A reader asks about Ed Dowd. How are his recommendations?

A reader asks about Ed Dowd, darling of the alt-financial media

I cannot believe how expensive it has gotten. Our food bill keeps climbing, and I just paid over $1,000 to have a few things done on my car. They just raised our property taxes again, and added a new “tax” for garbage collection. It seems like it’s their game plan to make affording a home unaffordable. Which by the way…does anyone know if they’re handing foreigners free homes out? It took us years of labor to afford a house and these foreigners have been moving into our neighborhood and driving cars and I’m wondering where they’re getting the money for a house and car? I watched a video where a former border patrol agent said that grandmother migrants who never worked a day in their life come in, are given a SS card, and are paid more money every month than he now gets after paying into SS his entire life.

Anyway – I wanted to see what you think of Ed Dowd? He’s advising people to invest in government bonds. What are your thoughts on this Stone?




Other than holding Treasury bills, which largely comprise government money market funds, I would stay away from all government debt.


First, the central banks are effectively subsidizing bond yields and lenders to the nation states (those who buy and hold longer dated treasury debt) are paying the difference between the subsidized yields and the free market yields. This is allowing the governments to continue spending for the Great Reset, and I have concluded that bond yields across the board are still too low. For instance, without Federal Reserve intervention, the 10-year Treasury would probably be about 6-7%.

Second, I’m still of the conviction that short-term interest rates such as the FED funds rate are closer to neutral policy than most believe. I don’t see how the Federal Reserve can lower interest rates in any profound way without igniting further upswings in asset and house prices as well as igniting the cost of living inflation.

Third, one of the reasons why we’re having persistent inflation is because of the rising sickness and death rates. The microeconomic distortions rippling through the economy have been tremendous and will persist. These behavioral microeconomic phenomena are translating into structural macroeconomic distortions. I also suspect that the established order is disappointed with their mRNA bio-weapon injection campaign, since there are still too many people alive. Perhaps it needs to drag on until the end of the decade.

Fourth, supply chain disruptions have persisted since covid and have continued with the decoupling from the West’s distancing from Russia and China.

Fifth, just look at the Bloomberg article I posted regarding the 34 trillion dollars it will cost as a base case to build the green economy. That will be facilitated through government debt generation and price inflation, which is just an indirect tax to the citizenry. The central banks will do whatever is needed in order to make that a reality. Primarily, the central banks will heavily subsidize bond yields via monetary policy.

If you think inflation is bad now, it’s not going to get any better. The last place I would recommend people investing, other than for speculation, would be in longer dated Treasury debt. I only stick to short-term government paper, which is why I have been recommending investors park cash in US Treasury money market funds. The fund I have at Schwab is yielding 5.2% and that’s where I park my cash holdings. I had been recommending this now for at least a year, because I knew that there was no way the Federal Reserve could begin lowering rates as everyone assumed.

It seems now the FED may not lower rates at all this year, and that’s because they can’t. There are too many Great Reset objectives to be fulfilled and the fiscal deficit spending cannot stop now. If the Fed lowered overnight rates in any meaningful way, they would ignite an inflation storm. If you think house prices are expensive now, just imagine what they would be if the federal funds rate dropped 200 basis points.

I am warning the reader that the cost of living is going to become so crushingly unbearable over the next several years. It will grind most people down to powder.

As for Ed dowd, he has been incorrect on a lot of his investment theses, and while I’m not going to look at the video all the way to its conclusion, if he’s recommending longer dated government paper I will just chalk it up to another misguided recommendation by Ed Dowd.

The alt-finance media is impressed with Dowd’s ostensible resume as he tries to impress the listener with how intelligent he is. That is the logic fallacy of appealing to authority. The alt finance media are so easily conned.

From my perspective, Dowd continues to swing and miss on his recommendations. I remember his call on owning death related stocks and shorting insurance stocks. I recall his bearish recommendation on residential housing and the economy in general. I recall his misguided thoughts on the direction of the stock market a few years ago, too. Now he’s out jumping the shark, exclaiming we’re in for a huge economic shock. Of course, this appeals to the Cassandras and their steadfast confirmation biases.

Ed Dowd does not impress me anymore. He did a few years ago, since I previously never heard of him, but his subsequent track record is kind of poor. He’s a milder version of Martin Armstrong and his stupid Socrates computer.

I think Dowd spends too much time staring at the digits on the screen, waiting for confirmation of his presuppositions, and less time understanding what we know. He and his supposed team of physicists don’t understand the conspiracy. This conspiracy includes the co-opting of all the major insurance companies, as well as the organs of government that manipulate publicly available data. He’s utterly unable to comprehend the Jew synagogue banking cartel Jesus warned us about. Yes, this is the cartel that’s running it all and is overwhelming our borders with non-congruent people who will continue draining government coffers.

I don’t know of anyone else in the alternative finance media who has been more correct over the longer term than I have been. I also know why I don’t get any  traction. It’s because I’m too depressing and politically irreverent.

If you walked by me on the street, you’d probably call me a stupid slob with messy hair. I prefer to be left alone and just speak out via this blog and the others I used over the past 12 years. Don’t bother calling me for interviews, although I’m much more correct than any of the other guests.

I warn the reader to steer clear of the cult of personality. It’s easy to do, because people are inherently lazy. Don’t fall into the logic fallacy trap of appealing to authority. Stick to the track records, because those will always speak for themselves.

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56 thoughts on “A reader asks about Ed Dowd. How are his recommendations?

  1. I’m looking over STSS. Wondering why it’s so cheap given the news of the past few days. I have a 5,000 share runner at .48 in after-hours. Anyone have any thoughts?

    1. Looks interesting seems like it had a few run ups already looks like only 5.89% of the shares are profited based on yesterday’s close with the average cost of .61 will be interesting if it gets some traction

    2. If you are focusing in on syringe makers and profiting from covid 2.0, hopefully this company (STSS) is on the right side of history, as here is more evidence in the news today that the diabolical SOS agenda of death (via injection) and hunger (via destruction and control of food supply) is advancing.



        1. As a sequel to my earlier comment:

          The SOS U.S. Gov’t is ramping up production of the bird flu mRNA vaccines, to be “tested” on calves, then to target animal farmers (our food supply) with the vaccines, then ramp up production of them for the general population


          Meanwhile, you have the Jesuit fraud Fauci STILL blaming the unvaxed for hundreds of thousands of covid deaths, but admitting the rest of the covid protocols (that effectively destroyed this nation economically) were not based on any science.


      1. I think the bird flu will be Covid 2. They will whip it up and the masses will line up like fearful sheep to get the “safe and effective “ bird flu vaccine that will protect against nothing. We will be pressured by our friends, family, employers and government to take these bird flu vaccines or we will face isolation and will not be able to buy groceries.

        There will be another sequel. There is a reason why Hollywood made sequels to horror movies like Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street. I recall at least six sequels to Friday the 13th. Most people are dumb enough to go for the same show multiple times but slightly different twist.

        There probably will be a slightly different twist to the bird flu scare. Those twists might be stricter vaccine mandates such as a digital id to show you are vaccinated otherwise no job and no grocery shopping. This flu may be shown to have a higher mortality rate as well as being more painful and prolonged.

        I see the bird flu as another rerun to the Covid Scare. If 70% are dumb enough to get a killer vaccine for a disease that has a 100th of a percent mortality rate then imagine the reaction for a 1% mortality rate or a 5% mortality rate.

        Horror movie sequels squeeze money out of the dumb masses. Disease scare sequels and the associated vaccine “protection “ are designed to squeeze the life out of the dummies who get the vaccines.

        Those who turn to Jesus Christ and have a daily prayer routine with God will see through this racket and avoid being one of the fearful sheep.

        1. And usually the sequels don’t do as well as the original. The masses won’t accept another pandemic in our lifetimes.

          1. I have to agree. Some will take the next one, but the injections did everything. Each recipient has a varying fuse length.

  2. Yen Trades Beyond Level That Prompted Suspected Intervention

    The currency traded at 157.64 per dollar as of 8:20 a.m. in Tokyo on Thursday, beyond the closely watched mark of 157.52, where the yen strengthened dramatically on May 1.

    (Bloomberg) — The yen fell through a level that prompted the latest round of suspected action by Japan to prop up the currency, underscoring the limited impact of intervening in the market.

    The currency traded at 157.64 per dollar as of 8:20 a.m. in Tokyo on Thursday, beyond the closely watched mark of 157.52, where the yen strengthened dramatically on May 1.

    Japanese authorities, who haven’t confirmed whether they bought yen at that time, may have purchased about ¥3.5 trillion ($22 billion) of the currency, based on a comparison of commercial lenders’ deposits at the Bank of Japan with brokers’ forecasts.

    Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki has said repeatedly that he’s closely watching developments in the currency market and will take appropriate measures if necessary. Still, the rate of change in the yen has been less rapid than a month ago, and Japan needs to be mindful of any pushback from its trading partners.

    In a sign that it may be harder for Japan to step into the market now, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen reiterated that currency intervention should be a seldom-used tool and that officials ought to give fair warning about when they resort to it. Group of Seven nations have agreed not to tinker with exchange rates unless they are tamping down extreme volatility, she said earlier this month.

    “It may be hard for them to step in when the pace of the yen’s weakness is slow given recent remarks from Yellen,” said Marito Ueda, head of the market research department at SBI Liquidity Market Co. “Currencies with higher yields are likely to strengthen amid a surge in yields globally, continuing to weigh on the yen.”

    ©2024 Bloomberg L.P.

    1. The BOJ has regularly put out their balance sheet update on the second monday of every month. We still haven’t seen an update for April, I have never seen it go this late.

      1. Japan Spent Record $62 Billion in Past Month on Intervention

        (Bloomberg) — Japan spent a record ¥9.8 trillion ($62.2 billion) in the past month to prop up the yen after it fell to a 34-year low against the dollar, surpassing the amount it used in 2022 to defend the currency.

        The finance ministry disclosed figures Friday for the period between April 26 and May 29. The amount exceeded earlier estimates of ¥9.4 trillion based on a comparison of the Bank of Japan’s accounts and money broker forecasts. It also surpassed the ¥9.2 trillion spent on all interventions in 2022.

        More details of how it carried out the interventions will likely emerge when the government releases its foreign reserves breakdown next week and daily operations data including April and May in the summer.

        Japan’s previous monthly intervention record of ¥9.1 trillion was set in very different circumstances when authorities were trying to weaken the yen in autumn 2011. The data for each reporting month typically include the last two working days of the previous month.

        The record spending on intervention shows the commitment of Japan’s government to push back against speculators betting against the yen. The huge amount also underscores the scale of action required to have even a short-lived impact on the market.

        The monthly data doesn’t indicate how many times Japan intervened, but the two sharp moves a month ago suggest the authorities entered the market twice. That would mean Japan has already spent more on two interventions in 2024 than it did on three interventions in 2022, a measure of the gradually diminishing power of its salvos to defend the currency.

        “The amount feels a touch on the large side, but it’s largely in the expected range,” said Hirofumi Suzuki, chief FX strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. “It didn’t top ¥10 trillion so it doesn’t feel too big and the dollar-yen pair isn’t actually reacting much.”

        The yen was down about 0.3% at 157.25 versus the dollar at 7:20 p.m. in Tokyo time, little changed from where it was before the data release.

        The yen is expected to remain under pressure given the yawning gap between interest rates in Japan and the US. While the BOJ has finally joined the Federal Reserve in tightening monetary policy, Japan’s short-term rate is still just 0.1% compared with the Fed’s 5.5%.

        Until there are clearer signs of when US rates will start coming down or of the BOJ pushing more aggressively to raise borrowing costs or cut back its bond purchases, there is little prospect of the tide turning.

  3. My prediction of escalating bond yield seems to be coming to fruition. The Federal Reserve will not be able to suppress bond yields for much longer as confidence in the QE concept continues to erode day by day.

    As the entire globe slowly marches toward the World War 3 build out, which entails rising commodity prices and a reconfiguring of the supply chain, the FED is now utterly unable to stop inflation. If the Fed lowers the FED funds rate in any meaningful way, look out for price increases, especially in assets and housing.

    Given the upward thrust in the DJCI, which has moved above its trading range and looks to earnestly break out higher, I don’t see how inflation is going to be tame going out the next 2 to 3 years.

    I say good luck to the bond bulls. As for me I continue reaping tasty yields sticking my money in the government money market funds, which parks it’s cash in short-term treasury instruments. I don’t need continued capital losses as well as lower yields than short-term paper to help subsidize fiscal deficit spending and ostensible Fed stupidity.

    Of course, there are no mistakes when it comes to fiscal and monetary policy, which means that the authorities want a new system.

    Investment borrowers should continue locking in long-term financing. The compression between true inflation and bond yields is as small as ever.

    1. So correct. I think an investor of bonds more than six months out is throwing their money down the rat hole. Why lock up your money for 10 years only to get less than locking it up in a treasury bill for a month? The guys at CNBC are lying to the audience that interest rates are coming down when even the Fed is saying not so fast.

  4. Here is another quick read about general economic swings or booms. Do presidents matter? https://www.jvmlending.com/blog/do-presidents-matter-when-it-comes-to-the-economy/

    What the writer doesn’t address is what we talk about on this blog. I believe that every boom or major event is a set up for the future of wealth consolidation by the fewer and fewer large corps. I see it in my line of work and my vintage car hobby in real time. Holley, a well known aftermarket maker of carburetors going back decades now owns several once large independent aftermarket companies. Edelbrock, Comp Cams, and others are under one special low interest rate corporate only loan umbrella? While the article talks about a tech boom of actual products, it seems in the last 10 years the real “product” has been cheap loans (for the select few) to buy up the world?

    My ball bearing supplier (for my business) is now owned by an investment group. I had a conversation with my long time sales associate and brought up a point that may be realistic. He explained to me how this buy out works is the bearing supplier is paying back the loan used to buy out the former private owner plus all the operating expenses (wages, etc). I added, that the loan rate for the investment group may very well be a much lower rate than what your store is being charged per say. Sales targets are likely very closely watched so that the number one objective of servicing that loan continues. Correct me if I’m wrong but sounds plausible to me.

    1. This sounds about right. The buyout firms leverage their balance sheet to buy the competitors. They get a relatively low interest rate gratis the Federal Reserve’s bond yield suppression. They then rely on inflation, which diminishes the true cost of their loan over time as they’re able to pass along price increases to the customers.

      Mortgages I took out as recently as 2022 have helped me quite a bit as the real cost burden of those mortgages continue to diminish as the months go by. My rents continue to escalate and I am able to keep more money in my pocket every month. I’ve been able to get out of five ghetto condos and into five really nice quality properties via tax-free exchanges. I leverage my balance sheet to come up with cash to facilitate the transactions. It’s really a wonderful process when inflation is involved. If the Federal Reserve was not suppressing bond yields, the cost of my loans would be about 10%. But I have been able to go in and borrow between 6.25% and 7.8%. Rent inflation is about that much per year currently.

      Corporations do this all the time and use subsidized bond yields gratis the Federal Reserve to go and borrow and buy up the competition. Of course, the competition is suffering and struggling because of inflation and poor cost management. The large investors go in and scoop up their competition and let the inflation do the heavy lifting for them.

      It’s truly a very simple process. While most see chaos and collapse, I see auspicious opportunities.

  5. House price data a mixed bag… FHFA data underwhelming, but Case Shiller slightly hotter yoy…

    House Price Index (YoY) (Mar)
    Act: 6.7% Cons: Prev: 7.1%

    House Price Index (MoM) (Mar)
    Act: 0.1% Cons: 0.5% Prev: 1.2%

    House Price Index (Mar)
    Act: 423.4 Cons: Prev: 423.0

    S&P/CS HPI Composite – 20 s.a. (MoM) (Mar)
    Act: 0.3% Cons: 0.3% Prev: 0.6%

    S&P/CS HPI Composite – 20 n.s.a. (MoM) (Mar)
    Act: 1.6% Cons: Prev: 0.9%

    S&P/CS HPI Composite – 20 n.s.a. (YoY) (Mar)
    Act: 7.4% Cons: 7.3% Prev: 7.3%

    1. Rents continue to escalate nicely. I bought a town home last September and rented it out for $1,740. That was about $100 below full market. Another landlord in the same subdivision just listed his town home for $2,695. I speak as an Old Testament type of prophet. The people have nobody to blame but themselves. When 80% of the population are scared into taking a bioweapon, I wipe my hands clean of the profane.

      1. One of these townhomes just rented out for $2,550. Five years ago these townhomes were renting for about $1,500. And the government is trying to solve the very problems it causes. Line up and take your poison injections!

  6. Here is another reason why inflation will persist. Productivity goes down when the number of sick and dying people increase because sick people just don’t work or if they do work they are only half productive. However, these same sick people still demand services and goods while they are still alive. Prices go up when demand holds up while productivity drops. As long as there are increasing sick people the price level will continue to increase. In addition, government deficit spending supported by Fed money printing to purchase the debt adds fuel to the inflation fire.

    I think the economy will eventually collapse when these sick people die off because demand will suddenly drop off. These vaccines are causing a slow and painful death to those foolish people who took the shots.

    1. No collapses, just ongoing transformations. The engineers need to feed us diversions and the alt-media are obsessed with them.

      There is no cohesive pushback and the internet has been invaluable in guilding and directing the timeline for the NWO engineers. The average alt-media junkie thinks the Internet is the great equalizer, but that is not the case at all. Most alt media followers are just chasing DoD red herrings, Christian falsehoods, and controlled opposition. The Internet compressed 150 years of change into 30 years.

      Society has already collapsed and transformed. People need to keep preparing. It’s all over now.

  7. Some slow down…

    The Atlanta Fed GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2024 is 3.5 percent on May 24, down from 3.6 percent on May 16. After recent releases from the US Census Bureau and the National Association of Realtors, the nowcast of second-quarter real gross private domestic investment growth decreased from 5.6 percent to 5.1 percent.

    The next estimate is Friday, May 31st.


  8. Bill Gross Expects Trump Win to Disrupt Bond Markets, FT Says

    (Bloomberg) — Bill Gross said that a Donald Trump victory in the US presidential election would be more disruptive for bond markets than a Joe Biden win, according to the Financial Times.

    “Trump is the more bearish of the candidates simply because his programs advocate continued tax cuts and more expensive things,” which would add to the already burgeoning US deficits, the co-founder of Pacific Investment Management Co. told the FT.

    “Trump’s election would be more disruptive,” Gross said, according to the newspaper.

    Investors are weighing how the upcoming November elections could impact markets, as both candidates relay their campaign messaging on the economy.

  9. Fed’s Favorite Underlying Inflation Gauge Is Seen Cooling

    (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve’s first-line inflation gauge is about to show some modest relief from stubborn price pressures, corroborating central bankers’ prudence about the timing of interest-rate cuts.

    Economists expect the personal consumption expenditures price index minus food and energy — due on Friday — to rise 0.2% in April. That would mark the smallest advance so far this year for the measure, which provides a better snapshot of underlying inflation.

    The overall PCE price index probably climbed 0.3% for a third month, according to median projection in a Bloomberg survey. Increases this year stand in contrast to relatively flat readings in the final three months of 2023, underscoring uneven progress for the Fed in its inflation fight.

    Fed Chair Jerome Powell and his colleagues have stressed the need for more evidence that inflation is on a sustained path to their 2% goal before cutting the benchmark interest rate, which has been at a two-decade high since July.

    The PCE price measure is seen rising 2.7% on an annual basis, while the core metric is expected at 2.8% — both matching the prior month’s levels.

    Officials earlier this month coalesced around a desire to hold interest rates higher for longer and “many” questioned whether policy was restrictive enough to bring inflation down to their target, according to minutes of their last meeting.

    The latest inflation numbers will be accompanied by personal spending and income figures. While demand grew at a solid pace in the first quarter, the data will inform on services spending after flat retail sales in April previously reported.

    What Bloomberg Economics Says:

    “The report will likely provide some encouraging signs that the disinflation process hasn’t completely stalled. With income growth slowing in a cooling labor market, consumers are gradually cracking, which should provide a continued disinflationary impulse in the rest of the year. Yet, with catch-up price pressures still in the pipeline, inflation will likely moderate only very gradually this year.”

    —Anna Wong, Stuart Paul, Eliza Winger and Estelle Ou, economists. For full analysis, click here

    Other data for the week include revised first-quarter gross domestic product on Thursday. Economists forecast growth probably cooled from the government’s initial estimate. The Fed on Wednesday will issue its Beige Book summary of economic conditions around the country.

    Among the US central bankers speaking during the holiday-shortened week are John Williams, Lisa Cook, Neel Kashkari and Lorie Logan.

    Looking north, Canada will release gross domestic product data for the first quarter. Waning monthly momentum in March and weak domestic demand would likely keep a June rate cut in play for the central bank.

    Elsewhere, a likely pickup in euro-zone inflation, Chinese industrial data and PMI numbers, and price reports from Brazil will be among the highlights.

    Click here for what happened in the past week and below is our wrap of what’s coming up in the global economy.


    China’s manufacturing sector is in the spotlight in the coming week. Industrial data Monday will show whether profits bounced back in April after a sharp retreat in March dragged the pace of gains for the first three months to 4.3%.

    Persistent deflation in producer-gate prices and soft domestic demand may keep profitability under pressure. China gets its official manufacturing PMI data on Friday, with the focus on whether the gauge stays above the 50 threshold that separates contraction from expansion for a third month in May.

    Also on Friday, Japan’s industrial output growth is seen slowing while retail sales chug along in April.

    Consumer inflation in Tokyo may pick up a bit in May, foreshadowing gains for the national figures.

    Meanwhile, China asked South Korea to maintain stable supply chains as the countries began their first three-way summit with Japan since 2019.

    Australia’s consumer price growth is forecast to slow to 3.3%, still hot enough to keep the Reserve Bank of Australia on hold.

    Vietnam also reports CPI data, along with industrial output, retail sales and trade during the week.

    In central banking, Kazakhstan sets its benchmark policy rate on Friday.

    Europe, Middle East, Africa

    In the euro zone, inflation probably accelerated in May to 2.5%, according to economists’ forecasts. An underlying gauge is anticipated to have stopped weakening for the first time since July, holding at 2.7%.

    In tune with the wider euro-zone data, national releases that start with Germany’s on Wednesday are expected to have gone the wrong way in three of the region’s four biggest economies. Only Italy is seen to be experiencing slower price growth.

    Such outcomes impede progress toward the ECB’s 2% target, but officials’ consistent signals for a quarter-point rate reduction on June 6 make it unlikely that one month of data will derail them. Even so, some policymakers are arguing against any rush to ease further.

    “The probability is increasing that in 13 days we will see the first rate cut,” Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel, a policy hawk, said in an interview on Friday. “If there’s a rate cut in June, we have to wait, and I believe we have to wait till maybe September.”

    Other reports in the euro-zone include Germany’s Ifo business confidence index on Monday, the ECB’s survey of inflation expectations on Tuesday, and economic confidence on Thursday.

    ECB officials scheduled to speak in the coming week include chief economist Philip Lane and the Dutch, French and Italian governors. A pre-decision blackout period kicks in on Thursday.

    The Bank of England has already gone silent, cancelling all speeches and public statements by policymakers during the campaign before the UK general election on July 4.

    Among other European central banks, a financial stability report from Sweden’s Riksbank on Wednesday, and a speech in Seoul by Swiss National Bank President Thomas Jordan will be among the highlights.

  10. This is a verbatim email I received from a reader. It discusses a sad and sobering reality….

    I saw this clip pop up on BBC


    The hook is the title “I just want what the white people have”.

    30 years of ANC rule and South Africa is an utter shithole. White South Africans I know tell me largely unreported stories of how whites still there have to band together for mutual defence. The blacks are still envious of what they have and seek to steal it.

    So why can the black Africans not get their act together? I see similarities here in North America.

    The Asians have a good work ethic but some of their cultures are of a cheating nature. China and India come to mind, whereas the Japanese build products of quality and their land and things are beautifully maintained. With whites it can be a mixed bag but we are (or were) the inventive culture who gets things done.

    Any idea why this is?

    ps please keep writing. I comment very very rarely but I do read your blog when I need a sanity break from MSM BS…

    White Europeans and their descendants have always thought differently than anyone else I’ve ever known and this includes all the races. We think, reason, view the world, and work differently. It’s always been that way. Non-whites come and settle in the white built countries and then claim they can think and reason and work just like the whites. But as a long time property manager I know this is definitely not the case.

    Only whites can think like whites and that’s why the Jew synagogue media continually bashes white culture, specifically Caucasian European culture. But I observe that nations that are not white and are just populated with non-whites, it tends to be chaos, dictatorships, and corruption. The Jew synagogue wants to dismantle White society and turn the world into an Elysium dystopia that can be easily managed. Once white culture is taken out of the way, the man of perdition can finally be revealed.

    I think these truths are becoming more self-evident as the world unravels and through a process of elimination we can figure out why. The white culture has quickly become a self-depricating dinosaur and the non-whites love it, even if this means everyone now lives in the toilet.

    If a non-white ruled government took away everything from me, and told me to start from scratch with nothing, I’d start working once again or move somewhere else and become just as successful as now. I certainly would not embrace a victim mentality, which would only work to demoralize and immobilize me. My Christian worldview, which embraces the entire Bible, would guide me and that would help me build a place once again. It would benefit everyone around me as well. I would dedicate my work to Jesus Christ. In fact, I pray several times a day and dedicate all of my work to the God of my fathers, Abraham, Jacob, through Jesus Christ.

    Unfortunately, most people are incapable, not as introspective, not as intelligent, and covetous, thus they’ve been trained to view successful people as the enemy; even if these people (European Caucasians) work to build up their societies. This is the trick of cultural Marxism that’s spread in the schools and even the top of the end time Catholic Church hierarchy. Just listen to what Pope Francis has to say.

    I’ll listen to these people talk in my everyday routine and within 30 seconds I already can determine the vast differences in mentality. The American blacks are terribly poisoned this way. It’s DARPA bred hogwash.

    I do respect many aspects of Japanese culture as the Japanese have a sense of brotherhood and build up their towns and cities. Other than Japan, I don’t see that anywhere else except in Europe and the United States of the past as well as the Commonwealth nations. The other races snd nations are just incapable of attaining this.

    If you are of white European descent and are curious to know where the lost tribes of Israel ended up, please look in the mirror. Your answer is staring you in the face and through process of elimination can figure out there is no one other people walking the planet that fulfills the promises and prophecies laid out for the last days.

    The Jew synagogue of Satan knows this and leveraged and exploited Caucasian ingenuity to build up the world in preparation for the final New World Order. They used all the other nations as a manufacturing base after all of the major inventions were commercialized.

    The world is a terrible place, but to live the social Marxist LIE that the world is now living is only accelerating it to the end.

    Happy Juneteenth! Even though blacks and illegals are just useful idiots for the Jew synagogue, I have learned through revisionist history that the blacks built up America and my history books from 40 years ago were wrong. Me bad! Worship the schvartzes.

    May God bless my small base of politically irreverent readers. I pray for you all everyday. I pray in the middle of the night during the fourth watch. I pray in the morning when I walk my dog. Keep praying!

    1. I noticed in the BBC piece the reader links to how the reporter acts in such a patronizing way, like he’s tending to his wounded dog. What a hypocrite….

  11. YOLO spending propels DECK stock, up $128 today

    Hoka Maker Deckers Outdoor ‘Crushed’ Market Expectation — Market Talk

    05/24/24 1:57 PM

    Calling Deckers Outdoor the “best performing business” in its sector, TD Bank is extremely bullish on the maker of Hoka and Uggs brand footwear, saying in an analyst note that its 4Q earnings results “crushed” expectations “on both a sales and margin level.” Looking ahead, TD notes that Deckers’ product pipeline is “no less” robust in FY25 for both Hoka and Ugg, so when paired with planned marketing spend and DTC and International expansion, the stage is set for “ongoing customer acquisition, conversion and retention.” Shares climb 13%.

    1. I just bought a pair of Hoka’s for the first time within the last month. Recommended by my new foot doctor, they were more than I have ever paid for sneakers – $175 for runners/walkers, since I walk daily. Based on my experience, they are truly superior to Nike, Reebok, New Balance or any of the others like that, due to Hoka’s special features including very wide supportive hyper-cushioned soles and reduced stress on toe joints by propelling feet forward due to a very slight rocking motion they are engineered to create. Looking around specifically at people’s shoes since my recent need to see a foot doctor, I am noticing more people wearing Hoka’s, and a friend I talked to a few days ago with a pair just like mine said she will wear no others. That will probably be true for me as well – worth the price – because the foot surgery I now need for bunion-like bone spurs (caused in part by the onset of arthritis) is going to be way more expensive, due in part to wearing lesser (but still name brand) sneakers all these years to take daily walks. Seeing this news that DECK ( the makers of Hoka) crushed expectations does not surprise me at all.

      1. I recently caught the arthritis bug. Only within the past two years. Covid and the injections really is having its way with humanity in its manifold ways. None of this stuff was ever on my radar screen until last year. I had a bad case of COVID in early 2020.

        For anyone who thinks COVID was fake, he or she has been suckered by a confirmation bias and an accommodating alt-media.

        1. Sorry to hear about your arthritis, Stone!. And yes, my early stage arthritis also began within the last couple of years! It was not lost on me, as I wrote about Hoka sneakers in what sounded like an advertisement for expensive shoes (as I am normally thrifty), that arthritis is an auto-immune disorder. The immune system is the main function that the bioweapons have affected (with those that succumbed to the pressure and took them, and those that were shedded on, i.e., pretty much all of us). It’s going to be imperative that we support our immune systems as much as possible. Although that is no easy task in an increasingly toxic world…BTW, I understand tumeric is good for inflammation, and was going to try that in a capsule form, as it seems harmless enough. Have you tried that?

          1. I take upwards of 2 grams of curcumin a day. Four 500mg capsules of the extract form from Swanson vitamins. They are so cheap!

        2. Stone, I am sorry to hear about your recent arthritis. I hope you keep it under control and it goes into remission. I had sarcoid disease which required taking a steroid with serious side effects. I blame the sarcoid disease on the flu shots I used to take as I was diagnosed with it 8 years ago while I was doing the flu shots. I noticed since I took curcumin my sarcoid disease went away. Since I have given up the flu shots, I have less and milder colds and less allergies.
          I see confirmation that shedding must be real. That said we need to defend our bodies with supplements and healthy habits. We are still better off than those fools who took the covid vaccines.

  12. GameStop At-the-Market Stock Sale Generates $933.4 Million in Gross Proceeds

    04:23 PM EDT, 05/24/2024 (MT Newswires) — GameStop (GME) was surging in extended activity late Friday, with shares climbing almost 22%, after saying it completed an offering of 45 million shares priced at-the-market and generating $933.4 million in gross proceeds, indicating an average price of around $20.74 a share.

    After paying underwriter commissions and other offering expenses, the retail chain plans to use the net proceeds for general corporate purposes, including potential acquisitions and investments, it said.

    Price: 22.87, Change: +3.87, Percent Change: +20.37

    1. Indeed. QE could have lasted indefinitely, it could have lasted as long as the authorities wanted. The treasury could have spent whatever it wanted to spend and the treasury securities and any increase in M2 could have been sterilized. If we look at Price inflation last decade, this is testament to the power of QE.

      As soon as all of that covid stimulus ended up in people’s bank accounts, the mechanisms that held QE together started to unglue. We observed at least 4 years ago when the check started hitting people’s accounts what the end result would be. It’s sad, but it wasn’t done from stupidity. There were reasons and we theorized what they were. We’re currently seeing the results in real time.

      The ultimate outcome of the series of these fiscal and monetary “mistakes” is that confidence in the entire monetary system continues to be undermined. We do see the velocity of money increasing as people are deciding to spend it more quickly. This loss of confidence in the fiat monetary system and the QE concept, as well as the central bank’s inability to sterilize the additional money that has been generated from all this government deficit spending is resulting in a more rapid money supply turnover.

      It’s really a straightforward process and there’s nothing too complicated about it. Once this mechanism is set in motion, there is very little that can be done to stop it. There is definitely a centralized locus of power and a malice aforethought (i.e. premeditation) engineering it all.

  13. Good numbers this morning….

    Core Durable Goods Orders (MoM) (Apr)
    Act: 0.4% Cons: 0.1% Prev: 0.2%

    Durable Goods Orders (MoM) (Apr)
    Act: 0.7% Cons: -0.9% Prev: 0.8%

    Durables Excluding Defense (MoM) (Apr)
    Act: 0.0% Cons: Prev: 1.2%

    Durables Excluding Transport (MoM)
    Act: 0.4% Cons: 0.1% Prev: 0.0%

    Goods Orders Non Defense Ex Air (MoM) (Apr)
    Act: 0.3% Cons: 0.1% Prev: -0.1%

  14. Just an FYI for any readers; Zack’s dropped ASYS, IMMR, SGRP to #2s from #1 this morning. Oh well…. I have a running position of ASYS left. May hold it.

  15. I have heard that there was a nationwide banking system collapse in Cuba. This is a communist country by the way. That said, their bank collapse was preplanned to usher in a central bank digital currency and to gauge the reaction of the people. The collapse could not have occurred due to bad investments as their banks should all be government owned. Check out this article:

    This could be coming to a theater near you. Keep some cash, gold, silver, guns, and ammo. Stock up on groceries.

  16. In early 2007, I gifted a one oz. US Gold Eagle to my friend for the birth of her boy. At the time it was worth about $650. Today is his 17th birthday and that same gold eagle is worth about $2,500 now. Gold is the gift that keeps on giving!

  17. ASYS is a new Zack’s #1 this morning. I picked up 1,000 shares at 5.38 at open. If it falls, I’ll pick up some more. It’s in a great sector and it is a small company. Given what we’ve seen with Nvidia I think this has a chance to move higher.

    1. I also purchased a few hundred shares of IMMR off of its Zach’s upgrade as well. I just added another 500 shares to my ASYS position.

        1. Although I sold it for a quick scalp and currently don’t own any, Zack’s still rates it a #1 and the chart looks good on the hourly. I love the low float and small market cap. Zack’s liked it because of its good earnings last week.

          If it falls anywhere near $2 a share I’m going to pick up a bunch. It’s still on my trading screen.

  18. I think the Covid Vaxxes are quietly working as expected. They have to make the resulting deaths slow and steady so nobody notices the connection between the vaccines and debilitating health issues. In addition, I think there are more deaths than are being publicly discussed and they are attributing them to other causes.

    Since the covid thing, I noticed that customer service has gotten slower, sloppier, and dumber. It seems people are getting dumber and foggier.

    1. Yes! Our 36 year old neighbor just died in her sleep. It was heart-wrenching. Accidents are up too – several family members have been hit.

      And…they’re chemtrailing us again heavily.

      Thanks for the analysis Stone – I didn’t know what to think of Dowd but I think he worked for Blackrock.

      1. A very good friend who is also a partner on a couple houses, and her husband are both in and out of the doctor’s and hospitals almost daily. Both previously very healthy. She got cancer a couple years ago and he now has persistent migraines. He had a nose operation as a result and don’t think it solved it. That was just a few months ago. My wife now has weird blood panels and failing kidneys. She’s several years younger. All had the injections. I begged them all not to get them. They smirked whenever I brought it up.

        1. I am truly sorry to hear about the failing health of your wife and friends. For me, friends are quite sick and extended family members dead from the bioweapon. Everyone I know has friends and/or family who have either died or gotten very ill from these “vaccines.” My husband now has very serious health issues from shedding, and my adult daughter is a ticking time bomb because, despite my begging, she took the poisons (and smirked).

          I read the Hunger Games series a while back. It seems now that this dystopian fiction was predictive programming. It’s also weird how many people can’t connect the dots, which is the most dystopian part of all this.

          I wanted to ask you about a point that Dowd made and you reiterated about money markets. In thinking about this, I need a bit of a primer on money markets, as I originally thought they were pretty much all the same. What are your thoughts on having your money in the Vanguard money market fund. Is it “safe” there? I figured Vanguard is too big to fail…. I got the sense from Dowd and you that specifically a government securities money market fund is superior. Thoughts?

          1. Indeed, the world has become nothing but a Hunger Games metaphor. It is predictive programming and this stuff goes all the way back to the 50s and 60s, which includes one of my favorite movies, Soylent Green. Those who consume this programming are incapable of conflating it to the real world and figure they have nothing to worry about as long as they’re not scooping up humans in bulldozer backhoes or killing each other with arrows. They can continue to sleep on, but the subliminal and suggestive programming lingers in the mind and affects sleep and dreams. People make their decisions based on these subtle suggestions. They learn to be proud and boastful while their worlds slowly crumble around them. They live a YOLO life and have little regard for the future. All of the scripts for these movies come straight out of DARPA and the DoD in Arlington VA.

            As for money market funds, I would strongly suggest staying with US Treasury money market funds. They might yield several basis points lower than the money market funds loaded up with commercial paper, but I would not stretch for yield under the current circumstances. And if the federal government defaults on its paper, the last thing will be worrying about is the money in our money market funds. Stick with short-term paper, which means anything discounted par and dated less than a year.

      2. I’m not implying Dowd has any sinister motives, I only present the reader with what I can observe. Based on these observations I am concluding he is sincere.

  19. National Association of Realtors

    Existing-Home Sales Retreated 1.9% in April

    Key Highlights

    •Existing-home sales faded 1.9% in April to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.14 million. Sales also dipped 1.9% from one year ago.
    •The median existing-home sales price grew 5.7% from April 2023 to $407,600 – the tenth consecutive month of year-over-year price gains and the highest price ever for the month of April.
    •The inventory of unsold existing homes climbed 9% from one month ago to 1.21 million at the end of April, or the equivalent of 3.5 months’ supply at the current monthly sales pace.


  20. MW Moderna, CureVac, other vaccine stocks jump as new human bird-flu cases reported in U.S., Australia

    05/22/24 3:47 PM Dow Jones Newswire WSJ

    Stock gains are an ‘overreaction’ to avian-flu news, analysts say

    Vaccine-related stocks moved sharply higher Wednesday as new human bird-flu cases were reported in the U.S. and Australia.

    CureVac N.V. shares (CVAC) were up 25% Wednesday, while Moderna Inc. stock (MRNA) gained 14% and BioNTech SE’s American depositary receipts (BNTX) were up more than 10%.

    A new human case of bird flu has been identified in a Michigan dairy-farm worker, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday. This is the second U.S. human bird-flu case this year. Similar to the case earlier reported in Texas, the patient only reported eye symptoms, the CDC said.

    The Michigan case comes on top of Australia’s first human case of H5N1 bird flu, reported Tuesday by the health department in the southeastern state of Victoria. The case was in a child who picked up the infection in India and was sick in March but has since made a full recovery, the health department said.

    There is no evidence of human transmission in Victoria, the health department noted, adding that the chance of additional human cases is “very low” because the virus does not easily spread between people.

    The risk to the general public remains low, according to the CDC, but the agency is keeping close watch on the situation and working with states to monitor people exposed to animals. At least nine U.S. states have confirmed bird- flu cases in livestock, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    As part of an ongoing pandemic flu-vaccine trial, Moderna is testing vaccines for H5 influenza – part of the same group as the viruses currently causing outbreaks, a spokesperson told MarketWatch.

    CureVac, meanwhile, recently launched a new phase 1/2 avian-flu vaccine study with GSK PLC, Chief Executive Alexander Zehnder said on the company’s earnings call in April. GSK’s American depositary receipts (GSK) were up 2.4% Wednesday afternoon.

    Both the CureVac and Moderna bird-flu vaccine efforts remain in relatively early stages, Leerink Partners analyst said in a note Wednesday. The day’s stock moves are “likely an overreaction to headlines,” the analysts wrote, “similar to trading around novel subtype emergence with COVID-19.”

    Other vaccine-related stocks moving higher Wednesday included Novavax Inc. (NVAX), up 5%, and Pfizer Inc. (PFE), up 3%.

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