A reader asks; what would happen if the Fed lowers interest rates?

…[F]rom your perspective, what would happen if the Fed drops overnight rates? Wouldn’t that action accelerate inflation and make things worse? Could it also freeze or limit credit? I bet the SOS/Fed wants to keep it all sounding copacetic until after the next (s)election and then let it rip.

The WSJ also had a glib article on today’s numbers, headlined: “Hiring and Wages are Up, Reinforcing the Economy’s Resilience”

“The U.S. posted surprisingly large gains in both jobs and pay, even though the unemployment rate ticked up to 4%”


Since COVID, fiscal deficit spending is not being sterilized

It seems that a huge chunk of the post-covid fiscal deficit spending is now being geared toward domestic matters and when fiscal spending is retained within the nation’s borders it’s nearly impossible to rein in price inflation.

For instance, when so much of this new spending is devoted to the green economy, the Great Reset objectives, and social programs, these inefficient spending campaigns flesh out with rising price inflation domestically. Moreover, when we have so many people coming across the border and the government is rolling out the types of benefits that they are extending, the spigots have to remain open.

Honestly, it’s fiscal suicide to take on so many domestic objectives at once. I just don’t see how they can put the toothpaste back in the tube. Thus, any drop in overnight rates will have an immediate impact on many sectors, especially housing. If we think house prices and the costs of living are expensive now imagine if the Fed dropped interest rates 100 plus basis points. Look out.

Why the persistent discrepancies in the Jobs data?

I observe the continual disparities between the unemployment Establishment and Household surveys and contemplate why these differences have been persisting for much longer than usual. The mainstream business outlets have been emphasizing that investors rely on the Establishment survey, with its relatively rosy data, over the Household report, which shows a much weaker employment market.

Of course, we can claim that widening report data is because this is an election year, but I suspect there’s also another motive; and that is to provide the necessary excuses to keep interest rates higher.

Higher rates curtail credit formation and subdue asset inflation

The Federal Reserve has already effectively froze and curtailed credit for the average person. All we need to do is look at the mortgage market for a hint of the results. If the Federal Reserve truly wished to ignite mortgage lending it could begin buying up mortgage back securities again. But as of now, this clearly is not on the radar screen. The FED knows that if it did so house prices would spiral even higher. The Fed and Federal government have to know exactly the horrors they are causing for the average person, so they are doing whatever they can to make certain house price increases remain subdued for now.

This green economy and those trillion dollar subsidies with LGBTQ and black justice, open borders, etc., are just excuses to spend, which ultimately achieves the overarching goal of wealth and power consolidation. Social spending has always been used to achieve this objective.

What investors should do

As an investor, I profit from this largesse. If we see the trajectory of UST debt levels diminish, then I would worry about asset prices, and I just don’t see that happening anymore.

Of course, knowing what I know about fiscal and monetary matters, the only conclusion I can make is that this all has to be intentional. There’s a lot less care about the spending being sterilized, so I assume this is intentional and the cost of living crisis will get much worse. People will be jumping out of windows by the time the solution is proffered.

This is why I have been begging for those who would listen to buy the assets. SFR housing, owner occupied housing, and stocks for the average person. Of course, this is opposite of what the alt-media recommends. We are to own the income generating assets.

Indeed, owner occupied housing generates income; there’s an implied opportunity cost and that’s equivalent to the rent we would otherwise  be paying a landlord or what the rent our owner occupied houses would generate.  Mark my words, rents will be going up much higher than our mortgages over time.

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39 thoughts on “A reader asks; what would happen if the Fed lowers interest rates?

  1. There are trillions sitting around looking for investment. These large alternative asset managers will keep buying up everything. They have tens of trillions in recently issued sovereign debt securities and they mean business.

    Deals Heat Up for Alternative Asset Managers Hunting Billions

    (Bloomberg) — Consolidation is gathering pace in the alternative asset management industry as major players assert their dominance and expand.

    In what could be one of the biggest combinations in recent years, Ares Management Corp. is exploring a potential deal for about $66 billion of GLP Capital Partners Ltd.’s assets to gain a significant presence in infrastructure and logistics-related property, Bloomberg News reported this week. That follows, among others, BlackRock Inc. acquiring Global Infrastructure Partners for some $12.5 billion in January, adding more than $100 billion in assets.

    These firms are seizing the opportunity to expand, because scale matters when it comes to raising new funds. Mergers and acquisitions also offer a route into other business areas, from private equity and credit to infrastructure and ESG.

    “Consolidation is primarily driven by investors’ demands for diversified and comprehensive investment solutions,” said Betty Yap, a Hong Kong-based partner at Linklaters LLP. “This is also a quick way to build scale, coverage and capability, increasing their appeal to a varied investor base.”

    More Deals

    Ares’s potential deal with GLP Capital would follow its acquisitions of Asian private equity firm Crescent Point Capital and BootstrapLabs, an artificial intelligence-focused venture capital firm based in San Francisco. Ares aims to increase assets under management to over $750 billion by the end of 2028.

    “We do see further consolidation in the industry, with the larger players with more firepower using the market backdrop to gain a comparative advantage and grow,” said Adnan Meraj, head of Asia Pacific Financial Sponsors at Bank of America Corp.

    Also this year, General Atlantic agreed to acquire London-based private equity firm Actis, expanding its assets under management to about $96 billion. TPG Inc. agreed in 2023 to pay $2.7 billion for credit specialist Angelo Gordon, which had about $73 billion under management. T. Rowe Price Group Inc. acquired Oak Hill Advisors, which oversaw about $53 billion, in 2021, and EQT AB bought Baring Private Equity Asia Ltd. in 2022.

    In addition to widening their operational scale and access to capital, M&A-fueled growth helps global funds handle shifts in investment trends and position themselves to “thrive in a complex global market,” said Yap of Linklaters.

  2. Good price data for inflation and the doves….

    PPI ex. Food/Energy/Transport (MoM) (May)
    Act: 0.0% Cons: 0.0% Prev: 0.5%

    PPI ex. Food/Energy/Transport (YoY) (May)
    Act: 3.2% Cons: 3.2% Prev: 3.2%

    Continuing Jobless Claims
    Act: 1,820K Cons: 1,800K Prev: 1,790K

    Core PPI (MoM) (May)
    Act: 0.0% Cons: 0.3% Prev: 0.5%

    Core PPI (YoY) (May)
    Act: 2.3% Cons: 2.4% Prev: 2.5%

    Initial Jobless Claims
    Act: 242K Cons: 225K Prev: 229K

    Jobless Claims 4-Week Avg.
    Act: 227.00K Cons: Prev: 222.25K

    PPI (MoM) (May)
    Act: -0.2% Cons: 0.1% Prev: 0.5%

    PPI (YoY) (May)
    Act: 2.2% Cons: 2.5% Prev: 2.3%

  3. Even the Los Angeles Times says that it’s better renting than owning….

    New rental developments are changing the American Dream of suburban homeownership

    Chelsey and Spencer Marks’ home in Cathedral City was becoming more trouble than it was worth.

    The young couple had just spent $15,000 repairing their air conditioning system, essential in the resort town where summer temperatures average more than 100 degrees. Soon, they feared, their three-bedroom house would need new windows and a replacement pump to clean the pool. And even after three years in their home, they had not gotten used to the desert winds howling at all hours outside their doors.

    “I was like, I can’t do this anymore,” said Chelsey, 41. “One day I came home and I was like, ‘We’re selling the house.'”

    But rather than find another property to buy, the Markses decided to abandon homeownership altogether. They’ve joined the growing numbers of people across the country who’ve chosen to rent a new single-family home in a subdivision designed only for tenants.

    In January, the Markses became two of the first residents of SolTerra, a 131-home community in La Quinta, 15 miles from their former property. They sacrificed their home equity and a low mortgage interest rate in exchange for wiping out their credit card debt, pumping up their savings and paying for a trip to Italy this fall.

    Plus, now on the rare occasion something in their three-bedroom rental breaks, a maintenance person comes to fix it.

    “Come over here and look at this place,” said Chelsea, pointing at her open concept kitchen filled with stainless steel appliances. “I don’t need to own it to be living that life that I want to live.”

    As high home prices persist and mortgages hover at rates twice what they were three years ago, a new twist on the American Dream is emerging at unprecedented speed.

    Across the country, developers are building new subdivisions with single-family homes only for rent. The projects provide the private backyards and garages that generations of Americans have seen as a marker of middle-class status, but without the ownership that’s traditionally driven middle-class wealth.

    Nationwide, roughly 90,000 single-family homes that started construction last year — 10% of the total — are rentals, according to research by the National Assn. of Realtors. That percentage doubled in two years, and it’s the highest share and number of new rental homes since the U.S. Census Bureau began tracking the statistic in the mid-1970s.

    Tenants in these new communities, known as “build for rent,” say they’re overjoyed to have big new houses at costs they can afford, even as many continue to aspire to buy someday. But the increasing share of single-family home rental communities, particularly those developed by large Wall Street firms, is feeding fears among federal and state lawmakers that corporate owners will outcompete potential home buyers and drive prices further out of reach for many Americans….

    room home he’s renting in Menifee is a happy landing spot while his family waits out high mortgage rates.

    Before moving this spring, Palm was in an apartment with his fiancee and a newborn where, he said, “we were feeling the walls closing in on us.”

    Palm linked up with his brother, who had been living separately with his girlfriend and 2-year-old son, to rent the home for $3,400 a month. His housing costs less than before.

    “More space and saving money,” Palm said.

    The genesis of build for rent began in the aftermath of the housing-bubble-driven Great Recession in 2008. Corporate investors started buying up single-family homes in established neighborhoods and renting them out, a trend that’s continued to grow since then….


    1. We can see through the smokescreen and title the article for what it is: Reprogramming the way people think. You and I, being close to the same age, remember when owning was always thought of as better than renting.

  4. Excellent CPI data for the doves and consumers… All headline data better than expected. The asset market love it. Energy and commodities led the way lower. Biden needs to keep draining the SPR.


    Core CPI (MoM) (May)
    Act: 0.2% Cons: 0.3% Prev: 0.3%

    Core CPI (YoY) (May)
    Act: 3.4% Cons: 3.5% Prev: 3.6%

    Core CPI Index (May)
    Act: 318.14 Cons: Prev: 317.62

    CPI (YoY) (May)
    Act: 3.3% Cons: 3.4% Prev: 3.4%

    CPI (MoM) (May)
    Act: 0.0% Cons: 0.1% Prev: 0.3%

    CPI Index, n.s.a. (May)
    Act: 314.07 Cons: 314.37 Prev: 313.55

    CPI Index, s.a (May)
    Act: 313.23 Cons: Prev: 313.21

    CPI, n.s.a (MoM) (May)
    Act: 0.17% Cons: Prev: 0.39%

    Real Earnings (MoM) (May)
    Act: 0.4% Cons: Prev: -0.4%

    1. College is a racket playing on suckers.
      Employers don’t care about college degrees.
      I learned that the hard way. The first question employers ask is “What experience do you have?”

      That is a pretty tough question for Gen Z who spend their summers on the beach and partied at college learning socialist transgender garbage.

      Don’t send your kid to college today.

      1. Many respected professions are being enhanced with AI chatbots that will give consistent answers regardless of the circumstances and patient or customer. Doctors and psychologists will slowly serve their AI chat bots as they are phased out.

        Customer service help and government employee positions will eventually be phased out as well. They will all be as useful as the toll collector on the turnpike. When we go to DMV we will just work directly with AI chatbots on screens that look like real people and talk to us and console us, as well as empathize with us. All while they break the bad news in a way that a human was unable to do.

  5. Income generating assets come in various forms. Has anyone noticed that many things people need are becoming a subscription? Software is subscription based. The ownership model is being replaced and a monthly subscription for the same thing is taking its place.

    Another form of a subscription might be a service contract. In my world, large companies pay good money to have a fleet of mass spectrometers under a maintenance contract. One component of the mass spectrometer is the high vacuum pump and those who service the instruments consider the turbo pump a black box that the devil lives in. My customers are those who service these instruments and I repair their turbo pumps. In essence I exorcise the demons living in the turbo pump and make them functional again.

    For those who are in a similar situation, perhaps we have a future doing what we do that supports the machine. It all comes down to who is essential in keeping the wheels of progress in motion.

        1. I was wondering if you could listen to this.  It’s a podcast by a lawyer, and his outlook on the economy, government tyranny, and psychology reminded me a lot of yours.
          He specifically speaks to the coming digital prison and the incredible economic difficulties facing people, how “electing” politicians to change it is useless, the broken real estate market. how the government plans to take even our homes.
          It’s full of very sobering but important thoughts, many of which you have touched upon. And I wondered what we can do.  Even if we can invest in income generating assets, how do we escape the coming digital prison?

          1. There is no escape, except to be with like kind people and keep a low profile. Stay off social media… Which podcast episode are you referring to on his website?

            1. Please check out the latest podcast on this site (The Quash) dated 6/9/24 entitled The Collapse Continues….

    1. I don’t want to be too critical because I truly respect people with specialized skill and a solid work ethic. However, I see income generating assets as the type of thing that generate income whether you are there or not. Make money in your sleep type of stuff, at a certain juncture you can turn it over to professional management and collect the cheques. Maybe you have heard of this book:


      Strangley, it was distributed by Banks and insurance companies in the early 1920’s as credit was expanding.

      I have no doubt that the Synagogue of Satan is bringing a services economy. You cut my hair and I cut your grass, we’ll both get rich. We can’t ignore the skim in that equation that eventually brings both our destruction.

      1. Interesting. The instructions are how one makes money in Babylon. It’s very apropos to today’s circumstances.

        I often observe the “revelation of the method” everywhere by our enemy as >90% are falling behind, unable to see the method of their enslavement and, as that gentleman in that YouTube link I provided says, the average person somewhat sees what is going on, but is not doing anything about it, nor is he even panicking. He says the average man needs to panic, and there is only crying and calling each other names. They do nothing about it.

        The enemy shoots us up, divides us, impoverishes us, injects carnival barkers like Trump and Alt-media Jones into the mix, and the people are handicapped by their inability to articulate their lethal dilemma.

        The adversary’s revaluation of the method is here. It’s too late, and though the average man has been slowly realizing that the asset owners have won out, with the wage and debt slaves only serving the asset owners forever, the average man does nothing to change his circumstances. The door is now closing and by the end of the decade, any hope of empowering oneself will be gone. Only Jesus’s second coming or Jacob’s trouble can stop it. If these don’t happen, humanity is doomed forever. Like the Hunger Games. like all the predictive programming movies over the past 70 years. All there to condition is to the next phase of humanity.

        Alan Watt had this down perfectly. He is a loss to our community.

  6. I was sent this YouTube video from a reader. Sobering and interesting. I don’t know the speaker in the video, but he’s as right as rain….

    Tate on why life for the average man will become impossible.


    School psychologists and doctors will lose their jobs to AI chatbots that will give the same answer with no inconsistency. Like in Argentina, these formally respected professionals will be selling fried tortillas in the street.

    Own every income generating asset you can and quit your job.

    1. Those who are wage earners will end up in a permanent slave class. The only way this will change is divine intervention or as Stone says “a Force Majeur”.

      Pray for Jesus Christ return soon. This world is quickly becoming a living hell for those who don’t own the assets. If you own the assets then you are much better off.

  7. The housing market crisis shows that the tool the Fed is using to lower inflation is doing the exact opposite, former White House adviser says


    Recent data show that after cooling earlier this year, rent prices have ticked back up. To comfortably afford rent, you need to make almost $80,000 a year, up from less than $60,000 five years ago, according to Zillow.

    And while there are some signs of weakness in home prices in certain markets, nationwide numbers still show prices are rising.

    Parrott and Zandi aren’t the only commentators seeing the Fed stuck in a box. Apollo chief economist Torsten Sløk said last month that central bankers are in a self-defeating loop.

    “You can call this the Fed Cut Reflexivity Paradox: The more the Fed insists that the next move in interest rates is a cut, the more financial conditions will ease, making it more difficult for the Fed to cut,” he wrote.

  8. Japanese economic data come in “hotter” than expected….

    JPY GDP (QoQ) (Q1)
    Act: -0.5% Cons: -0.5% Prev: 0.1%

    JPY GDP (YoY) (Q1)
    Act: -1.8% Cons: -2.0% Prev: -2.0%

    GDP Capital Expenditure (QoQ) (Q1)
    Act: -0.4% Cons: -0.8% Prev: -0.8%

  9. And I am also wondering if in this scenario, the smaller farmers will be put out of business and it will become a “land grab” situation, where the corporate farms, operating under the government, will be controlling the means of production (i.e. food)… which is basically communism, and which is what Klaus Schwab means when he says “you will own nothing and be happy.” Thoughts?

    1. The goal is to have all small players in every economic sector taken out.


      Most people rant about the $20 minimum wage for restaurant workers in California as being seriously misguided, but the small restaurant owners will be taken out and the only ones left will be the deep pocketed large corporations who will replace their workers with robots and AI.

      Farming and agriculture:

      Small farmers have been taken to the woodshed since the early 1980s when the largest corporations started buying up the farmland and consolidating farm and agriculture operations. The open borders which allowed easy access to export and import markets for agricultural goods has destroyed the small farmers. All the Federal subsidies in the world can’t overcome the grief that small farmers face. With small farmers out of the way, all those farm towns in the Great plains have virtually given up the ghost. Large corporate farmers don’t need to go to town to get supplies. Their supplies are all trucked in, bypassing the town and the small business owner completely.

      Medical services:

      Regulations and red tape have destroyed the traditional medical practice and have shifted the medical services to the large corporate entities.


      The Walmarts, Amazon’s, and Costco’s have destroyed the small retail establishments. Armed with cheap financing and low cost of capital, these firms have single-handedly turned retail into an effective oligopoly. That’s because these large corporations possess all the pricing power with regards to the sale and distribution of retail goods.

      SFR investment:

      The large corporate financial apparatus and REITs are single-handedly reconfiguring the single family housing market. I’ve been pleading with the readers for over decade to buy up as many rental properties as possible. Landlords must be extremely cost-effective and the small landlord is in the crosshairs. All these government regulations ostensibly designed to help the tenant only work to consolidate the power of the large landlords.

      Banking and finance:

      In the 1970s, they were about 10,000 banking institutions in the United States. We’re down to about three thousand and the largest eight or nine banking institutions control 85% of banking reserves. This is all due to regulations, which were designed to help the poor and simple bank depositor from Bank runs and malfeasance, which of course, was caused by the synagogue of Satan itself.

      I don’t strut and fret and worry about all of this stuff as it’s been going on for decades. It goes on right in front of us as the enemy chastises us for being racist.

      1. It is true that the small local businesses are being squeezed out by the likes of Amazon and Walmart. I use to see a lot of family owned pharmacies and grocerie stores which are now all gone. There used to be a lot of family owned mini mart’s which are now taken over by 7-11 and other big chains.

        I tried getting cold remedies and vitamins from the local CVS and/ or Walgreens and they are out of stock most of the time on this stuff both in the store and for shipping.
        So I go on Amazon and they have it. Amazon is going to be the go to for everything and pretty soon they will be the only game in town along with Walmart.

        Be prepared for the great reset where you need a digital ID with your latest mRNA bird flu vaccine for the privilege of purchasing items.

        1. Have you seen what Walgreens stock has done over the past few years? WBA (Walgreens Boots Alliance) prided itself on hiring the first and only black woman as a CEO of an S& P 500 company. Holy moly, she drove that company into the ground with her woke retardedness and utter incompetent take on their industry sector. The Walgreens board finally got religion and kicked her woke ass to the curb.

  10. I edited this post last night for clarity. For those who find some of these topics abstruse, please take another look at this article.

    I often think of the Dunning-Kruger effect and expect everyone to be on the same page. I don’t realize I have been a student of Economics for almost 40 years and that I have to do a better job explaining these matters. My ongoing research is the basis for my investment recommendations and choices. This is my niche and I try to relay it to the remnant. Money is not the root of all evil; rather it’s the love of money. I just see things other people do not see.

    It’s easy for me to see how the adversary operates.

    1. The root of evil is not the money itself. The evil comes from people placing money over God. People worship money as today’s idol instead of God.

  11. Do you still believe we are on the timeline of 2027 for the force majeure? It seems like things are picking up rather quickly on the war front. Thanks for all you do.

    1. Yes. Three more years, the second half of 2027. Of course, I have to invest with one eye on what I see with another eye focused on the timeline. This is why I am separating from the blue areas with investments and trying to seek my kind. I figure if the stuff we contemplate comes to pass, it won’t really matter anyway. I hope I’m wrong and would hope to see all this just go away.

      1. The brazen financial raping can only go on for a few more years until something gives or the force majeure occurs. But then again, humanity continues to disappoint and they seem to be willing to have everything taken from them. Short of Jesus’s second coming, Klaus Schwab’s prediction will come to pass. Nothing’s stopping it now.

        1. The “brazen financial raping” you write about also continues in the attacks on our food production. Just found this today: A half million acres of Idaho farmland is being destroyed by a new government “water curtailment” plan that went into effect at the end of May. This will shut down operations for about 6400 farmers in the prime spring growing season. This on top of everything else the SOS has done to our food supplies – including recent destruction of millions of farm chickens because of “bird flu” and hundreds of fires destroying food production facilities all over the country since covid – all leading to more food price inflation and Hunger Games becoming a reality. These attacks on food suppliers are numerous and relentless. I see Holodomor 2.0….. God help us all.

  12. Do not invest in minority areas. Government destroys the free market to cater to retarded voters. The large institutions stay away, and so should you.

    Prince George’s lawmakers weighing permanent cap on multifamily rent hikes


    Excerpt: A chief reason is that constraining potential rent revenue from the outset makes it harder to convince lenders to provide financing, whether for prospective builders or buyers or a long-term owners who need to refinance, Rossello said. Refinancing, already challenging amid elevated interest rates, is a big deal in commercial real estate, as many buildings are never paid off and truly owned, but rather supported by a constant cycle of new loans replacing old ones.

    That, plus a general aversion to the time- and dollar-cost of increased regulatory compliance, will only dissuade investment in the county, steering private dollars instead to other places in the region or country with less red tape, opponents of rent regulation say.

    Indeed, in 2023, Prince George’s saw disproportionately few multifamily starts, and none using strictly private financing — they all involved some kind of government or philanthropic intervention — owing in no small part to the county’s regulation of rents. That’s according to a June 3 briefing by the Maryland Building Industry Association, another industry group, to the County Council’s Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee.

    In the MBIA’s presentation, “RENT CONTROL” in all caps is the first bullet on the slide titled “current challenges.”

    1. Do you think they’ll make it hard to be a landlord eventually too? Another thing is our taxes keep going up and I’m wondering if that’s their plan to make it so we can’t afford to own.

      1. If investors stay out of the blue areas I think they’ll be fine. I have been shifting as much of my properties that were in the black areas out to predominantly Caucasian and conservative areas.

        The white areas have very little restrictions and regulations when compared to areas that have high levels of blacks. The taxes are extremely low versus property values in the white areas and the government does not intervene. In Prince George’s County, for instance, they have mandatory rental inspections with interviews of the tenants, rent control laws, and high taxes. In PG County there is hardly any apartment development unless there is government subsidies.

        Property taxes and insurance are both rising, but so are rents and my rent roll is increasing at a much greater rate than my expenses. I would not be spooked by The Establishment news and ALT media. People who listen to that stuff will never get involved in investing.

        1. Your experience is valuable. A family member flips houses but one is far away and I keep telling him to only do local flips, but he likes flips in wealthy areas in CO. However, the last one had foreigners squatting in the house. The homeowner died and somehow they found out and took his house and car over. The dead homeowner’s brother called and the family member had them evicted, but not before they trashed the beautiful house, and stole the washer and dryer. I believe they stole the dead homeowner’s car too. The brother of the dead homeowner said that the foreign woman squatting there, lied and claimed that the dead man was her boyfriend, so she had the rights to his property. They were able to determine it was a lie.

          So the open border is going to cost us. People from 150 different countries are coming in. My family member told me the neighbors he spoke with are all wary because of the house stealing going on. And they’re changing the law giving squatters rights! Doubt that’s in the media.

          1. Colorado is a blue state. Stay out of blue States, especially if you’re not around to take care of the properties. Invest locally. Here in Shenandoah County, it’s still about 90% White. Foreigners stick out like a sore thumb and every government official I have had to deal with, which have been about 14 or 15 so far, are all Caucasian. They could be my brothers or sisters.

            Where I’m investing there are very few regulations and laws. That’s because they’re really hasn’t been any precedent. There haven’t been opportunities to set precedents. There really are no squatters rights around here. I could call the police and have the people kicked out. Out in colorado, it’s becoming like Southern California. Florida and Georgia have enacted laws that allow the police to come and kick people out if the landlord and owner of a property can prove that these people should not be staying there. This is new. Other areas of the country are coming around as well. I hear Texas is enacting the same sets of laws.

            If we invest locally, we have control. If you’re very paranoid about a particular property and it’s vacant, establish internet service at the address and set up a security system. Get one of those ADT signs. They sell the fake cameras on Amazon.

            Don’t buy rental properties in New York, california, colorado, new jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, etc….

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