Could Trump Drop His Presidential Bid Against Kamala Harris?

Note to reader: the electorial landscape has changed drastically since Biden dropped out of the presidential election race and Donald Trump is quickly losing his way. Trump is not psychologically equipped to deal with an opponent such as VP Harris and will lose in November. The media have clearly chosen Harris as the heir apparent and the only hope the Republicans have of retaking the Oval Office would be for Trump to step aside and proffer another more viable candidate.

Anthony Scaramucci Says Trump Could Drop His Presidential Bid Against Kamala Harris If This Happens: ‘I Know How This Man Thinks’ -Benzinga

Zinger Key Points

•Scaramucci says the NABJ convention was not a win for the former president and he lost something there.

•After realizing that the Project 2025 is not polling well, Trump disowned the 85 people he had put into the project.

Former White House President Anthony Scaramucci on Thursday weighed in on the changing electoral landscape in the wake of Vice President Kamala Harris entering the fray.

Media Backing: The cycle is moving quickly and the chess pieces are changed now, said Scaramucci in the latest episode of the Rest Is Politics US podcast he co-hosts with British journalist Katty Kay. The Democratic Party now has a candidate who is backed by most media outlets, barring some rightwing-leaning websites, he said. “They are building up the candidate and they’re building a persona and a profile of the candidate as a savior of not democracy alone….the new buzzword is freedom and future,” he said

Scaramucci, the founder of investment firm SkyBridge Capital, noted that Harris was an improbable candidate as she got one percent of votes in the primaries and was selected during the George Floyd crisis in the U.S. She is an accidental candidate and accidental nominee, he said.

Trump’s Nightmarish Week: Referring to the National Association of Black Journalists national convention which Trump attended this week and received a lot of backlash for, Scaramucci said it was not a win for the former president and he lost something there.

The ex-White House aide referred to a Pennsylvania event where Trump appeared alongside David McCormick, who is running for the Senate. “He [Trump] was so flustered and he had teleprompters in front of him. He said ‘you’re great strong, great courageous leader who’s running for governor. Do you want to come up on the stage,’” Scaramucci said.

Trump made five or six major gaffes like that and they are not typical Trump gaffes, where he mispronounces a word, he added.

On the flight to Pennsylvania, Trump was off the hook upset about how it went for him at the NABJ, Scaramucci said, adding that the former president went to the convention with the intent of blowing up Harris’ spot about she being Black. Also, he wanted to leave there, scarring the Democrats, as he thought the African-American Community loved him and that they were going to embrace him.

Scaramucci said Trump was forgetting about the 20.2 million baby boomers who have died and about 33 million racially mixed people who are entering the voting age.

The ex-Trump official also noted that when the Republican nominee realized that Project 2025 was not polling well and that people thought of it as a “fascist, racist movement,” he disowned the 85 people he had put into the project.

See Also: Trump’s Fortunes Tank By Nearly $900M Since Kamala Harris Replaced Biden As Democratic Candidate: Here’s How Much Ex-President Is Worth Now

Will Trump Drop Out: Scaramucci discussed the possibility of Trump quitting the race. Citing party insiders, including senators whom he is in touch with, he said they signaled that they tolerated Trump because they wanted to stay in power. They apparently feel Trump is not their cup of tea because of the way he handles himself.

“Some of these people have suggested to me, particularly political insiders, he does not want to go to jail,” Scaramucci said, adding that the number one reason for him to run is to get the Supreme Court to give him broader immunity against his court cases.

if he drops in the poll number, he could figure out a way to cut a deal, said Scaramucci. The businessman doesn’t think his former boss will receive a pardon but thinks he could go to the governors of New York and Georgia and ask that his sentence be commuted.

Scaramucci said Trump could cite health issues as the reason and designate someone like Nikki Haley or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

“There’s a pass for him if he drops in the polls and the predictive markets shoot up and he starts to panic. There’s a pass for him to get out of the race, blame it on a health issue, cut a deal and avoid jail,” he said.

“I know how this man thinks,” he said, adding that this deduction was not sourced. This is based on an analysis of Trump’s personality, having known him, he added.

Original article posted here:

2024 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

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24 thoughts on “Could Trump Drop His Presidential Bid Against Kamala Harris?

  1. Forget inflation, we need the Fed to save the economy. At least that’s the fear now. No matter what the FED does, asset owners win….

    Bond Traders Bet Big on the Fed Launching Into Rescue Mode

    Fears of a slowing economy and Federal Reserve delays have contributed to a sharp selloff in US stocks last week.

    (Bloomberg) — Bond traders are piling into bets that the US economy is on the verge of slowing so quickly that the Federal Reserve will need to start easing monetary policy aggressively to head off a recession.

    Previous worries about the risk of elevated inflation have virtually disappeared, swiftly giving way to speculation that growth will stall unless the central bank starts pulling interest rates down from a more than two-decade high.

    That is fueling one of the biggest bond-market rallies since fears of a banking crisis flared in March 2023. The advance has been so strong that the policy sensitive two-year Treasury yield tumbled last week by half a percentage point to less than 3.9%. It hasn’t been that far below the Fed’s benchmark rate — now around 5.3% — since the global financial crisis or the aftermath of the dot-com crash.

    “The market concern is that the Fed is lagging and that we are morphing from a soft landing to a hard landing,” said Tracy Chen, a portfolio manager at Brandywine Global Investment Management. “Treasuries are a good buy here because I do think the economy will continue to slow.”

    Bond traders have repeatedly misjudged where interest rates have been headed since the end of the pandemic, however, at times overshooting in both directions and caught off guard when the economy bucked recession calls or inflation defied expectations. At the end of 2023, bond prices also surged on conviction that the Fed was poised to start easing policy, only to give back those gains when the economy kept exhibiting surprising strength.

    So there’s a chance that the latest move is another such swing too far.

    “The market is overshooting and getting ahead of itself like we saw late last year,” said Kevin Flanagan, head of fixed income strategy at WisdomTree. “You need validation from more data.”

    But sentiment has shifted sharply after a string of data showed a softening job market and cooling in segments of the economy. On Friday, the Labor Department reported that employers created just 114,000 jobs in July, far short of what economists were forecasting, and the unemployment rate unexpectedly rose.

    After the Fed on Wednesday again held rates steady, the data fanned worries that the central bank has been too slow to react — just as it was in raising interest rates once inflation lingered well after the economy reopened from the pandemic. That’s been reinforced by the fact that central banks in Canada and Europe have already started easing policy.

    Fears of a slowing economy and Fed delays have contributed to a sharp selloff in US stocks last week, with sentiment further dented over the weekend after Berkshire Hathaway Inc. slashed its stake in Apple Inc. by almost 50% as part of a massive second-quarter selling spree.

    “There’s been an absolutely enormous move in the 2-year yield in the past 10 days or so. It’s hard to price a so-called safe-haven asset, it’s much harder to price riskier assets – stocks,” said Steve Sosnick, chief strategist at Interactive Brokers LLC. “And Warren Buffett’s decision to lighten up his Apple position doesn’t help things from a sentiment perspective.”

    Deeper Cuts

    Economists across Wall Street have started anticipating a more aggressive pace of Fed easing, with those at Citigroup Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. predicting half-percentage-point moves at the September and November meetings.

    Futures traders are pricing in roughly the equivalent of five quarter-point cuts through the end of the year, indicating expectations for unusually large half-point moves over the course of its last three meetings. Downward moves of that scale haven’t been enacted since the pandemic or the credit crisis.

    The Treasury rally drove the benchmark 10-year yield — a key baseline for borrowing costs across markets — to about 3.8%, the lowest since December. The advance was supported by the slide in the stock market on the heels of some weak earnings reports from companies like Intel Corp., which announced it is cutting thousands of jobs.

    What Bloomberg Strategists say…

    “Locking in yield is clearly a priority for bond investors as more evidence of jobs deterioration means rate cuts are coming, potentially fast and furiously in the next several months. Friday’s jobs report has given bond markets pause about that framing and intensified worries the Fed is now making a policy mistake.”

    —Edward Harrison, strategist. Read more on MLIV

    Kathryn Kaminski, chief research strategist and portfolio manager at quant fund AlphaSimplex Group, said there appears to be room for bonds to continue to gain, given the downturn in the stock market and a push by investors snap up bonds before yields fall even more. She said the firm’s trend-following signals turned them bullish on bonds this month after previously being bearish.

    “People wanting to lock in rates creates a lot of buying pressure and there’s also risk-off going on,” said Kaminski. “The 10-year yield could go down to closer to 3% if we do get these Fed rate cuts by the end of the year.”

  2. The comprehensive legalization of recreational marijuana use works well for the asset owners, especially landlords, as all these pot smokers and drug consumers make for docile tenants. Landlords will have a permanent class of brain dead rent payers putting upward pressure on rent rates. Of course, don’t rent out to these drug consumers, but thank them. I chuckle when I hear how marijuana is a great therapeutic for pain and psychology disorders. Let the rabbles smoke their brains out.

    Cannabis Sales In U.S. Hit $32B In June: Key Drivers Behind All-Time Record Revealed

    Zinger Key Points
    •LeafLink’s report highlights record-high U.S. retail cannabis sales in June, driven by market expansion and policy changes.
    •States like New York, Florida and Michigan lead sales growth with numerous new retail outlets boosting consumer access and sales.
    •Extensive license issuance in key states like New York and New Jersey adds over 5,000 new stores in the next 12-24 months.

    1. On one hand you are clearly Judeo-Christian in your philosophy. Your arguments seem extrabiblical and universal church based. How do I know? I read the Bible. Yet you rail against Jews and those who say they are. The synagogue’s engineers and the Constantine church rearranged some of Paul’s writings as they couldn’t screw around with the OT. The OT was already set in stone.

      Hypocrisy from all angles. At least, I come clean. You are stuck is your religiousness. By function and definition, the Catholic Church and its Protestant mongrels are by far the biggest Jew supporting entities out there. Your religious worldview reflects this.

          1. Well, “John S” claims in his post that Ashkenazi Jews are white-Caucasian. Is that true now? Are there any other opinions? That’s all I want to say.

            1. Not all Jews are whom you proclaim. But you don’t drop it. What got into you today? I admitted my mistakes, but my wife clearly doesn’t look like those. Why are you still Catholic? I read the Bible and your rules sound Jewish and Babylonian. The misery that institution has wrought over the centuries, and still does. Countless millions killed and drawn and quartered all in an effort to hide the truth of their talmudic roots.

              I left that church after witnessing 9/11 and having the stupid priests pray the prayer of Saint Michael for war. Nothing worse than a 501c3 shithole guiding the sheep. The remnant preachers I listen to were outing the secret establishments who carried out 9/11.

              What’s wrong with you? Go to a Catholic echo chamber and leave this blog alone. The worst types of people to argue with are these steadfast Catholics. These religious Catholics are the absolute worst. It’s their crooked wretched way or the highway.

              1. The Adversary is using everyone and everything it can to overwhelm the last of the holdouts.

                Having talked with thousands of people over the past decade, about the end times, I can say I have yet to meet one person who is involved in an organized church who has the slightest idea about the truth.

                The fact is, although the Synagogue of Satan is evil as can be, God is only allowing them to do these things to us because of the complete failure of the churches and the people.

                Please know there are people, like myself, who check your blog faithfully as it reminds me I am not alone.

              2. Don’t get too upset, I meant that the basic commandments of Christian marriage are taken for granted here on this blog. Now I’m being called Jewish and Babylonian because I consider Christian marriage to be the foundation of the Christian family and thus of our Western culture. Do I not constantly read on this blog how the Jewish SoS are poisoning our youth and families? I think I’m in the wrong movie here.
                I apologize for offending you.

              3. Stone — please know your perspectives and advice around eschatology, economics and society are highly valued and acted upon profitably. I as one of your deeply appreciative readers ought to be more forthcoming in relaying our ongoing gratitude.

            2. Something to consider. Revelation 2:9 refers to those who say they are jews but are not, and are of the SOS. Look for a people from an ancient land that was forced to convert to Judaism, but are not of the jewish race. Here is a clue. King Herod was an edomite. This is one possibility.

              1. That’s right. This last days battle goes all the way back to Isaac’s birthright proclamation. Esau has hated Jacob ever since, but Jacob had Yahweh’s protection up until the Babylonian captivity of the Southern kingdom.

                In the last days, Jacob’s lineage had Yahweh’s protection like before the first Babylonian captivity around 582bc.

                In double fulfillment, Jacob’s lineage founded modern day Europe and
                these “evil colonizers” spread the gospel around the world for all to hear. The job is now done and Jacob’s lineage has now gone a whoring and mixing.

                Unfortunately for us, Yahweh’s hand of protection from the Edomite synagogue has been lifted once again and we are now in communist (Edom) captivity again.

                The prophet Obadiah explains the first fulfillment of the fall of Esau for knifing the Southern kingdom in the back, but we could make the double fulfillment of the fall of Esau as the collapse of end time Babylon.

    2. From what I know Ashkenazi Jews have no blood ties to Israel as they are European. Only the Sephardi Jews do. But you will find plenty of information refuting this claim. History says it was the Sephardi Jews who were exiled by Nebuchadnezzar from Judea and most of them settled mostly in Spain. Interesting how in 1492 Spain expelled the Jews. But we were taught that a Spaniard discovered America?

      This is an interesting article that surely has and will ruffle some feathers. While I certainly don’t side with Nazis; I find it rather convenient that Nazis and Hitler are still the go to bad guys to this day. Nazis are not good, but I believe they get thrown under the bus as a cover for what was the greatest mass murder campaign in history orchestrated by those who promised fairness and equality – the communists.

      1. You are not far from the truth! The seeds of the second world war were sown after ww1. Look into the Wiemer Republic and the extreme decadence that was going on, not to mention the debauching of the monetery system. Looks a lot like the western nations today. Same playbook and same villains at the helm.

      2. Sephardic Jews have Rh negative blood type and their remnants have an olive skin tone. There is plenty of disinformation about this blood type but I maintain there has been a (so far unsuccessful) concerted effort over millenia to wipe it out. Nobody to date has given any factual reason for the existence if the Rh negative blood type other than to call it a disease.

  3. No doubt boxers in gender dispute are women, IOC’s Bach says
    August 3, 2024 7:13 AM EDT

    PARIS, Aug 3 (Reuters) – Algerian boxer Imane Khelif and Taiwan’s double world champion Lin Yu-ting are women who have every right to compete at the Paris Olympics despite a gender dispute that has overshadowed their competitions, the International Olympic Committee president said on Saturday.

    The pair were cleared to compete in Paris despite being disqualified at the 2023 World Championships after failing International Boxing Association eligibility rules that prevent athletes with male XY chromosomes competing in women’s events.

  4. It sure seems that Trump is rapidly becoming even more of a jerk in the public eye. Just like Biden was publicly displayed as a mental case – which became his exit plan – it seems Trump’s exit plan is unfolding in real time. It might be the only way “heels up Harris” can win the prize.

    1. Look at what the Democrats have been able to accomplish while Trump was their Republican opposition. The transformation of the country has been utterly breathtaking and the Democrats have Trump to thank.

      Communist kayfabe at its finest and Trump is 78. Harris is going to pull further ahead and will clean Trump’s clock on election day. They won’t even need to stuff The ballot box.

  5. If this is accurate then it’s not good for Trump. I see Trump losing against Harris. I don’t like Harris but I am just being honest with my intuition. If you are a gambling person and bet for Harris then you probably can make some good returns.

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