it will tell you that Elijah was a Jewish prophet, which of course, is total bunk. The talmudic Jew rabbis will tell you this.
While the situation is fluid and I cannot yet exactly put my finger on it, I suspect we could most likely see certain modifications to the Internal Revenue Code. I see this especially occurring with respect to real estate and housing assets. As the deficit spending spirals further and further out of control, and as the great replacement of the Israelite remnants kicks into high gear, we could see a number of asset classes get kicked in the teeth as the government tried to claw back assets in an attempt to shore up tax revenue.
Of all the asset classes, I am most concerned about housing. I see the 1031 exchange going away on all assets, but this would most profoundly affect housing. We may even see that capital gains exclusion on owner-occupied housing going away. After that, I’m concerned about they repeal of the IRS’s tax treatments regarding estates and the stepped up cause bases of assets upon a person’s death.
Clearly, this is designed to help destroy the wealth of the white people. Whites control about 80% of all residential real estate in the country as well as all wealth. While modifications to the IRC are not exactly confiscatory in nature, they will have the same effect.
I could see a concerted effort going out toward the end of the decade to attempt to redistribute assets away from white people as well. It would be similar in style to what we see in South Africa today.
We must be prepared for any scenario and the price of gold is reflecting this uncertainty. Ironically, I suspect the last asset to be confiscated will be gold, which is the one asset the gold bugs keep claiming will be confiscated.
By taking away the attractiveness of owning assets in an attempt to raise tax revenue, this will be a de facto confiscation of wealth. As the percentage of whites decreases in the country, it will be easier for the communists in power to outright take away wealth from the so-called privileged people.
We must be ready to deal with a number of outcomes. It’s not going to be a good time to be a white person in this country. Of course, European caucasians are directly descended from the northern Israelites. There was a great replacement going on, just like there was when the Assyrians conquered the northern kingdom in the 720s BC.
The Jews of Jesus’s time look down upon the people who inhabited ancient Samaria as they were half breeds and mixed raced people. The Jews knew these people were the replacements of their northern brethren. Just like today. Nothing changes.
Stone, if you have any links you can share on Harris tax proposals now and going forward, that would be great. I am reminding myself that they can do anything they want now, as there is no rule of law anymore. I don’t know how we can possibly be fully prepared for all their economic warfare. I bought gold a while back when it was around 1800/oz, and honestly I wonder how safe even that is, as at one point the gov’t confiscated even that. I have been the victim (multiple times) of what I call “reverse racism” in Philadelphia where I once lived and worked, and I have seen the revolutionary communists fervor of (white) anti-apartheid leftists on a college campus in England where I lived prior to Philadelphia for a year in the early 80’s. I later saw de Klerk (previous leader of S. Africa) boo’d in an elegant speech in Philadelphia and Mandela cheered in the same venue, all because of the color of their skin (and not the merits of their words and actions), and because the later was the revolutionary appealing to the vengeful spirit of hatred in the form of reverse racism, which communism promotes. The hatred (and disfunction) in the “City of Brotherly Love” was palpable, and unbearable for me to live and work in. Of all the sobering things that you have written about, the most chilling is this topic, i.e., how this hatred toward whites is being institutionalized and intensified by the communists in this country. We have seen how all this worked out (tragically) for the Dutch farmers in S. Africa.
I have a resource to share, I have linked others on commercial law and Bouviers maxims and hope they were helpful to some.
I have found this resource so far to be pretty solid, the common law has not been jettisoned as yet but you need to know it in order to apply it and employ the protections it provides.
Perhaps we finally see a reconciliation between the Household survey and the Establishment survey, which have diverged for many months now. The household survey is more accurate over the long run….
Fed Confronts Up to a Million US Jobs Vanishing in Revision
(Bloomberg) — US job growth in the year through March was likely far less robust than initially estimated, which risks fueling concerns that the Federal Reserve is falling further behind the curve to lower interest rates.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. economists expect the government’s preliminary benchmark revisions on Wednesday to show payrolls growth in the year through March was at least 600,000 weaker than currently estimated — about 50,000 a month.
While JPMorgan Chase & Co. forecasters see a decline of about 360,000, Goldman Sachs indicates it could be as large as a million.
There are a number of caveats in the preliminary figure, but a downward revision to employment of more than 501,000 would be the largest in 15 years and suggest the labor market has been cooling for longer — and perhaps more so — than originally thought. The final numbers are due early next year.
Such figures also have the potential of shaping the tone of Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s speech at week’s end in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Investors are trying to gain insight as to when and how much the central bank will start lowering interest rates as inflation and the job market cool.
“A large negative revision would indicate that the strength of hiring was already fading before this past April,” Wells Fargo economists Sarah House and Aubrey Woessner said in a note last week. That would make “risks to the full employment side of the Fed’s dual mandate more salient amid widespread softening in other labor market data.”
Once a year, the BLS benchmarks the March payrolls level to a more accurate but less timely data source called the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, which is based on state unemployment insurance tax records and covers nearly all US jobs. The release of the latest QCEW report in June already hinted at weaker payroll gains last year.
As it stands now, the BLS data show the economy added 2.9 million jobs in the 12 months through March 2024, or an average of 242,000 per month. Even if the total revision is as high as a million, monthly job gains would average around 158,000 — still a healthy pace of hiring but a moderation from the post-pandemic peak.
Omair Sharif, president of Inflation Insights LLC, is optimistic the revision will end up toward the smaller end of the range of estimates, in part because QCEW data tend to be marked higher due to reporting lags.
Labor Risks
The preliminary revision may reignite the debate over whether the slowdown in the labor market risks a more abrupt downshift in the economy. Employers substantially scaled back hiring in July and the unemployment rate rose for a fourth straight month. While that contributed to a $6.4 trillion global market selloff, the S&P 500 has fully recovered.
“Markets, having recently experienced a growth scare that led to concerns that the Fed is behind the curve, will be monitoring Wednesday’s release of the benchmark revision to see if the market’s initial reaction was, in fact, correct,” said Quincy Krosby, chief global strategist at LPL Financial.
While other employment indicators have since reassured markets that the job market is on solid footing, policymakers are still highly expected to start lowering borrowing costs in September.
Powell and his colleagues have recently said they’re focusing more on the labor side of their dual mandate, and he’ll take the benchmark revisions into account in his Friday speech at the Fed’s annual symposium.
“While the payroll revisions due Wednesday have long been anticipated by the Fed, this will frame the atmospherics and will underline that the picture of strength in payrolls is not as vigorous as it had appeared in real time,” Evercore ISI analysts Krishna Guha and Marco Casiraghi said in a note Monday.
The government’s preliminary benchmark projection will be followed by final revisions that are incorporated into the January employment report to be released in February.
Birth-Death Model
For most of the recent years, monthly payroll data have been stronger than the QCEW figures. Some economists attribute that in part to the so-called birth-death model — an adjustment the BLS makes to the data to account for the net number of businesses opening and closing, but that might be off in the post-pandemic world.
What Bloomberg Economics Says…
“The factors that led to overstated job gains are still present. Adjusted for business birth-and-death distortions, payrolls for April and July 2024 are the most likely to be revised to close to zero — well below a pace consistent with a neutral unemployment rate.”
— Anna Wong. To read the full note, click here
Ronnie Walker at Goldman Sachs says the QCEW figures are likely to overstate the moderation in employment growth because they will strip out up to half a million unauthorized immigrants that were included in the initial estimates.
“Since the QCEW is based on unemployment insurance records, it likely largely excludes unauthorized immigrants, who we believe have contributed strongly to employment growth over the last couple of years,” Walker wrote last week.
Trump Is About to Get the All-Clear to Cash In on Media Shares
The exact day Donald Trump and other insiders will be able to sell depends on the stock price.
(Bloomberg) — Donald Trump is a month away from being able to turn his paper social-media fortune into cold, hard cash. The question is, will he?
The former president will be able to start selling bits and pieces of his $2.6 billion ownership in Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., whose share price has fluctuated wildly since going public through a special-purpose acquisition company merger in March.
Trump has not indicated any intention to sell shares in Trump Media, which operates his social-media platform Truth Social. And, doing so could give the impression that Trump is prioritizing personal profits — a criticism pundits often level at him — and alienate loyal followers who poured money into the company’s stock as his presidential campaign surged earlier this year.
However, the Republican nominee is also facing massive legal bills that a sale could help cover.
“It’s complex,” said Michael Ohlrogge, an associate professor at New York University Law School who has researched SPACs. Trump would need to balance the potential profits against any longer-term goals like a return to the White House, he said.
Representatives for Trump Media did not reply to requests for comment. They previously said that reporting on Donald Trump’s path to cashing out of the firm would be “utterly baseless” and partisan, “without any conceivable sign anywhere that he plans to do so.”
Trump, who owns about 60% of Trump Media, is expected to be able to start selling shares as soon as Sept. 20, when a lockup period barring insiders from selling shares is lifted. So will his co-founders, Andy Litinsky and Wes Moss, both former contestants on The Apprentice, as well as Patrick Orlando, whose fund, ARC Global Investments II LLC, sponsored the SPAC that merged with Trump Media.
Since that deal closed on March 25, the company’s shares have fluctuated drastically, trading as high as $79.38 and as low as $22.18. They closed at a fresh low of $22.24 on Monday, giving Trump Media a $4.3 billion market capitalization.
Trump selling a large number of shares could “be perceived as sending a signal about his lack of confidence in the company,” Ohlrogge said. “This could look bad in its own right, and a drop in share price could look bad for him as well.”
The volatility seems to have little to do with the underlying business, which is losing money as third-party trackers show stagnant user metrics. The company lost $344 million in the first six months of the year, mainly because of paper losses on derivatives, and took in just $1.6 million in sales.
Instead, Trump Media has become a way for investors to bet on Trump’s potential return to the White House. Its sharp swings have been mostly driven by retail-trading frenzies fueled on Reddit’s WallStreetBets and StockTwits — which can evaporate just as quickly as they start.
The stock’s latest slide has coincided with a drop in the implied probability that Trump will win in November, according to PredictIt. The betting market shows his odds have slipped to 46% from 69% last month, as Vice President Kamala Harris, the new Democratic nominee for president, has gathered support. The Democratic National Convention is underway in Chicago this week, with officials and celebrities rallying around her.
Whatever the rationale for Trump Media’s valuation, selling shares would help its namesake founder pay for mounting legal bills.
Trump is on the hook for more than half a billion dollars in penalties after losing a pair of lawsuits earlier this year, both of which he has appealed. He also faces an ongoing prosecution over his attempt to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election he lost to Joe Biden.
The lockup period will likely end just a few days after Trump’s sentencing in his hush money criminal trial, set for Sept. 18 in Manhattan. Trump faces as long as four years behind bars on felony counts of falsifying business records to conceal a payment to a porn star before the 2016 election to keep her quiet about an alleged affair.
The exact day the former president and other insiders will be able to sell depends on the stock price. If shares remain at or above $12 for any 20 trading days starting Aug. 22 then the earliest trading day for insiders to sell shares will commence as soon as Sept. 20. If the stock fails to hold that mark, insiders will be able to sell shares by Sept. 26 regardless of how it’s trading.
“If he goes in and starts selling, that will hammer the stock price,” said Tuttle Capital Management chief executive officer Matthew Tuttle. “It’s going to depend on whether he needs the money.”
Gold sniffs out communist junta coups early on. In my view, the price of gold here is indicating that the Great Reset will be the Great tribulation. True remnant Christians will not be allowed to live within the confines of the Great Reset. The second Exodus is going to happen up around 2030 and on until Jesus’s return. As the Mormons would probably recommend, line your magic underpants with gold.
Next stop, $2,600. Gold is good and its price is a better indicator than any other indicator. That’s because gold is used almost exclusively as a monetary equivalent.
Look for short-term resistance at $2,600 on the front month contract. The technical indicators don’t even indicate an extremely overbought condition either. There could be some tremendous upside. Gird your loins, my friends. Communist governments are very inefficient users of the taxpayers purse.
I think Gold is predicting a Kameltoe presidency.
In addition gold is also predicting a fed rate cut.
That’s baked in. I think there’s a growing concern regarding a Harris regime and its reconfiguring of the internal revenue code to begin phasing out many of the capital gains exclusions and favorable tax treatments for investors. Gold here is telegraphing upcoming problems. Gold is telling us that we have an ever-increasing risk of civil unrest coming to Manasseh. I truly don’t think the Federal Reserve can really lower interest rates all that much and many investors are going to be disappointed if they believe the FED could substantially cut the overnight rates.
I suspect that when Harris is sworn in her regime will begin to show its true colors and begin to be confiscatory with regards to assets. People are taking notice, especially those outside the country.
Yes Kameltoe is an outright communist. Just by what she says is raising red flags in more ways than one. There is a lot that she plans that is not stated but voters will find out the hard way when she gets sworn in.
The USA will no longer be a country for old white men.
Are you still thinking (like a post from you a while back) that the confiscation process will begin with the easiest of pickings, i.e. assets on paper? I am hoping you could elaborate on your troubling words, “….Harris… will… begin to be confiscatory with regards to assets.” I don’t have any first-hand knowledge of communist juntas, but as I contemplate all that has been happening since COVID and even prior, I suppose we are on the communist continuum, and if my lousy public school history taught me anything, I would say that the government already controls the means of production in what many would call “corporate capitalism” (probably a misnomer). It seems though that this country is well established in that control government control of the means of production, and we are now looking at the imminent next phases where it gets really ugly, as in Maoism. But the step in between now and utter destruction and starvation ( that step being confiscation) is what I am bracing myself for, and any light you could shine on how this confiscation will take place would be very helpful in trying to gird our loins. Thanks for your insights.
I think Scaramucci has hit the nail on the head. The key for the Democrats to win is to appear less extreme left than Trump is extreme right. The Democrats have in reality gone extreme left over the years, but by appearing less extreme left than Trump’s extremist right views the Democrats will pick up the swing voters and win. This time they may not have to stuff ballot boxes to do so.
Another great point by Scaramucci is that the older, more conservative voters are dying off while the much more leftist leaning generation Z are registering to vote. In addition, many immigrants are becoming newly minted citizens allowed to vote . The trends favor the Democrats and the fix is in for the Democrats to control everything.
I think the Democrats will fulfill the NWO Synagogue of Satan plans quicker and more effectively than the Republicans. A Trump win in 2024 would push back the NWO plans.
I am at the point where I feel the masses of humanity are so dumbed down beyond repair that they are no longer worth saving.
I don’t like the Democrats but I feel this is the reality. The key for those who don’t like this is to seek Jesus Christ so you can leave this world spiritually without leaving physically. We may have to eventually leave physically when the thugs persecute us for our beliefs in Jesus Christ. If you leave this world spiritually by taking up your cross with Jesus, then it will become easier to leave physically as well at God’s appointed time.
Whether it’s the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, or the Jew synagogue of Satan, the Israelites always end up serving someone else. Manasseh will now have a multi breed puppet fronting for the synagogue of Satan Edomites.
Manasseh and Ephraim are under total captivity, like it was during the Philistines of the book of judges and Assyrian conquering.
The Israelites of today need to be cleansed and wander in the wilderness like in the first Exodus. There needs to be a great cleansing and many of today’s Israelites who don’t know they’re Israelites are not going to make it. Not only will they not make it, but the vast majority of them will side with the first man on the White horse.
How do I know? They already believe and embrace communism and social Marxism. It was probably the same way when the ancient Israelites were in Egyptian captivity. They had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years to shake off the Egyptian contamination. Most of those Israelites wanted to return to Egypt, because they actually had it easy compared to struggling on their own.
Almost 80% of the end time Israelites lined up and were voluntarily injected with a bio weapon. That’s how I know they will side with the man on the White horse. The enemy knows this, too. That’s why they’re going for broke now, because they know they can.
In the context of your statement, “….they’re going for broke now, because they know they can,” what do you think is next on their docket for domestic terrorism? Also, do you think that what they are doing to English citizens in regards to immigration is what will happen here in the states? The totalitarian double-standard there is staggering. We got a glimpse of that double-standard during the J6 astroturf, as many peaceful citizens are still locked away without trial. In both cases, digital surveillance has been heavily utilized. They are locking people up in the UK for wrong think social media posts, and letting immigrants get away with literal murder.
Ephraim is under the synagogue’s captivity. It is coming here to the states (Manasseh) and the livestock will take it like the caged animals they have become. The religious Christians will be saying how evil their country always was and that the founding fathers were devil worshipers. Of course, that was a falsehood planted by the synagogue enemy.
Today’s religious Christians and universal church member stooges are as deceived as the heathen. The devil is laughing at these Judeo-Christian dummies. They are held prisoner by their religion errors. They don’t read the Bible nor listen to the biblical prophets, but drool over some church priest, father intermediary, or extrabiblical “prophets”. They’re too stupid and lazy to study the entire Bible
The evil goes on, because today’s Christians don’t do a thing and are on board with the demoralization campaigns against their own people and themselves. Why fight if their country was always evil? Let them burn for their cursed ignorance.
The slavery will be extreme going out to 2030. The prophecies need to be fulfilled and today’s Christian has his head up his ass with his one-world NT-only religion errors.
Evil happens when good people do nothing and look the other way. This was how Hitler got away with sending people to the death camps. Many of today’s so called church Christians are not Christian at heart and most of the remaining believing Christians are too blind to see the evil going on today.
Good people? Stupid people are not good people nor do they deserve compassion. Read Hosea to see what our God Yahweh thinks of stupid people. Yahweh essentially says stupid people choose to be stupid.
To wit, today’s judeo Christian chooses to be stupid so he or she can get along with the world. God rejects them. God rejects the laodicean One World Christian. These Christians are stupid and under common law remedy, whose concepts and underpinnings are biblically derived, ignorance is no excuse. There’s going to be a lot of willfully ignorant stupid people very disappointed at the judgment throne.
Remember, history is written by the victors. Revised to their purpose. For example, look up the Eisenhower death camps. When you find out what really happened in ww2 it is shocking! Why was General Patton killed? Just who instigated and financed these wars? Even today, which group of people are you not allowed to criticize? They even invented a word for it.
The worse than expected housing starts has really affected GDP investment growth.
Good analysis. I once thought the fake state of Israel would do all it could to put Mr. T. in the house, but if your looking for the collapse of the usa, and the prophesied war, famine, hyper inflation, etc. think the four horses, she will certainly get the job done with her SOS handlers!
Harris will be much more effective for achieving the objectives of the NWO.