Trump, Hillbilly Elegy, and the dismantling of the US

So it’s down to Trump and Harris. Because we all knew Biden was set to exit the stage. Would it be fair to suggest that if the conflict in Ukraine and/or Israel needs to escalate Chump is the winner? Or if the goal is what you suggest – enriching the shareholders – we get Commie-la? As of now there is still time to shift the political winds in whatever direction that is beneficial to TPTB.


Harris or any Democrat placeholder will be the winner, hands down. There will never be another fair election ever again. The dirty white people will be taught a lesson and the wars and domestically oriented multi-trillion dollar DEI fiscal deficits will continue under Harris without end. Of course, this outcome is great news for the asset owners.

Trump will never see the inside of the oval office ever again and his role to destroy white American culture will finally be fulfilled.

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

Joseph Stalin

Expect the Rothschild’s to soon allow Trump to be able to monetize his DJT stock holdings early and leave existing shareholders holding the bag once again. Trump always destroys the wealth of those who invest with him and this outcome goes back to the 1980s. The stupid pass on and are punished .

Hillbilly Elegy

Hi everyone, my name is JD Vance. I married an Indian woman and am a CIA asset.  I aim to assist Trump in dismantling white American culture.

There will never be another white Christian male US president ever again. Look at the last two presidential embarrassments. For now on, the people will vote in presidents like the one in the movie, Idiocracy, where the president was a dim-witted black machine gun-toting professional wrestler. Maybe we’ll get a homosexual black transvestite, like Micheal Obama.

As Timothy Fitzpatrick says, Communism never died. The US will begin to resemble any other democratic run city. I think of Baltimore or San Francisco.

The process is complete. Now the alt-right will be praying for Ezekiel 38-39 to free them from the Communists. Alex Jones and Mike Adams will beg Putin to free us.

Get your ducks in a row now. First, civil unrest is coming. For decades, the alt-media kept talking about it and now it will happen during the last half of this decade. Just as the people begin struggling and the United States looks as weak as it’s going to get from internal strife, Russia and China will strike.

It’s almost over. The Communists won. War is coming to the American shores by the end of the decade and many will die.

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70 thoughts on “Trump, Hillbilly Elegy, and the dismantling of the US

    1. UST’s debt to the penny continues to show sharp and huge increases in the amount of federal debt outstanding.


      During the 3Q 2027, President Harris will be the puppet Communist figurehead. The media will proclaim she has the answers. Of course, war is coming and the wealth consolidation is accelerating as we speak.

      1. The labor market in the States will continue to be taking a dump and the household survey paints a much darker picture than the establishment survey. The Fed maybe forced to lower rates substantially, even though inflation is elevated. The Best of all worlds for asset owners. By addressing the employment markets, the FED will actually make wage earners fall further behind.

        I’m voting Democrat in November as we need this massive communist deficit spending wave to continue levitating asset prices. Wage earners and Democrat voters be damned. I observe the irony and double mindedness.

        1. Democrats are more favorable to wars and increasing asset prices. Democrats ironically help the wealthy more than anybody else.

          Just beware that Democrats will come after your guns and will take away freedom of choice. Democrats also favor crime and the criminals who commit them. The leftist excel at making previously peaceful white areas turn into multi colored hellholes with high crime.
          The liberals and leftists also favor strict vaccine mandates.

          All this said, I think the non thinking American masses deserve this. If the Democrats win across the board, then judgement against the USA will be quicker and more harsh. I am at the point where non thinking masses who vote for the leftist need to have karma come their way. Judgement needs to come sooner or the evil will continue and get out of hand.

          1. When the Democrats start WWIII, then all those young multi cultural/multi-colored working class kids and poor kids will be drafted to fight and die while the privileged class are exempted. The democrats are the party for the working class and poor.

  1. Excellent data points this morning! Asset prices win again…

    Continuing Jobless Claims
    Act: 1,877K Cons: 1,860K Prev: 1,844K

    Initial Jobless Claims
    Act: 249K Cons: 236K Prev: 235K

    Jobless Claims 4-Week Avg.
    Act: 238.00K Cons: Prev: 235.50K

    Nonfarm Productivity (QoQ) (Q2)
    Act: 2.3% Cons: 1.7% Prev: 0.4%

    Unit Labor Costs (QoQ) (Q2)
    Act: 0.9% Cons: 1.8% Prev: 3.8%

  2. Good news this morning on inflation front.. ADP data also underwhelmed.

    Employment Cost Index (QoQ) (Q2)
    Act: 0.9% Cons: 1.0% Prev: 1.2%

    1. The UST just outlined its funding and refunding strategy for the next several months by emphasizing borrowing at short-term durations, rather than piling on more debt on the long end. The UST hopes to help suppress longer term yields along the curve.

  3. The way the Democrats acted and the way they outed President Biden’s cognitive incompetence was perfectly timed to allow Harris to emerge as the Democrat candidate.

    Biden had cognitive issues going back to the 2020 election and the stories regarding it were legion. They allowed him to be destroyed now, so only VP Harris could emerge with no legitimate contenders.

    The Democrats are not acting haphazardly, but are acting intentionally and deliberately.

    Harris was always the Democrats choice for president and this is the way to get her on the ballot. She will win in November, too. It won’t even be close.

    1. I have a gut feeling that Trump will lose to Harris and probably large enough so nobody can argue fraud.
      More than likely, there will be an October surprise against Trump.
      This whole thing of Biden stepping aside and endorsing Harris was most likely planned at least a year ago. Nothing happens on the fly nor by chance.

      Harris will fill the SoS plans of dissolving the USA and handing it over to the Beast system New World Order. Trump would delay it.

      Be prepared for a second Exodus if you will not take the Mark. Christians should be prepared to be ostracized by their closest family and friends. It has happened to me over my refusal to take the Covid Clot shot. That isolation and ostracization was well worth it as I am much healthier than those around me who took the Covid shots. We will be isolated Christians here on earth pretty soon, but it will be well worth it as we enter the heavenly kingdom with Jesus Christ while our closest friends and family painfully burn in hell for eternity along with Satan.

      1. Gold front month futures contract now at ATH.

        Au price is by far the best crisis indicator ever. Always has been, always will be.

      2. Believe me. It should be no gut feeling to you. This is all scripted and she is selected to take down the last vestiges of what was once a white country. The Israelite remnants have no place in the New World Order. Of course, the blacks or the Indians or whatever do not have any say. Rather, they’re just the minority useful idiots that are being used to subjugate everybody.

        I could not think of a better investment for the average person than single family properties owned in fee simple. I sold off almost all my condominiums, save one. I told you in real time that I started peeling them off about 2 years ago. They were all rented out to black people. I transferred these properties via tax-free exchanges into a Caucasian concentrated area and all my new tenants are white. Condominiums in any area are terrible investments in this cycle. My newest tenant whom I rented out to this week is your stereotypical white family. The wife is a petite blonde hair blue-eyed woman and is very sweet. The husband looks just like me except 25 years younger.

        Single-family detached houses are by far the best investment for the average person as we can control our expenses. Most people can no longer control their expenses nor their habits. Each house is like a separate corporation. The stock market is doing phenomenally well and will continue to do phenomenally well as will all the other asset markets.

        The media has already selected Harris as president. For you Trump supporters out there you need to get over this and prepare.

    1. Vigano doesn’t have to restrain himself anymore, since he is no longer concerned with not being excommunicated.

      He is correct, Obama is a homosexual, who has always preferred the company of men. Michael Obama is a drag queen and still is physically intact. The people prefer voting for degenerates, because it makes them feel better about their own filthiness.

      1. When you married your wife, what form of marriage did you choose? Did you receive the sacrament of marriage in a church ceremony or was it just a civil marriage with a secular contract?

        1. It’s my first and only marriage. I should have remained single. I got married much older than most and it was all civil. We got married before COVID and it’s been heartache and misery ever since the whole thing. Like me, she is from the NYC area. She is not Christian, which doesn’t help either. At least she is European Caucasian. I should have remained single, but very few women can deal with my ostensible idiosyncrasies. To most I’m a big question mark and enigma. At 58 and with what’s coming I have less than a decade anyway.

          1. I received an email from a reader regarding my marital circumstances. I don’t have any comments.

            From a Christian point of view, you and your wife are living in concubinage, which is illegal according to God’s laws.
            In order to end this illegal form of cohabitation, your wife would have to convert to the Christian faith and enter into a Christian marriage.
            If your wife is not willing, you are not committed to her. In the event of a separation, you would then have to bear the legal consequences that apply in your country.
            If you continue to live this concubinage, you must be aware that you are constantly offending God.
            From a Catholic point of view, you are living in a state of fornication and mortal sin. These are serious offenses in God’s eyes.

            1. What does the Bible say about miscegenation. Let’s look at Numbers 25. It’s race mixing and sex before marriage that’s fornication. The Catholic Church or the universal one world church argues extra biblically as do the Schofield followers. You mentioned your wife was Jewish, but she is German European Caucasian. Today’s universal Church teaches that it’s the faith that matters, not the race and that the non Catholic is damned. But we have a global mixed communist horror show, because of the Catholics and its Protestant babies teach tragic errors, so they can keep existing in the Jew synagogue world.

              You’re right Stone leave the churches. The Laodiceans say it’s all about faith. Jesus never said Numbers 25 is of non effect. It’s about race mixing and that’s why we have a global communist government. The universal church was guided by the synagogue of its time during Constantine. The devil has deceived the entire world, especially the church.

              You shouldn’t have married a non believer Jewish woman, but at least she’s Caucasian German. I would not recommend divorcing her now. That would be out of convenience to you.

              1. Should one not add to your advice, if it is meant to be Christian at all, that cohabitation in concubinage is only possible if one is chaste, i.e. if one adheres to sexual abstinence?

  4. I was asked by a reader to watch this video and ask for my comments.

    Here was my response;

    I took a quick look and immediately realized that the real enemy is never mentioned. No talk of Jews and those who claim to be nor the synagogue of Satan. Sure, the ideas are similar to mine, but the straw men puppets are the same old stuff. No Bible talk, no talk of who owns the central banks. It seems consistent with what the rest of the alt-media say. She gives us the demoralizing kosher version. That’s why she gets over 1 mm views on YouTube. She has quite a YouTube following evidently.

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my site. I have about 50 regular visitors.

    By knowing the true adversary, as opposed to some devils and demons like Chuck Lawson is now proclaiming, which receive the kosher seal of approval, my readers know the truth and that’s why we have a much higher level of predictive capacity than the partisanized and bio weapon injected Cassandra’s in the alt-media and elsewhere.

    1. For instance, I know why the negro and mixed mulattos comprise almost 80% of all advertisements now. That’s the synagogue. There are very few European whites that are now on the commercials. This has nothing to do with inclusiveness, but exclusiveness. It’s the same reason that most of all the music on these advertisements also are sanitized gang banger rap music.

      1. If one reads the protocols of zion, and works like it,for example, you can see a clear pattern that the synagogue of Satan uses as their play book. Demoralize, guilt, greed, lust, deception, perversion. It is the very nature of Satan on display. The liar and murderer from the beginning.
        You are right on the money, Stone!

  5. FHFA lower than expected, Case Shiller higher than expected….

    FHFA House Price Index (YoY) (May)
    Act: 5.7% Cons: Prev: 6.5%

    FHFA House Price Index (MoM) (May)
    Act: 0.0% Cons: 0.2% Prev: 0.3%

    FHFA House Price Index (May)
    Act: 424.6 Cons: Prev: 424.7

    S&P/CS HPI Composite – 20 s.a. (MoM) (May)
    Act: 0.3% Cons: 0.3% Prev: 0.4%

    S&P/CS HPI Composite – 20 n.s.a. (MoM) (May)
    Act: 1.0% Cons: Prev: 1.4%

    S&P/CS HPI Composite – 20 n.s.a. (YoY) (May)
    Act: 6.8% Cons: 6.5% Prev: 7.3%

  6. The UST expects to borrow $1.305 trillion between July 1 and December 31. Communism and its DEI and green economy don’t come cheap. Own the assets….

    Treasury Announces Marketable Borrowing Estimates
    July 29, 2024

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced its current estimates of privately-held net marketable borrowing for the July – September 2024 and October – December 2024 quarters.

    During the July – September 2024 quarter, Treasury expects to borrow $740 billion in privately-held net marketable debt, assuming an end-of-September cash balance of $850 billion. The borrowing estimate is $106 billion lower than announced in April 2024, largely due to lower Federal Reserve System Open Market Account (SOMA) redemptions and a higher beginning-of-quarter cash balance.

    During the October – December 2024 quarter, Treasury expects to borrow $565 billion in privately-held net marketable debt, assuming an end-of-December cash balance of $700 billion.

    During the April – June 2024 quarter, Treasury borrowed $234 billion in privately-held net marketable debt and ended the quarter with a cash balance of $778 billion. In April 2024, Treasury estimated borrowing of $243 billion and assumed an end-of-June cash balance of $750 billion. Privately-held net marketable borrowing was $9 billion lower largely because higher net cash flows and lower SOMA redemptions were partially offset by a $28 billion higher ending cash balance.

  7. I received an email from a reader….

    Good day,

    Even the most obtuse neutral person must by now see the cultural attacks on the Western way of life. The promoters are the enemy within. I would love to be able to time travel to observe the decline of the Roman empire in person to see the parallels. Rome was not defeated from without. It was defeated from within. As we approach what I term as a nexus in time, I cannot see beyond it to what comes next. Ray Dalio in his studies of history talks of 6 stages of human historical cycles. We are late in stage 5 and melding into stage 6 – revolution. I will take delight in seeing the sodomites purged from our midst but cannot divine what sort of entity will rule next. Thoughts?

    An example of the enemy within

    I currently write from eastern Europe. Here in the Visegrad countries it is far more normal than woke foolish western Europe and ( too many) parts of North America. They have retained their culture.


  8. Where there’s smoke….

    I received an email with this YouTube video link regarding JD Vance and his closeted homosexuality.

    Breaking News: the truth will come out of the closet!!

    I don’t necessarily endorse anything this gentleman says, but what he says makes sense. Given that we previously observed how Vance was best buddies with Peter Thiel, we intimated that Vance was truly homosexual. Vance previously mentioned how he struggled with homosexuality when he was a youngster. Perhaps that’s why he married an Indian woman, it was probably easier for him to keep his sexuality a secret. If Vance married a Caucasian European descended woman, he would have been outed immediately.

    1. Look for rampant deficit spending to accelerate under the upcoming Harris regime. Vance and Trump are two embarrassing placeholder opponents.

    1. It’s interesting to see how innocent and carefree the children’s facial expressions are. This is rarely seen in children today because they grow up in homes where the Christian faith has practically disappeared.
      It’s our own fault! We will learn to live godly lives again, but all these blatant sins must first be atoned for, and that will require a high price in blood.

      1. Like most prophecies from the scriptures; there are double fulfillments for the last days. First fulfillments were the shadows of things to come. This means there must be a second Exodus, where the small remnant will wander in the wilderness like in Revelation 12 and cleanse themselves of the synagogue’s influence before the return of Christ Almighty himself.

        Lots of heartache first. The fever must break. We must stick together, kind with kind, lest we are guilted and shamed into falling back into the one world Babel trap again. We European Caucasian Israelite remnants must raise ourselves up from the Jew synagogue Communist mud and filth.

        Those who marry other kinds and fornicate with them will not be able to wander with the remnant as they will bring their pollution mentality with them along with their cursed children. God has no patience for the proud and easily offended, which is what the mixed people bring to the table.

        1. This is a Profound Statement! Revelation 12 speaks of a woman, or betrothed woman being protected from the devil and his minions. The Father selects the bride for the Son. These 144000 will be the bride at the marriage supper. The second Exodus could occur right after Passover as it did the first time. With your thoughts of the end being about 2027 or 2028 and the fact that the bride is protected for three and one half years, we may be very close to this event for the remnant!

          1. I just came across this article, which helps explain what dual or double fulfillment means.


            Observe that the author also concludes like I do that the war in Ezekiel 38-39 has not yet happened. I say the first fulfillment is WWIII, and the current allies are aligning along the description given in Ezekiel 38-39. Of course, this prediction is predicated on our correct interpretation of who Israel is in these final days. (Hint, it’s not the Jews and the satanic sandbox nation state in the Mid East)

            Whether there are actually only 144k saved in this exodus remains to be seen. I suspect this number is an allegory as it’s 12 x 12, but it does show few are included.

            I suspect this final war will come about any time after the start of the second half of 2027. If Trump does not take the WH this November, which i say he won’t, I suspect the chances of this war happening earlier are greater. A Trump presidency would probably delay this inevitable war to perhaps closer to 2030. Harris will bring further weakness to the U.S. and make it a more tempting target for Russia and China. Keep in mind that Harris, her black radical communist dad, and the communists running the governments want this war and will use it to finally bring their desired one world government into fruition.

            All the governments are on board, and if someone doubts this, look at the global homogeneous response to the COVID injection bioweapon campaign. Not one country was spared. They all acted with one mind.

          2. This war will also be the time of Jacob’s trouble and its grand fulfillment in the last days. Whether or not we think this Jacob’s trouble has been fulfilled is irrelevant. In fact, it is vital that there was a first fulfillment, rather, a smaller fulfillment.

            Jeremiah prophesied subsequent to the removal of the northern tribes, referred to as the Israelites, and was looking down the road to some future date. This time that he envisioned would be a time of terrible distress for the northern Israelite remnants. I submit that all of these prophecies will all come together during a tight period in time, and during a final grand fulfillment.

            Of course, in order to understand how all of these prophecies work, especially when they are fully manifested in the final days, it is vital for us to understand and comprehend who the Israelites are. They certainly aren’t the Jews of today nor is it the political nation state of Israel. These prophets are not talking about a spiritual house either like the Schofield Christians claim. Jeremiah is specifically referring to a physical people that will be somewhere on the planet when all of this unfolds. These people are not blessed above others per se, but prophecy will run through them until the end.

            If we can take off our politically correct lenses that have been given to us by our Jew communist enemies, everything will fit together like Tetris game pieces.

  9. Good numbers overall. If the Fed wishes to cut the Fed funds rate, do it in September for 25 bps….

    Core PCE Price Index (MoM) (Jun)
    Act: 0.2% Cons: 0.2% Prev: 0.1%

    Core PCE Price Index (YoY) (Jun)
    Act: 2.6% Cons: 2.5% Prev: 2.6%

    PCE Price index (YoY) (Jun)
    Act: 2.5% Cons: 2.5% Prev: 2.6%

    PCE price index (MoM) (Jun)
    Act: 0.1% Cons: 0.1% Prev: 0.0%

    Personal Income (MoM) (Jun)
    Act: 0.2% Cons: 0.4% Prev: 0.4%

    Personal Spending (MoM) (Jun)
    Act: 0.3% Cons: 0.3% Prev: 0.4%

    Real Personal Consumption (MoM) (Jun)
    Act: 0.2% Cons: Prev: 0.4%

    1. San Francisco will be just like Hong Kong. This is a great inducement for the low end dregs of the world to come in and work for nothing and do the service jobs no one else wants to do anymore. This actually, counterintuitively, helps to enhance property values just like it does in Hong kong. It helps attract all these low end people who will just overwhelm the systems and resources in San Francisco. The sodomites live in pods, while the wealthy live in their airtight condos and apartments. Now the better off people can eat their food and go to the restaurants while the low end dregs who rent out pods for $675 a month can service them.

  10. GDP data much higher than expected. Atlanta Fed GDP estimate close to actual numbers. Durables much worse.

    I suspect the Fed will try to cut rates soon… Maybe a 25 bp cut to dip the toe by September…

    GDP (QoQ) (Q2)
    Act: 2.8% Cons: 2.0% Prev: 1.4%

    GDP Price Index (QoQ) (Q2)
    Act: 2.3% Cons: 2.6% Prev: 3.1%

    Core Durable Goods Orders (MoM) (Jun)
    Act: 0.5% Cons: 0.2% Prev: -0.1%

    Core PCE Prices (Q2)
    Act: 2.90% Cons: 2.70% Prev: 3.70%

    Durable Goods Orders (MoM) (Jun)
    Act: -6.6% Cons: 0.3% Prev: 0.1%

    Durables Excluding Defense (MoM) (Jun)
    Act: -7.0% Cons: Prev: -0.2%

    GDP Sales (Q2)
    Act: 2.0% Cons: Prev: 1.8%

    Goods Orders Non Defense Ex Air (MoM) (Jun)
    Act: 1.0% Cons: 0.2% Prev: -0.9%

    Initial Jobless Claims
    Act: 235K Cons: 237K Prev: 245K

    Continuing Jobless Claims
    Act: 1,851K Cons: 1,860K Prev: 1,860K

    Jobless Claims 4-Week Avg.
    Act: 0.00K Cons: Prev: 235.25K

    PCE Prices (Q2)
    Act: 2.6% Cons: 2.7% Prev: 3.4%

    Real Consumer Spending (Q2)
    Act: 2.3% Cons: Prev: 1.5%

    1. A September interest rate cut will help the democrats. Kamel Toe Harris is really the de facto president now albeit not officially.

  11. US 30-Year Mortgage Rate Eases to Lowest Level Since February

    (Bloomberg) — US mortgage rates eased last week to their lowest level since early February, while a further decline in home-purchase applications suggested even cheaper borrowing costs may be needed to stir demand.

    The contract rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage slipped 5 basis points to 6.82% in the week ended July 19, according to Mortgage Bankers Association data released Wednesday. An index of mortgage applications to buy a home decreased 4% to the lowest level since the end of May.

    While mortgage rates remain below 7%, they’re still twice as high as they were at the end of 2021. Combined with elevated home prices, many potential homebuyers have been shuffled to the sidelines, evidenced by waning sales of previously owned houses.

    A National Association of Realtors measure of homebuyer affordability declined for a fourth straight month in May and stood at one of the lowest levels in the group’s data back to 1989.

    MBA’s overall index of applications, which includes those for home purchases and refinancing, decreased 2.2% last week. The refinancing gauge edged up 0.3%.

    The MBA survey, which has been conducted weekly since 1990, uses responses from mortgage bankers, commercial banks and thrifts. The data cover more than 75% of all retail residential mortgage applications in the US.

    1. People are still spending…

      Royal Caribbean Restarts Dividends After Four-Year Hiatus

      (Bloomberg) — Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. became the first cruise operator to reinstate dividends as record demand put it on firmer financial footing.

      It will pay a quarterly dividend of 40 cents per share, allowing stockholders to start sharing in a windfall from strong travel demand. Royal Caribbean halted its 78-cent payout in 2020 as it coped with the pandemic-induced industry shutdown. Robust growth has seen it reach financial targets 18 months ahead of time.

      “Exceptional demand for our vacation experiences has accelerated our performance by generating significant yield growth over the past several years,” Chief Executive Officer Jason Liberty said in a statement. That interest is showing no signs of abating with the company taking more bookings for 2025 than it has this year, fueled by stronger demand for its vacation experiences, he said.

      The company also raised its full-year profit outlook for a third time this year. It now sees earnings of $11.35 to $11.45 per share. Its previous forecast was in the range of $10.70 to $10.90.

      “Our accelerated performance and commitment to strengthening the balance sheet have allowed us to reduce both leverage and cost of capital, consistent with our goal of achieving investment grade metrics,” Chief Financial Officer Naftali Holtz said in the release. It should reach that threshold by year-end, Holtz added.

      Royal Caribbean’s shares slipped about 3% in premarket trading after surging 27% so far this year. Peers Carnival Corp. and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings traded a touch lower.

    1. I notice that the traditional safe haven of USTs is not working today. Lots of stock market drops and bond yields are higher. US going the way of Argentina. The people in the states are not prepared for that. President Harris will oversee the dissolution of the USG and its surrender.

    2. What I notice is this link (and other sources) go on the notion that the assassination attempt was real and not staged. I and others strongly suspect it’s staged. Timothy Fitzpatrick posted a great video explaining that it was highly unlikely this was a natural event. To me it’s so blatantly clear this was staged that how can anyone else believe it’s real?

      Are we headed for a straw man argument – real assassination vs. staged to keep us distracted? Biden dropping out was also easily predictable based on his highly televised and promoted performance. It was just a matter of when. The Trump court saga dragged on and it seems that he was kept out of jail for this presidential race. Because anyone else would be in jail. I mean, Martha Stewart went to jail for what seems to be a requirement to be a politician! One way or another Trump and his devoted base will be made to look like fools once again and the Dems will rejoice and yell “I told you so.” The communist gov’t V2.0 gains more ground regardless who wins.

  12. M2 is rising again. How long can the Fed attract fixed income investors with high short term rates? Something has to give…

    Velocity continues to pick up, which shows the price pressures in the economy continue…

    President Harris will continue this communist spending as she doesn’t even think the US has a border problem. Actually, president Harris thought we had a border problem when illegal immigration was minimal. She’s been surreptitiously hand-picked to be the president during the upcoming civil unrest and the upcoming World War 3 later in the decade. This World War 3 will result in the de jure dissolution of the United States.

    1. Very bullish for investors.

      New Home Sales (Jun)
      Act: 617K Cons: 639K Prev: 621K

      New Home Sales (MoM) (Jun)
      Act: -0.6% Cons: Prev: -14.9%

      Normally, with the continual mongrel population increasing home sales should be climbing long term. But these new immigrants that president Harris seeks to flow into the US live in multigenerational shitholes and will tear rental homes apart. They will never buy a new home and the Great Replacement is destroying the supply demand equilibrium.

  13. Gold at 2,400 is the new support. Before it was the resistance. Gold futures cling to the even hundred numbers like moths to a flame. Human nature does indeed follow patterns.

    1. The entire commodity complex getting beat up today. False breakouts? Back in the longer term channel we go. Ag getting pummeled.

      The Fed could be justified to do a 25 bp cut soon to test the waters. I’d give it a shot.

      1. Could you elaborate on what you mean I was literally thinking about getting back into something like XLE

        1. Dow Jones commodity index is getting destroyed on a daily basis after a false breakout. Everything in the complex is getting beat down.

        2. If I were you, looking at the chart and commodity complex market action, I’d hold off. But longer term holders could buy a little down here.

  14. Here’s why foreign buyers are really pulling back from the US housing market

    The number of American homes purchased by international buyers has plummeted in the last year — and experts know why.

    According to a new study from the National Association of Realtors, foreign purchases of US residential real estate have sunk to the lowest level ever recorded since 2009, when NAR started tracking it. Between April 2023 and March 2024, non-American homebuyers bought 36% fewer houses compared to the 12-month period prior, the most significant amount of sales to date.

    The reason for the sudden backing away, the new NAR report says, is a combination of factors that are also impacting would-be domestic buyers, namely high home prices and low inventory. As well, international investors are currently facing a strong US dollar, which certainly does not help their situation.

    Those foreign buyers who did purchase US real estate last year payed record sums.

    “The strong US dollar makes international travel cheaper for Americans but makes US homes much more expensive for foreigners,” NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun explained in the report, adding that “Therefore, it’s not surprising to see a pullback in US home sales from foreign buyers.”

    He continued to note that the market’s current characteristics have leant themselves to such a buyer recession in the past as well.

    “Historically, low housing inventory and escalating prices remain significant factors in constraining home sales for American and international buyers alike,” said Yun.

    Residential real estate purchases by foreign buyers last year reached the lowest rate ever recorded by NAR.

    As for those buyers who did buy a stateside abode in the past year, the amount they paid was record-breaking, averaging over $780,000 per property with a median of $475,000. Comparatively, the median price paid in 2023 was $396,400. Most significantly, these buyers hailed from Canada, China, Mexico and India — and bought homes in Florida, Texas, California and Arizona. Chinese buyers paid the highest price — $1.3 million — on average.

    The report further noted that half of foreign buyers paid all-cash (compared to 28% of domestic existing home purchases) and 45% intend to use them as a vacation house, rental property or combination of the two.

  15. Great article.
    It is obvious to me that the Democrats are anything but about saving democracy. Biden overwhelmingly won the primary votes in all states against 3 challengers one of which was very wealthy(Dean Phillips). Now the Democrats don’t want to eat their votes.

    This push to remove Biden happened because he went off script on the debate with his much worse than planned performance. His mental incompetence got to the point where the masters cannot control him so they need somebody else.

    It is obvious that the super wealthy donors are the ones that are running the show and not the voters as they wanted to show Biden the door.

    I think Kameltoe Harris has a better chance against Trump as she will energize the women and young people to vote for her and of course she will also energize more black women to vote for her.
    She may not beat Trump with real votes but she will bring the vote much closer than Biden then they will use some ballot box stuffing to put her over the top.

    At the rate Biden was going massive fraud would be required to put him over the top.

    One way or another they will prevent Trump from getting in the Oval Office. I think all this talk of Trump getting re elected is a big con game just like the “Red Wave” that was supposed to happen in 2022. They like to play the conservative voters for fools. I would not bet the ranch on Trump getting in.

    I don’t like the Demonrats, but they get elected every time through ballot box stuffing and there are enough dumb masses who fall for their empty promises of free handouts. The wealthy love the demonrats deficit spending as they benefit directly from government programs and through asset appreciation due to deficit spending.

      1. The diseases and sicknesses are piling up and I suspect that these Powers figure they can get away with this stuff now as there is a lot less resistance than before covid. Ai and the powerful internet algorithms they use are showing they can get away with things they previously wouldn’t be able to. I suspect the United States will eventually become a dictatorship it is quickly looking like CCP China.

        1. Neighbor just developed clots in lungs and almost died. There’s too little healthy people left to put up any fight against anything! And the rest of us are too dang old to do anything.

        2. I see the USA becoming like CCP China as well. I noticed Americans today are more like unthinking zombies today than in 2019. The signs are all over the place as customer service has gotten more incompetent and lazy. There are many more errors and sloppy work.
          Be prepared for the democrats to take control of all levels of government.

          1. The news articles and the polling numbers already indicate Harris is pulling ahead of Trump.

            What amazes me is how the world really is coming apart and the personal lives of so many people have been profoundly impacted since 2020 and yet they go on like nothing’s changing, especially my wilful wife.

            It truly is the black and pale horses that have left the proverbial stables. I don’t know of anyone that I talk to in all of my daily endeavors that has not been directly affected by death and terrible illness. I mean everyone. I had three contractors come over to a property to quote me on a fence installation and all three had death and disease over the past couple of years in there families. One of their wives died last December from liver failure. She was 50. I can go on and on about this and the people are being wiped out financially as well. Hardly a peep from the masses and they’ll go vote for the same people who have been destroying their lives.

            1. I can second your words: “What amazes me is how the world really is coming apart and the personal lives of so many people have been profoundly impacted since 2020”

              I just spent four days in the hospital due to oral antibiotic resistance for cystitis, and a large blood clot in a vein in my lower leg (which they found in testing at the hospital), causing painful cystitis in my foot (due to impacts on circulation) – on a foot that was operated on in June for arthritic bone spur removal.

              WTH? I was very healthy prior to 2020 and took good care of my health, no meds, physically active. Now I am on a blood thinner (to remove my clot) and regular Tylenol, and had major IV antibiotics in the hospital, to follow up on the oral antibiotics, so basically my gut biome has to be rebuilt. I am spending my time consulting with doctors and therapists. What a mess life became quite quickly, and I still have limited, painful mobility and cannot resume my normal life.

              I can tell you from first-hand experience that the health care system is very, very broken. And it doesn’t matter that I pay over $1000 a month for private health insurance – it all still sucks because it’s essentially run by the government, which breaks everything. Government covid policies told the doctors who is in charge, and it’s not them, it’s the hospital administrators complying with government mandates. And don’t even get me started on the draconian laws around opioid addiction and pain management for law abiding citizens who just need pain relief after serious surgery…there too, the doctors are NOT in charge and leave people in pain (which happened to me). The inmates run the asylum.

              And I am finding with people, if it didn’t happen in the news, then it didn’t happen. The “vaccines” didn’t damage and kill people because the government media didn’t tell us so. We are just conspiracy theorists, didn’t you know that??

        3. Completely agree. The people do not see it, or they are willfully ignoring it.

          One thing I noticed is that bird flu dropped right out of the news cycle with the latest political theatre. I know that Health Canada had a task force of dozens of people looking to find H1N1 in cows milk and just couldn’t make it stick. At the same time there was a listeria outbreak in plant based milk that killed 2 people and 9 remain in hospital. So much for that effort, maybe they can conjure another covid variant or just set some more fires.

  16. Just like last time when Trump gathered his base over four years in the WH then sent them sail towards the iceberg. That’s how I saw the entire Jan 6th event. And we still get the occasional news story about how idiotic the political right is. This time around the effect will be the same but the method different? And according to Mr. Stone’s predictions (with Trump never setting foot on the WH) the crash just may happen on the campaign trail.

    Those of us who are first generation Americans of Russian origin, with three generations of family escaping two murdering communist regimes, have been aware for a long time that communism has never ended. It simply put on a different hat. In the US that hat is firmly placed on the head of leftists.

    And speaking of civil war and social unrest, Oakland is already practicing.

  17. Interesting that a state run by blacks that also loves and worships blacks also has just about the highest costs of living and least affordable housing. All that government just raises prices for everyone, and yet the retarded voters seek more government….

    Maryland among the toughest states in the nation for renters who depend on affordable housing
    CBS 13 Baltimore

    BALTIMORE – In Maryland, the dream of finding affordable housing is becoming increasingly out of reach for many residents, as rent prices continue to skyrocket. A recent report by “Out of Reach” highlights the severity of the situation, placing Maryland among the toughest states in the nation for renters.

    According to the report, Maryland now ranks as one of the most challenging places to secure affordable housing. This revelation underscores a growing crisis that is affecting thousands across the state, from urban centers to suburban communities.

    “I love my community that I live in. It’s just unfortunate that I won’t be here within the next 60 to 90 days,” said Lyles, whose rent recently spiked by $900 per month. This increase, she emphasized, far outstrips any rise in her social security income, forcing her to have no choice but leave the place she has called home for over two decades.

    Lyles is not alone in her situation. Many of her neighbors have also been hit with exorbitant rent increases, driving them to seek more affordable options elsewhere. The situation reflects broader trends documented in the “Out of Reach” report, which indicates Maryland now requires a staggering hourly wage—approximately $37—to afford a typical two-bedroom apartment without exceeding the recommended 30% of income on housing costs.

    Experts cite several factors contributing to this crisis, including a surge in demand driven by population growth and a limited supply of housing units. Claudia Wilson Randall, Executive Director of the Community Development Network of Maryland, pointed to a decade-long neglect in affordable housing investments and the shrinking availability of housing for middle class and low-income families.

    “This trend is not only affecting individual renters like Lyles but is also having ripple effects across Maryland’s economy,” noted Wilson Randall, stressing the urgent need for comprehensive policy solutions.

    State lawmakers and officials have acknowledged the severity of the issue, with efforts underway to address the affordable housing shortage. However, Wilson Randall insists that more proactive measures are necessary to meet the demand for over 100,000 affordable housing units statewide.

    Meanwhile, Diana Lyles remains hopeful for a solution that allows her to stay in Howard County, where she has deep roots and connections. “Something definitely needs to be done,” she urged, echoing the sentiments of many struggling renters across Maryland.

    For those in need of assistance or resources, experts recommend reaching out to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development.

  18. An interesting article regarding Argentina residential real estate and its pricing. Those in Argentina who hold real estate, dollars, and gold weather the inflation. Those who don’t end up worse and worse. This will be the routine in the US going out to 2030.

    How are property prices in Argentina now?

    According to Numbeo, Argentina housing was the 13th most expensive when compared to household income. Its ratio was 21.1, meaning that a typical house in Argentina cost 21.1x the median annual household income. The US at 4.1x will continue to see an ongoing upward shift.

    Tattoos, obesity, divorce, and rock music are forbidden in the Bible and the curses are now manifesting fully in plain view.

    1. If I were trading equity futures, I’d sell away contacts on strength this morning. This only pertains to daily trading; the trend is still intact.

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